Tag Archive: research

Technology Journal

Prior to each graduate student is the publication of their research results in scientific journals subject. For dissertations to be published several scientific articles, at least one of them – in the journal of WAC list. Other articles are usually published in collections of materials of scientific conferences or university bulletin. But sometimes it is an urgent need to publish a particular article. In this situation the best solution – contact peer-reviewed scientific journal of charge. It is important to note that the journal should be thematic, rather than publishing everything, in all branches of science. This is important because in the case logs will be mandatory professional editorial board. For example, if you need a publication on pedagogy, it is better to send an article in the journal "Educational Technology" published by the Voronezh State Pedagogical University. If you want to publish an article on the economic, sociological and legal topics, you'll like the magazine, "Economics, sociology and law." Do not recommend to publish articles in journals of dubious offering services by publishing articles and economists, and mathematicians and physicists in the same room. Better to spend time and find a thematic publication, whose name in the list of published works will not make you blush.

Blacksmith Institute

Review article Faster! Higher! Stronger! … And greener Browse news for the week. Environmentalists 'adjust' the Olympic facilities in Sochi. Rosprirodnadzor: checks and penalties, comments, and personnel changes. The cataclysms of nature: earthquakes, floods, tornadoes. Again plastic: plastic rubbish – a global problem of mankind. Abnormal heat: earlier than usual in Russia, wake up hedgehogs and bears. In Russia, celebrated the Day of Russian science.

Review from 04/02/2008 to 10/02/2008. A short overview of the major environmental news for the week. The General Assembly will discuss the UN role in the fight against climate change, on 11-12 February at the UN headquarters in New York held a thematic debate of the General Assembly 'Tackling climate change: actions by the United Nations and the international community. " It is the first step in promoting the objectives set at the UN Conference on Climate Change … —- Ten places on earth incompatible with life on this planet a lot of interesting and attractive places that many people want to visit. However, there is also the place from which it is better to stay away.

They should be avoided, not because there is nothing interesting, but stay because there could be life threatening. American ekologicheskym fund Blacksmith Institute has compiled a list of ten of these places … —- Many of the tools to care for infants contain potentially dangerous chemicals, Scientists have discovered body lotion, baby shampoo and powder can be hazardous to children's health because they contain harmful chemicals group called phthalates, chemists warn doctors and the University of Washington Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh … —- The list of the most environmentally fragile regions scientists have compiled a list of regions where global warming is likely in the near future may lead to irreversible consequences, according to Potsdam Institute for human influence on climate, with reference to an article in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences … —- Problems solved global warming, but quite expensive Climate Change on which is so much talk in recent times, there is not only due to natural internal processes. A great influence also have external effects such as changes in Earth's orbit, solar activity and volcanic eruptions. However, the most serious consequences is the so-called greenhouse effect, which is a consequence of entering into the atmosphere, which amount to 22 billion tons per year … The full texts of these and other News you can get on ECOportal.ru and mailing in this release: 285 issue a weekly mailing of environmental ECOportal.ru ECOportal.ru tags: ECOportal.ru, environment, news, newsletter

Researcher Michael Hutchinson

In this theory, I regard it as a basis the existence of entire human civilization is a resonance phenomenon of the frequency of radiation of man, society and the frequency of pulsations of the earth. I believe that the frequency of the radiation of the Earth, including the frequency of the Schumann and 7.8 Hz to maintain chastotnosostavlyayuschuyu healthy person. Standard frequency pulsations of the Earth or Schumann frequency 7.8 Hz and all other frequency ripple is optimal, pre-set and coded in the frequency radiations basis life on our planet. But it is quite possible that, ideally, the standard rate of the Earth must be 7 Hz. Researcher Michael Hutchinson called the frequency of 7.83 Hz electromagnetic matrix of all life on this planet and the main frequency, which was developed and passed life. These life-giving the frequency fluctuations of the Earth, according to many experts, is uneven throughout the day and may be the most active in the atmosphere at sunrise. In radio there is such a thing as a carrier frequency – is the main source of radio frequency of any / radio, radios, radars …/. By law, Radio receiver tuned to the carrier frequency of the transmitting station and then at the moment resonance we can get the most powerful and high-quality signal. In addition to the carrier frequency of any radio transmitting device emits a frequency side and also low power or harmonics. As far as I know, radio engineers in well-known wiring diagrams low frequency side is used for any purpose and believe that the lateral frequency or harmonics interfere with the body and the near stations and try to suppress them.

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