The Species

Thus &#039 affirms Compagnon; ' the main problem is with the reader, to who she is necessary to teach to read more carefully, to surpass its individual and cultural limitations, to respect the freedom and the autonomy of obra' ' (2003, P. 144). We know that all text, either literary it or not, is deriving of another one, either directly or indirectly. Any text that if relates the boarded subjects in other texts is intertextualizao example. At last, the work of the reading is a process in which the reader carries through its active construction of the meaning of the text, leaving of its objectives, its previous knowledge on the author, on determined words, historical and cultural context, enters too much factors referring to the text and its significaes. LITERAL PRODUCTION So that the reader finds and gives meanings to the text, is necessary that it knows that referring it can not be clearly express. Therefore, it needs to know that it brings an enormous repertoire of texts in its memory, even so does not have clarity and conscience of this fact, will help that it to mount the species of this game of the reading.

She is necessary to show to it that, in this moment, all enters its experience and experience for the recovery of the meanings of the text that will be more intense how much bigger will be its capacity of insertion in this process. The election of texts must consider everything what literature accumulated throughout its history that constitutes the cultural production of the humanity. Since the known sorts more until the prosaicas lingusticas manifestations, a varied gamma of texts must be offered the reader, throughout its life: narrative, descriptions, dissertativos, poetical, journalistic, not-verbal advertising executives, instrucionais, enciclopdicos and, since way it will work production inspired and contextualizada by previous and based readings in other thinkers.

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