Third Age

I never was popular nor never I had millions of good-looking to my feet, even because I am fit in the standard of beauty below of the average and I do not have car with particular driver pra to take me fifth o shopping, sunday the parents. This left never me frustrate. But if it has a thing it impresses that me is the success that I make with the velharada one. I do not know if old the things were very different, if depraved disfaradas sung compliments and were more usual and better received or if they are all a flock of old. What I know is that it does not have one I sing that I go where has some old stranger who comes to speak with me, that he does not free a compliment or worse: one sung supimpa well.

Ah, but the old ones are all thus. For more information see this site: Boy Scouts of America. Not accurately. One of those slow creatures, weak and rheumatic already was one 10 minutes in the bus holding in my waist alleging that pra did not obtain to raise the arm to hold clearly in porra of the chair but in my waist that it obtained. – I can hold in you? I do not reach there on. – Clearly. (*** is f the face to be educated with strangers) -; D * I go to go down in next the stop one and to catch another one nibus*A my luck was that it went down soon. It knows those old sluggish ones that says that they cannot walk very, they wait stocking hour for a bus, go up 3 steps of it as if it was more easy than to walk and goes down a stop later? This age one of these.

It found little? Still it finds that this was an isolated case? There another one goes. I was coming back pra bus house one more time, when the unfortunate person stops in an avenue and enters one 50 people of a time alone. I, seated in one of those chairs destined to the aged ones (do not know why the chairs highest are for the aged ones, if they have that to go up a step to seat in them. She would not be more easy to seat in the low chairs) one velhinha enters and is holding in the support of my chair roando in me. Malandro that I am: – Lady, wants to seat? Offering the chair for the old one. – Very obliged my son. With that one sorrisinho of who earned in the lottery. Yes, I offer the chair in case that somebody is in foot, for more strange than this is in the days of today. I do not make this for education, not because I feel well, but because I know that in the deep that one galera that she is in foot intensely xingando to this for not offering me my comfortable and hygienical chair. as they must know, if is pra to xingar, is to raise better me! Here it is that I listen: – It wants to seat? Giving one tapinha in the col with one sorrisinho depraved in the face. – Not, I go down in the next one! Not, I did not go to go down in the next one!

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