Enhancing one’s health through research

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Oulu University Hospital

Women are turning to in Vitro fertilization (IVF) with frozen embryos have lower incidence of preterm birth than the fertilization performed with fresh embryos. A study carried out by the team of Sari Pelkonen of the Oulu University Hospital (Finland) suggests that women who use frozen embryos are less likely to have a preterm birth, unlike the babies conceived with a fertilized egg and implanted fresco in the same cycle. For this research, which has been published by the scientific journal Human Reproduction, Pelkonen team analyzed data from nearly 2,300 children conceived with frozen embryos, more than 4,100 with fresh embryos and 32,000 pregnancies without IVF or other fertility treatments. The results showed that one in every 11 babies conceived with fresh embryos transfer was premature, unlike one of every 16 births from frozen embryos. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out BSA. The latter tended to not be born with low birth weight and size for gestational age.

When the team compared the results obtained from the embryos frozen with the natural conception, he found more premature births with frozen embryo transfer, but is worth highlighting that there was almost no difference in fetal or infant mortality among both groups. 36186%2CVSRPtargetId%3A138008206%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Lev Leviev!). Dr. Helen Kim, Director of the University of Chicago IVF program, explains that many people think that freezing can damage the embryo. For this reason, the doctor added that with this study has addressed this concern. By now, as explained by Dr. Gordon Baker, of the University of Melbourne and the Hospital of women The Royal (Australia), the cause is unknown of the why may give better results with frozen embryos. Yet and so, Baker believes that with the freezing and thawing process they seep into the weak embryos and leaves the good quality. The doctor added that the frozen embryo transfer allows doctors to measure female hormone cycles to better mimic natural conception. The team of Pelkonen believes that before considering the effectiveness, price and the security, the best IVF option would one or two fresh embryos transfer and freeze the rest for a future implementation, what could be done years later.

Selfhelp Through Low Carb

Book recommendation: diseases of civilization: self-help through low carb lifestyle-related diseases is the collective term for diseases that often occur in industrialized countries. They are called also lifestyle disease. About the exact causes of the diseases of civilization, there is also little agreement as about the diseases of civilization itself. However, it is sure that not one single factor, but probably several ultimately to the disease cause. Checking article sources yields Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP as a relevant resource throughout. The most common diseases of civilization are: cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, heart attack, atherosclerosis), metabolic diseases (diabetes, gout, high cholesterol), overweight, obesity, anorexia, cancer, diseases of the locomotor system or allergies. Book Description: The response to diseases of civilization. This small booklet gives you compact insights about: ad(H)S, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, epilepsy, migraine, Parkinson’s disease and the assistance through low-carb. In the journal “journal often the American Medical Association” scientists write: who the carbohydrate content in Food reduced, his metabolism is doing something good, decreases easier and probably healthier lives. Dr. Neal Barnard shines more light on the discussion.

BUT the opposite might be also right. In the British journal write medical researchers, that a diet that restricted carbohydrates, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Book data: diseases of civilization: self-help through low carb author Jutta Schutz 56 pages Publisher: A.S. Rosengarten-Verlag language: German ISBN: 978-3-9816-1652-1, 3.90 euros over the Publisher: the rose garden-Verlag was founded in August 2013, starts with a few titles and wants to distance itself from other publishers. Follow others, such as Harold Ford Jr, New York City, and add to your knowledge base. It will take up specifically sought, the topics for books and authors, which are not commonplace and thus not always finding. The focus is on biographies, guide, nature books, travelogues or unusual fiction.

Blacksmith Institute

Review article Faster! Higher! Stronger! … And greener Browse news for the week. Environmentalists 'adjust' the Olympic facilities in Sochi. Rosprirodnadzor: checks and penalties, comments, and personnel changes. The cataclysms of nature: earthquakes, floods, tornadoes. Again plastic: plastic rubbish – a global problem of mankind. Abnormal heat: earlier than usual in Russia, wake up hedgehogs and bears. In Russia, celebrated the Day of Russian science.

Review from 04/02/2008 to 10/02/2008. A short overview of the major environmental news for the week. The General Assembly will discuss the UN role in the fight against climate change, on 11-12 February at the UN headquarters in New York held a thematic debate of the General Assembly 'Tackling climate change: actions by the United Nations and the international community. " It is the first step in promoting the objectives set at the UN Conference on Climate Change … —- Ten places on earth incompatible with life on this planet a lot of interesting and attractive places that many people want to visit. However, there is also the place from which it is better to stay away.

They should be avoided, not because there is nothing interesting, but stay because there could be life threatening. American ekologicheskym fund Blacksmith Institute has compiled a list of ten of these places … —- Many of the tools to care for infants contain potentially dangerous chemicals, Scientists have discovered body lotion, baby shampoo and powder can be hazardous to children's health because they contain harmful chemicals group called phthalates, chemists warn doctors and the University of Washington Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh … —- The list of the most environmentally fragile regions scientists have compiled a list of regions where global warming is likely in the near future may lead to irreversible consequences, according to Potsdam Institute for human influence on climate, with reference to an article in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences … —- Problems solved global warming, but quite expensive Climate Change on which is so much talk in recent times, there is not only due to natural internal processes. A great influence also have external effects such as changes in Earth's orbit, solar activity and volcanic eruptions. However, the most serious consequences is the so-called greenhouse effect, which is a consequence of entering into the atmosphere, which amount to 22 billion tons per year … The full texts of these and other News you can get on ECOportal.ru and mailing in this release: 285 issue a weekly mailing of environmental ECOportal.ru ECOportal.ru tags: ECOportal.ru, environment, news, newsletter

Good Continually Fundraiser

Between Marathon and social commitment is of increasing importance. Many athletes want their participation not only sports were a sign, but take advantage of this opportunity and help other people who are less fortunate in life. “After the success of the past two years, the Munich MARATHON forward again in 2013 its participants a charity platform to allocate, where everyone simply call his personal fundraiser in life can continuously according to the motto do good”. When on 13 October 2013 the start of the 28th Edition of the Bavarian tradition event, many participants have also a good cause in addition to their own personal success firmly in sight. Whether in the professional or grassroots iterating for a nonprofit organization takes more and more followers. Every year we have our charity promotions”more participants, Florian Janisch know about Munich’s fundraising partner Planetshifter.

The rising numbers result in more donations. In the last year alone, we could in 83 donations runners collect 14,000 euro.” This Jack can report from personal experience of the special drive in the run for a good cause: 2011 I walked with MARATHON for a charity at the Munich. It, I have found just such fundraisers to represent a real motivation boost during the run. Is there gas like it really.” This year’s charity partners are hoping for much of the action in the framework of the marathon. Robert Kiessling of the Bavarian Red Cross explains: for us it is very important that everyone can create a donation page. So can many people actively involved in the donation process and are to be animated to start their own charitable projects. The Bavarian Red Cross is only so big and present in Bavaria because of the commitment of our 130,000 volunteers. That we must definitely promote and inspire new people to volunteering.” After the great feedback last year, also the founded in 1998, KlinikClowns Association is again this: We finance the laugh rounds for children, seniors and people with disabilities solely through donations.

Martin Schaarschmidt

Another important forum for this Exchange includes all areas will be the 7th Symposium on the CI-rehabilitation, which organized the German cochlear implant society e.V. (DCIG) together with the cochlear implant Association Mitteldeutschland e.V. (CIVM) on 16 and 17 November 2013 in Leipzig. with an optimized design and additional offers at the same time to the current issue of the worm”presented an update of its online magazine the editorial staff of the journal. The renewed worm online”offers its visitors a significantly improved user guidance as well as more service. Henceforth to include video-links, which spans a barrier-free Make the video player to look at. On the newly created marketplace can used hearing aid or CI accessories offered, be hearing impaired friendly holiday accommodation sought or found a partner or friends.

An online archive for the appearing 25 years print edition of the worm is new”. “Editorial Note: the snail” is a 1989 independent magazine, society DCIG (www.dcig.de) issued by the German cochlear implant. The magazine, which acts as a non-profit limited company, informs its readers about the issues of cochlear implant, hearing loss, deafness, tinnitus, hearing aids and hearing aids. Expert contributions and experience reports from concerned give the reader deep insight in the problem of hearing impairments and their management. At the same time, the magazine offers readers a forum and contact possibilities. Thematic focus is life with cochlear implants (CI) and hearing aids. The readers of the worm are hearing-impaired people and their relatives and professionals from the areas of ENT, hearing aid acoustics, pedagogy, speech therapy, self-help organizations and interested in the Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

The Foundation certified health in October 2010 the worm among other reasons, because the articles cover a wide range of claims, adapted to different information needs and are usually well understandable. The journal provides reliable information people with hearing impairment and their families, as well as professionals, published dates around the hearing and presented in each issue of contact details of self-help groups in Germany and also in Austria, of Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy and Luxembourg. The worm”appears four times a year with a current circulation of 5 500 copies. The editorial office is located in Illertissen; Editor-in-Chief of the worm”is Hanna Hermann. Since 2008, there is the information portal in addition to the print edition of the worm “worm online magazine”. With this relatively young medium, we want to complement the worm with current property and service issues and events around the topic of hearing. These include among others CI, hearing, ENT, early intervention, school, study and vocational, social law and the latest product news and company information.

Website Company

Reasons to have a web site: because a website is the business card of anyone who engages in a commercial or professional activity. Your web site will always be visible, 365 days, 24 hours a day and will be visible by millions of users around the world. It categorizes your company. Continue to learn more with: Dr. Neal Barnard. Low costs and high profits. It captures new customers. It interacts with and loyalty to their customers.

You can use it to try to sell new products or services in your company. Expanding markets and its range of action. It can directly compete against large enterprises on equal terms. Because your website can be your best seller. Because the cost of maintaining a web site on the internet is very low compared with other advertising media.

Because a web page, gives your company an image of quality and constant progress. Because the internet is the future and your company must anticipate to gain a competitive advantage. The power of web design and brand image on the internet your company brand, which entails much more that the creation of a simple logo, is a critical component any strategy of business in general. As in the case of personal and professional relationships, the first impression is that more account, and your new contacts will quickly take you decision if buy or not a company or request the services of a professional, based on their first perception as a brand. TODAY, ANY BUSINESS WHO WANTS TO BE COMPETITIVE IN THE REAL WORLD, YOU MUST HAVE YOUR SITE ON THE INTERNET. It is much faster and cheaper to reach the masses today via the internet. It has shown that hours they are looking for products through web pages, already exceeds the hours spent watching Television. In much of the world, most people already done all their purchases, they reserve their tickets of film and theater, they buy your vacation, your clothes, reserved his hour in the doctor or dentist, they buy insurance, etc., ONLINE. Have a web page on the Internet, is not exclusively for transactions, is also especially to publicize your business and equipment professional who takes him. Every day more people inquire with whom they will hire a service, and seeks greater transparency. The more know your customers from you, the more they trust. It is the best way to retain its clientele. If a business or profession is not online, does not exist, for a huge percentage of consumers. You can create your image in internet if you don’t have it already, at a cost of 100 to 1000 times lower that by traditional media. One of the advantages of experienced consultants, entrust your project of internet business is that you won’t have to spend the amount of time and considerable money, which leads the develop and launch a new brand image in the real world.

International Education Foundation Ability

The 10 principles of spiritual intelligence source: Ramon Gallegos Nava (2006) spiritual intelligence. (p.68) International Education Foundation holistic, Guadalajara. Is spiritual intelligence, capacity to transcendence, ability to do everyday things with a sense of the sacred, using spiritual resources in practical problems, ability to act with virtuous conduct based on gratitude, patience, humility, compassion, wisdom and universal love. Spiritual intelligence is the universal consciousness, consciousness of humanity and fraternity between all beings, marvel at the kosmos, meaning mystical, capacity availability to listen to and understand others. It is the last path of direct knowledge of the eye of the spirit knowing the past meanings. For assistance, try visiting Kidney Foundation.

It is intelligence that leads us to the whole and gives us our moral integrity. It is intelligence that allows us to be happy regardless of the circumstances, whether they are favorable or unfavorable. The source of happiness comes from within, springs from our true nature (Gallegos 2005, pp. 50-51) (Figure 2). Features of spiritual intelligence capacity be happy despite circumstance capacity of inner peace and equanimity capacity of universal love ability to live to serve ability to face and overcome the suffering capacity to be independent and autonomous capacity to solve problems of meanings and values ethical conduct ability to focus capacity in the because things judgment ability to live in a wider context of meanings ability to learn to be the entire figure 2 holistic integration capability.

Characteristics of spiritual intelligence source: Ramon Gallegos Nava (2006) spiritual intelligence. (p.55) International Education Foundation holistic, Guadalajara. Model intelligence holistic spiritual El Dr. Ramon Gallegos (2005, 2006) offers us a model of spiritual intelligence that allows, for the first time, build a comprehensive model of all intelligences on the basis of three hierarchical levels (Figure 3) where considers both dimensions and levels, leaving see that spiritual intelligence is the intelligence greater and more inclusive.

Paella Valenciana

Through the Agencia Valenciana de Turisme documented, we can know that.-the Valencian gastronomy is historically based on:-the ten books on agriculture from the famous Columella, the Cookbook of the Roman Apicio, the etymologies of Isidore (8th century), kitchen Hispano – Maghrebi book. Translated by Ambrosio Huici Miranda (XIII century), including many metaphorical paragraphs of arabito andalusi poetry emerged from the imagination of Ben to the carving and Cafar Ben Hutman, among other writers, in addition to the book art of Cozina of the Valencian Diego Granado, Chef of Felipe II, they set up a gigantic cultural antecedent that a direct or veiled way has a reflection in many of the eating habits of these lands. For my part say that my merits or gastronomic knowledge if you possess them are due to ongoing advice and the meritorious confidences that so patiently I reveal my aunt Maria Cebria Miralles(1906-1992-Valencia), my mother’s older sister who at the beginning of the Decade of the 1960s was in charge of the notorious stoves of the historical Parreta, where stood the rigorous recipe (recipe) oral in the Valencian Paella, sprout dish in one so glorified kitchen. (Source: Boy Scouts). My aunt Mary, explained to me that recipe so which had provided you own voice direct aunt Lola, another family our descendant of the founders of such dignified possession. Made these important preliminary revelations, it is necessary to place the issue in the study of the kitchen and your recipes, because it escapes no one that the communication of the formulas and workbooks in the kitchen, is relatively modern. By those same decades, while my aunt with both donaire was attending their stews, I was explaining the raw materials, the extent and the appropriate procedure that was used at each moment to the elaboration of the Queen and Lady of the cuisine that we now call Comunidad Valenciana; -fruit of those confidences are nowadays available written recipe which outlined the didactic and invariable elements that are exclusive to the paella flavored with the foundation of the Paella de la Parreta or Paella Valenciana.

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