The Word

Each one can invent every word because invent is to discover; but each one can invent, in the silly sense of invention from the age of Pericles rescued and regenerated by the creationist notion, and not only to recreate each word but create it; We are creators and cocreadores and there are manors of the word and not all have the same word even though it may seem so and some turn them beasts and much more and others prefer to be in the shadow of the ghosts ballenisticos of words poetry should be made by all and she is the foundation of the be by the word and even trampoline effective the INFRA and the SUPRASER all that silence and has been falsified and usurped makes a lot and cursed alphabetic labyrinth not out despising the words or making them useful tools and even the navigations in the imminence of the silence is, conditioned by the resolution alphabet can be a great illusion hallucinate silence and believe that there is something more than words because out of the perception (which is nothing more than Word as own silence) not There is nothing not to exhaust all the extents of this can be a great escape for more acrobatics and gymnastics of the Kingdom of the silencioque experiment created Word is reinsurance and redemption do ape postulating the pure experience by making the angel ends up doing the beast also know that only in our ANGELIC or animals means we can be beyond words, but we also know that the only thing specifically human is the word that is not anything other than the PARABLE. because she, the Word as metaphor is the only one that ensures real HUMOR, first step of the human middle and its truths has already been fully domesticated and adulterated and their alleged reprsentantes already are past the suspicion of automatic fit with Western materialism that prestige now his contempt for words and the asumicion of our inevitable instinct of theatricality and its heretical idolatry by the action and experience with the monkeys of LAO TZE and abuse of an adulterated popularization of the taste of the tasawuff by analogy with what already advertian the FAITHFUL’s love of the Court of FEDERICO II pioneers that when something is used much and by many not only already is spent and is fish rotted away but it is the touchstone in relation with the parody contrainiciatica we should put on the scale that has so many LAO TZE postulating the wisdom of which is silent and so many laconic austere logos history of the awakening of the teacher TA KUAN a day the Master Ta Kuan heard a disciple reading of CHANG CHUE gatha on the Awakening: () stop the twisted thinking worse evil and find the absolute is wrong also (1) TA KUAN replied:-they are wrong and they should say: stop the twisted thinking avoids the maly seeking the absolute is good. . .

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