Foundation Conditions

3.18. Limit values for the joint strain and Foundation underground part of the tall building on the technological or architectural requirements should be established on the basis of structural, functional and operational characteristics of high-rise buildings in accordance with Rules of technical operation of the equipment or the design assignment, taking into account where necessary, straightening equipment, and vertical transport during the operation. 3.19. Verification of compliance with the conditions S < made in the analysis of structures in conjunction with the base after the relevant structural calculations for building strength, stability, and fracture toughness. 3.20. Limit values for the joint deformation grounds and facilities under the terms of strength, stability, and fracture of structures shall be installed at designing on the basis of calculation of structures in interaction with the ground.

3.21. Coefficients appearing in regulated by the snip 02/01/2007, 02/02/2001 snip limiting conditions, selecting and validating design solutions of high-rise buildings may be corrected upward in view of features of engineering-geological conditions and the degree of responsible buildings. 3.22. Determination of sediment and rolls Slab foundations on natural bases recommended to perform the method of layerwise summation according to the sp 50-101. 3.23. In the design of pile foundation recommended to perform the calculation of precipitation of piles according to the sp 50-102. Weight of the soil within the scope of a conditional base should not be treated as load. 3.24. Go to the sediment pile foundation, designed by the scheme of conditional foundation (Section 3.22), should be added to shrink due to nonlinear effects that occur due to stress concentration near the ends of piles.

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