Enhancing one’s health through research

Berlin Fairgrounds

YOU relies on energy-saving lighting / climate seeks protection is looking for climate-friendly trade show booth target: reduce CO2 emissions and visitors and exhibitors for climate awareness Berlin, June 5, 2012. More than 100,000 visitors are expected from June 8 to 10 June 2012 at the youth fair YOU at the Berlin Fairgrounds. “Make air gently to during these three days, Messe Berlin has backed the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment climate seeks protection” (www.klima-sucht-schutz.de) in the run-up to climate protection measures taken: waste Islands allow the separation of waste during the fair, bicycle stand before the Berlin exhibition grounds facilitate climate-friendly travel. With our 2010 launched initiative save YOUr planet”we young people for climate change awareness and show them can be active like them. Often small steps for a healthy co-existence can cause a large contribution to the sustainability”, says Daniel Babe, project manager of YOU.

Good example is the YOU on the subject of lighting. We have equipped first buildings with energy-saving T5 fluorescent lamps, which can be individually switched and dimmed if necessary. In this way, you can significantly reduce energy consumption”, so babe continue. “Exhibitor competition: climate friendly ster booth wanted to animate also the exhibitors to climate-friendly actions, seeks climate seeks protection” for the first time this year the climate-friendly booth YOU 2012 and it stands out. For the climate protection campaign has sent a questionnaire to exhibitors who captures their energy consumption and gives practical tips to save energy. With the competition, we would encourage exhibitors to staying fair to take into account the issue of climate protection. So can they reduce their CO2 footprint, for example, by climate-friendly make their move, use reusable booths and booth lighting LEDs or CFLs set”, says Steffi sour Ballesteros, project manager of the climate protection campaign. Climate change, the fun is: smarter Mullionar or tired rubbish muffle? The young visitors to information on climate protection and practical tips can look forward at the booth of the campaign climate seeks protection”.

North Rhine

“Campaign will be complemented with stoffunspezififischen motifs the poster series of the NRW land campaign addiction has a history of always” increase receives. There are four new posters available now. The current motifs are now no specific drug – like alcohol – in focus! Rather, they want the viewer /-in with clear, short statements or terms for this awareness that the prevention of a development in the everyday dealings with each other begins. “Terms like affection”, “Common time”, leave spaces”and listen” and matching unique images underline the importance of own behaviour towards children and young people, but also generally to his fellow men. Each situation shown on the posters is underlaid with a unique message, namely: that we all can contribute to promoting an addiction-free life in everyday life with in simple ways. The ginko are now the new posters on the site foundation for prevention to the download to the Available. Can also see all the posters in DIN sizes A2 and DIN A3 free of charge under material.aspx or directly via the order page of the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of health, emancipation, care and age (MGEPA) broschueren.nordrheinwestfalendirekt.de/broschuerenservice/mgepa) be ordered.

LaFee Christmas Fundraiser

Call to all her fans: brings gifts to the December shows! (thk) During their three December appearances in Oberhausen (11th), Wurzburg (12/12) and Bad Arolsen (13), LFee collects gifts for the German children’s aid! The great thing: Each concert-goers can contribute to the success of the action, taking it with a gift to the show! “Reason for the charitable idea: LFee, who shortly before the start of the mini Flash tour is 18 years old and be adopted with the birthday gigs from their childhood, want to love fest” do something for minors, which is not good. Consequently, she called on their fans to bring gifts for the needy to the guest appearances (with written notice for which age and gender!). The gifts are presented then collected the German children’s aid. This association is a national non-governmental organization (www.kinderhilfe.de), which promotes nationwide without government money aid projects and independent as the only genuine lobby for children position concerns and legislative procedure. Also Germany’s most successful singer their popularity committed in another field, that an optimal result is achieved when the whole: because toys “R” US donates extensive non-cash prizes worth a total of 1,000 euros, LFee is the branch of the chain in Essen on the December at approximately 3: 00 (Guild courtyard Center, Holle str. 3) visit and personally thank you for toy donations there giving autograph. Who the artist supported by 8th May 29, 2009 on the occasion of her new CD ring free”on a big tour of Germany is, know that he his part has helped, that it is for the needy, disabled, traumatized or autistic children at Christmas is this year: nice Christmas present! Reprint free of charge; BU: LFee and their fans help the German children.

LFee birthday “Tour 2008 support:”Before pointing children”11.12. Oberhausen, Turbine Hall (inlet: 17 h 00, start: 18 h 00) 12.12 Wurzburg, post Hall (admission: 17 h 30,)” Start: 18 h 30) 13.12 Bad Arolsen, Outback (intake: 18 h 00, start: 19 h 00) cards: 30.00 (plus fees) at the renowned sales outlets and at tour organizer: KBK concert and artist agency GmbH, Tel. 089.41 10 94-0 Internet: PR,, (fan page):, Tel. 0821.58 97 93 88/9

Each Sport Brings Assistance

Every help counts: sport minutes convert Kassel in donations, August 24, 2010–the emergency in Pakistan is great after the flood. Several thousand people have died already killed tens of thousands of the outside world cut off and left homeless, many of them children. To help the victims of the flood in Pakistan, real time sports community Sportics.NET as well as all interested members are traveling the 28.08. and August 29, 2010, what keeps this stuff. The charity campaign sport against flood”participants hold their sporting minutes into the online fitness diary and then convert it into a donation. Sportics recommends 10 euros per hour to achieve the minimum target of 1,000 euros. All donations are voluntary and without sports or sportics membership welcome.

For each active participant, a euro donates spor tics in advance. Donations processing itself runs the non-profit Internet platform betterplace.org, enabling people worldwide, to find support for an aid project. The money collected is used by betterplace in the selected project “Flood in Pakistan: help for children and families” redirected. SAVE THE CHILDREN is on the ground and wants to help in the reconstruction of the children and their families. More information and registration to the action sports against flood”: sportics.net/pakistan of sportics Sportics.NET was launched in May 2009 by Frank Knobloch in life and is headquartered in Kassel.

The sports platform combines the possibilities of modern networks and technologies in a meaningful and simple manner with the real sports world. By tracking, watching, planning, evaluating, comparing, exchanging, coaching and watching live sports to local competitions and training is intended to every need. Performance data of devices with unique real-time transmissions can be both after exercise, as well as during transfer. This track the users live via Web or mobile on your phone. The sporting performances are recorded in the net and available anytime and anywhere. If you have an iPhone, Windows Mobile or Android, which makes with the mobile Sportics.app from his phone a practical sport computer for traveling.

Wikipedia Fundraiser

Fundraiser for Wikipedia, Blogger support communication about fundraising the company Maastrek selection in favour of Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Bloggers have the opportunity to donate 10 euro automatically with a short post about the project on her blog, the Maastrek transfer for this on Wikipedia. For education and free knowledge – this motto is the donation action launched by the advertising material wholesaler Maastrek selection for wikipedia.de. Since the 18.11 bloggers have the possibility of using a contribution of the project to promote the free encyclopedia: every writer who reported on his blog about the fundraiser, is equivalent to 10,-euro, the Maastrek selection automatically donates to Wikipedia. Wikipedia, with more than 200 million readers, at least once a month calling the homepage, one of the ten most popular sites at all, is to maintain business operations (deployment of servers, development of software and others) on donations assigned to. Nearly 300,000 pending and a variety of unknown users have participated so far interactive offer. Regularly more than 7000 authors working alone on the German edition.

Maastrek selection to support this unique idea and hopes to be able to animate many bloggers to join in on the paths of the fundraiser. Maastrek selection, Dipl. des. D. MAZLAN E.k.. promotional products – merchandising & trade at airfield 17 D-31137 Hildesheim Tel. + 49 (0) 5121-69707-0 Web:

Changing The Slogan

Changing the slogan I would propose a change to Wikipedia: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can . What do you think Dalton2 (talk) 10:27 July 28, 2008 (UTC) A good idea for it is more inclusive. In fact, in the same way that there is a page link in the “free-content encyclopedia” add internal link on the word “” to the page that explains how to or how to participate (I can not remember). – The (talk) 10:35 July 28, 2008 (UTC) No. It is less inclusive. In Spanish, the third person, referring to someone who is neither the sender nor the receiver has a tinge of impersonality which benefits its use for general references.In parallel, the underlying issuer of that message is not anyone in particular, as could be that we use, it is a corporate message that requires a formulation as impersonal as possible, be open to any reader, including those who do not even read the message, something that does not include such can and that, conversely, that may itself into account. – Camima (talk) 12:16 July 28, 2008 (UTC) According to the explanation of Camima, is less inclusive. Varano (Talk) 12:19 July 28, 2008 (UTC) I’ve convinced Camima.Dalton2 (talk) 13:19 July 28, 2008 (UTC) Well, I do not feel convinced, but hey, if you have to be business as usual it also seems wrong. It makes me doubt if what you “want” that is Wikipedia is an institution with impersonal formulations as possible, needing as it is (in my opinion, of course) the close involvement of particular individuals. Anyway, it said, I’m not convinced, but if you guess it should suffice.What about you to link to – The (talk) 17:45 July 28, 2008 (UTC) is that, frankly, if I enter for the first time on Wikipedia and read the free encyclopedia that anyone can , the first thing I would think would be: what do I have do to be part of that “all of us” that is present in can I mean, when you use the first person plural, it automatically creates a kind of publishing community seems to pre-exist to the reader who has just arrived. And, as you know, not so: the reader can get, and leave never to return without ever hearing a thing. Needless to say, this is quite a subtle language, no great importance. As for the link, it seems to me well. You should suggest, and the other too, in discussing the cover. – Camima (talk) 17:59 July 28, 2008 (UTC) anime, presents your proposal.Although I agree with one part of the reasons given by Camima, in the end prefer to “work.” To begin your quest in your name and mine, I’ll make a little political aide and I’ll give some weapons: Wikipedia is preferred in the treatment of all the pages you welcome, help, tutorials, etc. without even knowing in advance who it is for that text, and if the want to read it or not familiarly, the contention that this will create a more colloquial, which we maintain all users of Wikipedia. And I agree, and I presume good faith on the part of all and those who do not wish to be tuteados final consent to be, understanding that this familiarity is done with the utmost respect.Extrapolating the situation to the motto of Wikipedia, I think it would be consistent with that same spirit to replace “may” “can, since even those who read it has nothing to do with the Wikipedia community, presumably accept that the collective Wikipedia wants who is reading (or even who is not) to become or of Wikipedia, which happens even after one and only ion. Furthermore, analyzing the statement “the encyclopedia that anyone can “, we see that it is logically correct, since it is logically valid include those who do not read the text on the term “all”, and also logically valid to attribute a capacity to set: us them us, which means that they 0, ie that Wikipedia accepts each and every one of the world’s human beings as equals at the time of entry. Moreover, the use of “may” creates an impersonal air an entity’s own robotic and devoid of personality.It does not show the true human nature of Wikipedia, which, beyond an encyclopedia written from the sky, is a compendium of ideas of thousands of human beings, that we are ourselves. Dalton2 (talk) 7:41 July 30, 2008 (UTC) What makes you think that everyone will enter the No matter how inclusive it is, readers are not going to be inside. With the amount of things to do … Eric – July 30, 2008 7:56 Contact (UTC) But why do not you read the sentence correctly There is “free to all” but “the encyclopedia that anyone can .”

Unified Communications Manufacturer ESTOS WINS INNOVATIONSPREIS-IT 2010

The middleware ESTOS ECSTA for snom achieved the first place of Starnberg in the VoIP category, 11 March 2010 the initiative has awarded 2010 SME the INNOVATIONSPREIS-IT at this year’s CeBIT. The middleware ECSTA for snom by ESTOS is one of the best innovations of the year in the VoIP category. The product allows the PBX-independent use of TAPI-enabled applications (for example for unified communications and computer telephony integration) with the snom devices. Overall, the winner prevailed against around 2,000 competitors. With the IT INNOVATION Prize, the initiative promotes SME annual trend-setting products and solutions that give impetus to improve their competitiveness of medium-sized companies.

Already for the seventh time the ceremony took place, which was for the first time this year under the auspices of the Fraunhofer ICT group. ESTOS with the middleware ECSTA for snom is among the winners. The product provides the seamless use of all medium-sized enterprises TAPI-enabled focused independently by the respective PBX or the respective SIP provider (so-called telephone system in the network or IP Centrix model). Here, the snom CTI interface protocol is implemented in the Microsoft TAPI standard. Professional TAPI-based unified communications and computer telephony integration solutions can be so with the snom SIP devices. The product is available both as a standalone network variant. For the award, the ESTOS product was taken by an 80-strong jury with regard to the criteria of innovation, practical relevance and suitability for SMEs under the magnifying glass. Rainer Kolmel, Managing Director of the Initiative Mittelstand congratulates on the excellent result: congratulations to the entire team.

The ECSTA for snom has a special coup really ESTOS. We see ourselves as a bridge between the solution vendors and the company. To we advise in finding a suitable infrastructure to the page. The middleware ESTOS ECSTA is suitable due to the independence of the respective PBX infrastructure ideal for snom for the middle class. The product offers flexibility due to the usage possibilities in different TK scenarios that can represent both an in-house PBX and a provider model. Glad that our jury has recognised these benefits for the middle class.” The middleware ESTOS ECSTA for snom can be tested for 45 days free of charge and without registration. Downloads at. ESTOS since 1997 the ESTOS GmbH develops innovative standard software and is now a leading manufacturer of unified communications products. The CTI – and SIP-based solutions are used to optimize the workflow in communication-intense areas of business. Numerous strategic technology and sales partners in Europe and has today more than 200,000 customers benefit from the know-how of ESTOS. The independent producer is a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and has its headquarters in Starnberg near Munich. For more information see. Press contact ESTOS GmbH Hille Vogel of Inc. str. 3a 82319 Starnberg Tel.: + 49 8151 368 56 132 email:

How To Register Your Company In Moscow ?

Deciding to start their own business entrepreneurs are often faced with many different problems: excessive bureaucracy and abuse by government agencies, inadequate legislation, etc. 1. As a rule, most of the above trouble can be avoided by paying due attention to the preparation and execution of documents. 1.1. Development of the founding documents – one of the most important moments in the development of a company. Properly drawn up the founding documents of the company are the basis for further successful long-term work. Many use the standard statutory documents – and this is fundamentally wrong. Indeed, in its future business participants will be guided precisely Memorandum and Articles.

Inconsistency of documents with the existing legislation, inaccuracies, omissions or errors are often give rise to 'deadlock' situations in the relations between the parties, the recognition of transactions as invalid or even liquidation. Review of arbitration practice can be determined: if, after some time in the registration documents will show up the error, the registration will be invalidated and the legal person shall be canceled. As a result, responsibility for all activities of the organization since its inception will be borne by the founders. They no longer enjoy the right of limited liability: any action can be passed on to them completely. In addition, detailed study of the provisions of the management bodies of foundation and other internal documents is one way to protect against hostile takeovers, but it is the establishment of barriers against unauthorized seizure control. 1.2. Entrepreneurs who are already experiencing with the registration process Companies know how much time and nerves consuming process.

World Coordination Council

To his compatriots, sincerely loving and defending Russia's interests, the Russian Foreign Ministry is extremely negative, replacing the real work of the institution of 'compatriots' professional' do not wish to be interested in life in Russia nor in the post, not for money. Moreover, the Foreign Ministry officials did not stop any confusion, any conflicts or scandals splashed out in the information space. For example, on the internet for several months walking skankopiya passport of a Russian citizen , which had been Chairman of the World Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots, but senior officials, including Sergei Lavrov G. Karasin pretend that 'no notice' of this information, which completely discredits this international body, as a Russian citizen can not enter into its composition, nor even his head. However, careful 'not notice' of this and other Russian officials. In Kiev, June 17 during a meeting State Duma of the Russian Federation T. Moskalkova with representatives of Russian compatriots, chairman of the Russian community in Ukraine K.

Shurov, among others, and asked about Lobanov, asking to confirm or information that Lobanov is a Russian citizen, or disprove, but have not heard even promise an answer to your question though someday. Recognized as 'compatriot, the' mayor of Tallinn and the leader of Centrist Party in Estonia, E. Saviasaar publicly abandoned this 'voted', stating that he was 'not aware of the movement of Russian compatriots'!? And this despite the fact that just before the chairman Russia's State Duma Boris Gryzlov, after meeting with Saviasaarom said: "I believe that the activities of the Centre Party promotes the advancement of our fellow citizens and to improve relations between our two countries'?! Who is more 'is not quite aware of' the real state of things, it's hard to tell, but it quite clearly shows how the Russian government officials are trying to ardent manner wishful thinking.

Portuguese Language

According to SABANAI, (here. 2002), in 1856 was established 1 school for deaf people in Brazil, the Imperial Institute of the deaf people and dumbs (today National Institute of Education of Deaf people – INES), by a deaf professor come of France, Ernest Huet, where was assisted by the Emperor and a Commission Overseer created for it and commanded by Marquis d? Abrantes. As the author, already in 1986, the Language of Signals was defended by professionals in Brazil. In century XX, he had a great significance in the creation of schools for deaf people in everybody. Also in Brazil some justinian codes had appeared: Institute Terezinha Saint for deaf girls (SP), the School Concord (Porto Alegre? RS), the School of Deaf people of Victory, the Center of hearing and Language Ludovico Pavoni? CEAL/LP? in Brasilia-DF. These significant successions of changes had promoted for intermediary of Law N 10,436, of 24 of April of 2002, that it identifies the Brazilian Language of Signals as a used language for the Brazilian Deaf Community.

later in Brasilia, in day 22 of December of 2005 was signed the Decree of the Law of POUNDS N 5,626 of 22/12/2005 for President Mr. Luis Incio Lula da Silva and the Minister of the Education Mr. Fernando Haddad. That it determines in its chapter III, article 4 that ‘ ‘ The formation of professors for the education of Pounds in the final series of basic education, in average education and the superior education must be carried through in superior level, in course of graduation of full licenciatura in Letters: Pounds or in Letters: Pounds/Portuguese Language as second lngua’ ‘. (BRAZIL, 2005). As for the Portuguese language, according to FERNANDES (1990), the great majority of the deaf people, already escolarizadas, in such a way continues demonstrating difficulties in the levels fonolgico and morfossinttico, as in the semantic and pragmatic levels.

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