
People already do not read the newspapers to see what happened, but to understand what is happening, said the journalist Ricardo de Querol. In a course of social journalism who developed several speakers and launched the Florida International University, Chandra Foundation and solidarity for development, this EL PAiS journalist spoke to students the importance of what happens to people and their experience as editor-in-Chief of society. That section of the newspaper is the great social debates today as euthanasia, environmental issues, science, education, new technologies and to the events when they relate to modern society. To put these issues in first line, journalists have had to develop the ability to make you feel the reader who is not so alien to what happens to people in other countries of the world. In the case of the environment, this has been relatively easy.

Today there is a sensitivity on these subjects and understanding about the effects of our model of consumption in many of the disasters that we see on television. But when it’s the hunger and poverty, has been more difficult, said the journalist. It has had a positive effect change the formula of bombarding the reader with figures by the tell what happens to a person or a group of people. Jose Carlos Garcia Fajardo said in another Conference journalist and University Professor: people only interested in what happens to other people. When people salutes you, do not speak of theories or atmospheric pressure or abstractions. Include what you ate, what they did.

We should remember the business dimension that has the journalism. If it does not attract the reader, not sold. If not sold, it can not be printed. If the intention is to draw the reader into the themes of environment or on social issues to which we attach importance from civil society, the journalist must have the ability to sell your item.

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