Technology Journal

Prior to each graduate student is the publication of their research results in scientific journals subject. For dissertations to be published several scientific articles, at least one of them – in the journal of WAC list. Other articles are usually published in collections of materials of scientific conferences or university bulletin. But sometimes it is an urgent need to publish a particular article. In this situation the best solution – contact peer-reviewed scientific journal of charge. It is important to note that the journal should be thematic, rather than publishing everything, in all branches of science. This is important because in the case logs will be mandatory professional editorial board. For example, if you need a publication on pedagogy, it is better to send an article in the journal "Educational Technology" published by the Voronezh State Pedagogical University. If you want to publish an article on the economic, sociological and legal topics, you'll like the magazine, "Economics, sociology and law." Do not recommend to publish articles in journals of dubious offering services by publishing articles and economists, and mathematicians and physicists in the same room. Better to spend time and find a thematic publication, whose name in the list of published works will not make you blush.

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