Tag Archive: went for online donation votes hunting clubs

Viktoria Altenmittlau

VR Bank grants donations via Facebook 7,500 euro for regional clubs for four weeks 65 clubs from the business area of the VR Bank main Kinzig-Budingen EC on Facebook fought votes. The winners of the second VR VereinsVotings are now. The VR Bank had regional associations, which together achieve more in their funding program”take part, called upon to present on Facebook and then to go on hunting for votes. The clubs with the most votes received donations worth a total of 7,500 euros. That small clubs can move large, the animal protection Association demonstrated velvet paws Nidda.

As an association with the fewest members in the category of charitable institutions/organizations garnered the most votes the Velvet paws and now received the advertised donation worth 1,000 euros. Klaus Heilmann and Mark Langlitz Bank main Kinzig Budingen EC congratulated the Club personally, and handed over the symbolic cheque to Sylvia Wittmer and Janina Grauling. Two ended up ranked in this category the volunteer fire brigade of Barg, the Forderverein of Kita IMP Valley and the volunteer fire brigade of Ortenberg Bergheim on place three and four behind left. The category of cultural associations was highly competitive, here the music club Viktoria Altenmittlau had the nose in the head-to-head with the mixed choir of Barg at the end of the front. The men’s singing club harmony Bernbach was delighted with the third and the theatre company the mill spirits Hirzenhain about fourth place. Among the sports clubs, the KSG Ober-seemen prevailed. A good result achieved also the SG Hesseldorf hamlet new village with the second place. Three finished the SG Altenhasslau/Eid buttocks and the fourth place of the SV Bushido Erlensee.

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