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Caracas Presidents

Great efforts are made to bring together the Presidents at a Summit front as it should be the great challenges faced by many countries economic scenarios, uncertainty in financial systems, crisis in topics as hunger, poverty, youth, education, health among others. The hope that countries who attend it, will provide workarounds that favour you in know these challenges, generating proposals, actions on the basis of objective analysis of the situation, without political, ideological passion settles the fact, that from the first day as says Ricardo Ribera, was of bad omens. Only slightly more than half of the Presidents convened reached timely appointment. Twenty-two are participating countries, three European (countries Spain, Portugal and Andorra) and the other nineteen Latin American. It was called 18th Summit Ibero-American heads of State and Government. But this Wednesday did not honour his name.

The day of the inauguration were missing nine Presidents. The thing started on the wrong foot. Hugo Chavez monopolized both once again the news. Even absent stole the media show in the early hours. Until well into the early morning was speculated with the possibility that finally appeared. This was announced by radio. But not. The plane from Caracas only the Bolivian fell Evo Morales, who came to meet with the President of Venezuela.

This had previously visited Rafael Correa in Ecuador. The positions of the countries in the wake of the socialism of the 21st century came already agreed. His voice would be heard. Even without Chavez. In no previous Summit says Ribera, they were delegations of as low level as that Venezuela and Cuba sent this time to quote from San Salvador. It was not coincidence. In politics it is nothing. Certainly, such as Luis Fernando Valero says despite efforts not achieved a United voice in the San Salvador meeting. Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Cuba believe that capitalism has died at all and is necessary to inaugurate the stage of socialism, in Cuban version but with the new Bolivarian stew.

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