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Liberation Day

Account Victor. E. Frankl, in man’s search for sense, leaving the concentration camp in Auschwitz, most suffered a kind of accelerated decompression as the aeroembolism suffering from climbing too fast a camera of submersion. Many acknowledged in private that had lost the ability to rejoice and they had to learn it if they wanted to survive the tragedy. They suffered a kind of depersonalization, everything seemed unreal, unlikely, not durable, what had no right, as in a dream. While the body, which has fewer inhibitions than the mind, adapted quickly and many went to eat and drink coffee voraciously, even in the middle of the night. They got up, ate and were vomiting. The language would let them and they were able to talk for hours and hours, they felt the overwhelming need to talk, to not fall asleep.

Did not support the silence that had many wondering about the meaning of suffering, above all, the known free while many others had perished in that hell. But the terrible thing was to prove no one expected some. We did not expect to find happiness but were not prepared for the unhappiness, and especially to hear from their fellow citizens do not knew nothing. I am sorry. Here we also suffer.

The bitterness and disillusionment turned out to be a very hard to cope with experience, and many succumbed to the inability to reintegrate in a former life that no longer existed as they had known, or in which felt strange. Many suffered loneliness, and others were left to die in a world in which were not meaning to the suffering of so many millions of beings. The number of discrete suicides or by throwing himself from a balcony, was great. Which is better adapted to the new situation were the guardians of the fields as the Liberation Day, already offered cigarettes and smiled dresses of civilians.

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