Martial Arts

Hello again to all the fans of martial arts, this time I bring a brief but substantial account of something that, in one way or another, we know; the journals or publications of martial arts. As said in the previous article, the public that it is affine of martial arts is very limited, more even if we compare it with that like video games, gossip, football or even wrestling, since there are plenty of journals dealing with those topics. But if, if there have been serious publications on these topics and here speak a little of them: Black belt: Revista American there is trafficking in only martial arts, since the Decade of the 60s being one of the more ancient and above all respected, founded by Mitoshi Uyehara; its size and thickness compared to the of the of vanities, and has the backing of virtually all the important associations of United States, providing it with great resources, philanthropic, advertising and especially economic. It comes in English and sometimes it can come to our country with months delay but really worth the penalty. They have interviewed virtually all teachers of renown who stop in e.

u. because personalities like Steven Seagal, Jeff Speakman, Dan Inosanto, the Gracie brothers, Frank Dux, etc. Black belt: it should not be confused with the previous, is also called Budo international in other countries, is of Spanish publication and its editorial director is the aristocrat of martial arts Alfredo Tucci. Besides being also one of the most ancient is also the most respected and similar in size to the black belt. Trafficking in broad themes always Arts martial, both Eastern and Western, to Mexico also comes with several months of delay. They have interviewed personalities of the stature of Cintya Rothrock, Larry Tatum, Ji have Jae, Huang Aguilar and virtually all the great teachers who have gone to Europe.

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