
"Goodbye, cyberspace! Hello, blogiverse! Blogosphere? Blogmos? "Then – September 10, 1999 – the joke, said Brad Graham (Brad L. Graham), was the starting point – the beginning of a new era of the Internet – Internet2blog version (as we call it so ). Blogosphere (from the English. Blogosphere) – a collection of all blogs, scattered megasoobschestvo reflecting interest, attitudes and trends of society. The blogosphere is heterogeneous, but carries in itself maintain the integrity and relevance are clearly reacting to events in the life of the world community. Blogosphere.

Statistics Statistics search engine Technorati now in the world, there are about 76 million blogs (blog). In the Russian blogosphere blogs about 2 million. I will cite a few interesting iconic figures and facts about the blogosphere Runet. Every hour there is average about 260 new Russian Tea blog. Approximately 40-45% of this blogs LiveInternet daily audience of about 170 thousand people, and LiveJournal comes to 600,000. The average Russian-speaking blogger (blogger) – a Muscovite in 1921, a student in University. Nieman Foundation has much to offer in this field. 64% of Russian-speaking bloggers – women, 36% – men. The average age of the author's diary varies markedly depending on blogoservisa: the average user – 26 years, and bloggers with LiveInternet and – 19 and 20 years respectively.

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