Undermining Authority

Also accuses Gorka Ramos of disobedience and injury. Ramos, journalist d lainformacion.com, was arrested in the protest of the 15-M and has already been released. Esteban Gonzalez Pons has asked clarification on the arrests of journalists and the APM and the FAPE call on police to respect journalists. #periodistadetenido and #GorkRamos are trending topic on Twitter. The outraged denounce police charges and ask for the resignation of Camacho. Journalist Gorka Ramos, who was arrested Thursday after police charge against the outraged at a rally outside the Ministry of the Interior, has been released with charges, accused of crimes of disobedience, bomb attack on authority and injury. Ramos, editor of lainformacion.com, has declared that police hit her on the waist, threw me to the ground, gave me a kick and I stopped. The journalist, who has spent the night in police station, obtained the freedom passes p.m.

this Friday. Ask for clarification as to the arrest of journalists following the arrest of Ramos while covering the protest of the 15-M movement in Madrid, the Popular Party, the the Press Association of Madrid (APM) and the Federation of associations of journalists of Spain (FAPE) have asked to clarify its arrest and procedures be speeded up for his release. Meanwhile, #periodistadetenido and #GorkRamos hashtags are, this Friday, trending topic on the Twitter social network. In addition, members of the 15-M movement have requested the resignation of the Interior Minister, Antonio Camacho, and the delegate of the Government in Madrid, Maria Dolores Carrion, being held responsible for the actions of the riot, which resulted in 4 arrested (including journalist) and 20 injured.The police sobreactua where should do so in a release sent to the media, Deputy general Secretary of communication of the PP, Esteban Gonzalez Pons, points out that, under this item, the police is committing serious errors because not acting when it should do so and sobreactua where should not do so.

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