In it I capitulate 1? THE NOTICE AND ITS THEORIES? I present a series of concepts looking for initially to understand what it is notice, from diverse authors, as Ciro Marcondes Son (2005), Maria of the France Favour Hunter (1998), among others. Still in this chapter, treatment of the concept of agenda-Setting and the quarrel on if it is a theory or Hypothesis and also argues the concepts of newsmaking, to gatekeeper and its practical application in the construction of the notice. In it I capitulate 2? The NOTICE IN the TV – OF the HYPOTHESES AND THEORIES To the PRACTICAL one OF the DAY-BY-DAY JOURNALISTIC one? I undertake a quarrel around the notice in the TV and regarding the functioning of the hypotheses and theories in the practical one of the day-by-day journalistic one, detaching aspects as the construction of the directions and meanings through the image standing out the degree of relevance of the image for the construction of the journalistic notice in the TV, presenting the form of production of the notice what it implies in arguing on what the periodicals if strengthen to show every day. In captulo3? THE TELEJORNAIS IN SCENE? I search to apply the concepts of notice, agenda-setting and newsmaking to my object of research. I present the two telejornais and boarding the profile and the possible publishing line of each one, presenting examples of news articles that in the aid to understand these concepts.

Finally, in chapter 4? Consideraes final? I all make a panorama of the work, recouping the questions central offices and articulating ideas and positionings that had come to tona from the analysis of the qualitative analysis. 1.A NOTICE AND ITS THEORIES the agenda-setting studies and newsmaking look for to point the criteria that guide the choice of the notice to be spread for the medias. Source: Harold Ford Jr. The hypotheses for some or theories for others, if concentrate in detaching aspects as intrinsic journalistic values and of noticiabilidade to the facts of the daily one. .

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