Seduction Events

As already we had said the seductive search success in that it desires, we also know that we are born with dom to seduce the people, therefore is important to know techniques of seduction for a good purchase or sales. But as to learn these techniques? First we need to understand as the people think. All person has a particular and individual perception of that its return happens, this means that each person has its impression of the world to its way, of particular and independent form, however everybody follows a standard of thoughts to carry through comparisons of the information that receive with that they already know, that is, each person has in its mental map a memorized event that it backwards good sensations and other events that it backwards sensations not so good. Knowing of this we can affirm that when we interact with a person and in the perception of it in them we incase in souvenirs of good mental events well we are received by it in relation our ideas and can start to have to be able of full persuasion if we perceive the mental state of the person and its emotions in which it can be demonstrated by gestures, way to speak, to look at, to touch, to smile or to breathe, as well as are clearly can pass to be compared with contrary events with the good ones, thus in such a way will not have good reception of this person. Each event known in the memory of a person is stored in one place that we go to call ' ' room of arquivos' ' where in this ' ' room of arquivos' ' they are stored separate events for sensations, either these good or bad ones where we go to call this subdivision ' ' room of arquivos' ' of ' ' pastas' ' finally the good mental events will be called ' ' arquivo' ' the bad ones also. .

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