More Beautiful Goals

In anticipation of the upcoming World Cup brand CLEAR vita ABE launch the campaign “More beautiful goals,” which will be held from 10 May to 31 July 2010 * year throughout the Russian Federation (hereinafter – action). Conditions for participation in the Campaign To take part in the nationwide action “Most beautiful goals!” you need a period from May 10 through June 29, 2010 to purchase one or two packages CLEARvita ABE men ** of 200 or 400 milliliters, with special promotional sticker on the package. After filling out the questionnaire with personal Registration data and a unique bar code on the site you automatically become a member of Equity and be able to get a guaranteed prize – a soccer ball *** and access to download the movie “100 Best Goals world football “, as well as become an applicant to receive one of the main prizes: a TV set and satellite television, most importantly, one of the 40 tables in the sports bar for the final World Cup! Guaranteed prize – a real soccer ball *** You can get if you register two unique bar code. When you register a barcode you can get access to free downloads movie “100 best goals of world football “from the site. Drawing of the main prizes is held every week ****. Buy shampoo CLEAR vita ABE men ** with a special sticker on the package and a chance to win a lot of pleasant and valuable prizes! * In drawing part of the application, sent in the period from 10 May 2010 to June 29, 2010, inclusive. ** For Men *** The first 25 000 people have registered two barcode. **** In accordance with the schedule of draws, set the rules Shares..

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