Spanish Association

With these words, he wanted to calm to the bank before the increasing social demand of which the delivery of the building settles the debt. The employer’s association of the sector, the Spanish Association of Bank, even got to go to economic vice-president Elena Salgado in a letter (PDF) in which noticed to him that a measurement of this type would entail a restriction of the credit. But while they follow movement in favor of this measurement with supports like the one of the judges of mercantile right. In the pre-campaign and the electoral campaign also it has left the question: lehendakari Basque Patxi Lopez (PSOE) has spoken of the possibility of limiting the responsibility of the indebted one, although also rrido to the risks of these measures is had; on the other hand, the Madrilenian president Esperanza Aguirre (PP) has gone being further on in favor of dacin in payment for new mortgages. But the organizations follow closed in band to tackle the question, as it recently showed the Caixa, whose president, Isidro Fain, said that the banks and boxes always reach agreements with the clients who cannot pay their mortgage. It is what, according to it has published Five Days, would be making the banks when allowing to the foreigners who cancel the debt with the delivery of the house. That is to say: allowing dacin them in payment. It is not to be strange: many directors of office already have been to the other side of their table a person who gives the keys to him of her house immediately before taking of an airplane towards its country and they prefer to accept that before to maintain a debt of almost impossible collection and to extend the procedure. And it is that beyond the recent sentences that are affecting the clauses ground – that determine a minimum interest to the loans to variable interest, is the survival of the debt the central axis of the hypothecating debate: that if the proprietor cannot pay, the building is obstructed and the pending debt of payment survives. In order to settle it, the house with a price of exit inferior to the one is auctioned of the appraisal.

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