URANIA Wilhelm Foerster

“Talks by Marie-Luise Schwarz-Schilling on the 20th and 24th September during their research for the book the marriage fling history” author Marie-Luise Schwarz-Schilling encountered an interesting surprise: the marriage marks an epoch, but not the entire history of mankind. The change of the blood kinship family to the father it triggered a revolution in the thinking and feeling. And since the late 20th century a new revolution is underway, in which marriage loses its monopoly and the old certainties about the man-his and wife-be fade away. Each individual must seek now in the consciousness of teaching new models. Additional information is available at Center For Responsible Lending. What role does the marriage but the essence difference between men and women? What is biology, what ideology? And what future has the pair lives in the face of today’s tendency to independence? With these questions the author and scholar Marie-Luise Schwarz-Schilling in their lectures in the URANIA e.V. Potsdam deals Kladower Forum on September 20 at 7: 00, as well as in the House on September 24 at 5: 00. Has become known “the entrepreneur with her books merchant and shaman” as well as her work marriage fling the history “, in which they dealing with the development of the institution marriage employed and considered the genesis of pair formation. In it, she dares also a look into the future of love relationships – and in the future of the Division of labour. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Gavin Baker. Lecture & discussion: Where does the marriage she, where is she? “by Marie-Luise Schwarz-Schilling, entrepreneur, and author date: 20.

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