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International Education Foundation Ability

The 10 principles of spiritual intelligence source: Ramon Gallegos Nava (2006) spiritual intelligence. (p.68) International Education Foundation holistic, Guadalajara. Is spiritual intelligence, capacity to transcendence, ability to do everyday things with a sense of the sacred, using spiritual resources in practical problems, ability to act with virtuous conduct based on gratitude, patience, humility, compassion, wisdom and universal love. Spiritual intelligence is the universal consciousness, consciousness of humanity and fraternity between all beings, marvel at the kosmos, meaning mystical, capacity availability to listen to and understand others. It is the last path of direct knowledge of the eye of the spirit knowing the past meanings. For assistance, try visiting Kidney Foundation.

It is intelligence that leads us to the whole and gives us our moral integrity. It is intelligence that allows us to be happy regardless of the circumstances, whether they are favorable or unfavorable. The source of happiness comes from within, springs from our true nature (Gallegos 2005, pp. 50-51) (Figure 2). Features of spiritual intelligence capacity be happy despite circumstance capacity of inner peace and equanimity capacity of universal love ability to live to serve ability to face and overcome the suffering capacity to be independent and autonomous capacity to solve problems of meanings and values ethical conduct ability to focus capacity in the because things judgment ability to live in a wider context of meanings ability to learn to be the entire figure 2 holistic integration capability.

Characteristics of spiritual intelligence source: Ramon Gallegos Nava (2006) spiritual intelligence. (p.55) International Education Foundation holistic, Guadalajara. Model intelligence holistic spiritual El Dr. Ramon Gallegos (2005, 2006) offers us a model of spiritual intelligence that allows, for the first time, build a comprehensive model of all intelligences on the basis of three hierarchical levels (Figure 3) where considers both dimensions and levels, leaving see that spiritual intelligence is the intelligence greater and more inclusive.

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