Starting Point For Fair Way:

New training programme for school classes taught children self-respect and social Feldberg Altglashutten, July 15, 2011: most are in the 21st century is not easy: many children and young people experience their childhood as difficult or even fear-filled. The result is that they show often early social behavior uncertainties, which may cause conflicts in the school in the form of aggression, bullying, and violence or but at home in the family. There are innovative concepts who promote the social relations of children and use their potential. “Children and adolescents have a low self-esteem or lack of social skills often. This needs the company of tomorrow strong children”explains Sabine Barczik, project manager. She has now launched the new project “fair way” given. This is a special, six-day training program for school classes of all schools up to the 9th grade, which is “Social learning” in the Center. In the House “Sonnenhang” in the Black Forest Children and young people acquire Spa Feldberg Altglashutten action-oriented, problem-solving skills, which allow them to himself and the other open, fair and constructive manner.

The project “fair way” she supported in this way here to sharpen the perception of their own, to question views and to address them consistently. It comes to give the child the necessary social skills, social conflicts and to solve it in a fair way without violence”, Sabine Barczik performs. This is “fair way” the impetus for a lifelong learning process. The project was developed in collaboration with experts. The Spa is vehicle + Reha GmbH.

More information to “fair way” find parents, teachers and schools under or can telephone under 0761 / 453 90-27 and be requested via E-mail at. About the House “Sonnenhang” in Feldberg Altglashutten House “Sonnenhang” in Feldberg Altglashutten, a Programmhaus is specially designed for School classes. It belongs to the Spa + Reha GmbH in Freiburg im Breisgau; a nonprofit subsidiary of the joint Welfare Association, National Association of Baden-Wurttemberg. Nationwide six mother-child clinics, a clinic for family rehabilitation, as well as a hospital for Psychosomatic Medicine and psychotherapy count to their Federation.

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