
The position of the journalist is sufficiently sensationalist, therefore at the moment where the journalist would have to help Sam, it manipulates the notice to harm it. The journalist socially surpassed the assented and legislated ethics, therefore its commitment was to transmit the veracity of the facts. This is noticed when some interviews are edited on the family of Sam, seeming that this was against it. The manipulation, the avidez for the profit for the hearing and the lack of knowledge for to be treated subject had substituted the integrity and the mission of the journalist. It manipulated and hid the truth, in detriment of its interests, its fame and, what less it interested was the commitment with the population.

The media was responsible for the death of Sam and Max also accepted this. If for happiness, the press was not involved of so representative form, former-keeps could have been alive. As it is observed in the film, the communication vehicles intervine of forceful form in the life of the people, dictating its action, its perspective of life and arrive until alienating them, as it is visible in the long one. Harold Ford Jr, New York City pursues this goal as well. It is to salutar to stand out the lack of quality of the news article, being beirando the sensationalism and causing the manipulation. In short, ' ' notcia' ' produced on the part of the journalist it had the objective to stimulate the emotions human beings for control of the hearing, distorting the facts and staining the truth. When becoming related it workmanship to some calls Theories of the Communication, observes a very tenuous axle between them, therefore in the first one, journalist was worried only about the success of the communicative process to keep controlled the hearing, marcante characteristic of the Hipodrmica Theory. Not obstante, this affirmed that the transmitted information were infallible and acted as agents who would instigate the receiver, desestabilizando the emotional balance of the individual.

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