Your Workmanship
Your workmanship you will be tired. If you will be, disoriented. If you will be, weak. This is your workmanship To lead to others, your experience, and your orientation, Your spirit, and your force. Your workmanship is to scatter and to transmit, to lead. To all the espritos, all the needed brothers, To transform pain into pardon, the tear in knowledge, the hatred in love. Yours and our workmanship Reaches a gamma of referred to knowledge Singelos and inherent. Your workmanship Our workmanship It is to give to relief pain.
It is to give light to the blackout. It is to give to the tears a smile. It is to give the hurt to the pardon. Your workmanship is to lead and so only to transmit to all, the immense one, tenuous and singela of all the feelings the referred to transformed love stoned of any resqucio land. The pure love, the love without waiting something in exchange, the celestial love. Our workmanship tranferred in form of words, acts and premises here singela and more pure. This workmanship that for us seen as a pack, an immense pain and lamentations is so only the love we and our father and to our brothers who not yet know evangelho, the moral perfectioning, placid and loving learning stops with us.
Your workmanship Your so incessant fight remains in the infatigvel direction of the good, of the learning of the wisdom. Your workmanship is only to take your inspiration the peace and love and to scatter in our next one. Your workmanship is only to take the light and your knowledge to scatter to all your return. God our father guides and illuminates so that through you my brother, many can come to share of this sublime love and latejante knowledge. Of this unfastened love, simply to love for loving, praying for our brothers who still meet its proper pains atrelados. That this tangent and wisdom can be taken as a light breeze and for all our shared brothers. That your so sublime workmanship, so unfastened of interests land can comfort you, to calm you it this still uneasy heart for the ingratides still lived deeply That your workmanship can still transpose the barriers for you sensible, that if spill this love this desire to share yours and our evolution. That god continues scattering in us these knowledge they are loving That god blesses you has guided you so that you can follow with your workmanship. If strong in the weakness. Because when we are weak, in them we become forts and has led Helps Raises Of peace Light Humildade Charity Love to all the who Gods you trusted. How thus either!