Corporate Health Insurance

The logic here is simple – why pay the cashier medical facility, if this same amount (or less) can be given right doctor. But forget the fact that in this method of payment of any contract for such services will not be. For more information see this site: Jennifer Aaker. And accordingly, if there is a medical error or the effect of treatment is not occurs, a claim to a medical center and can be no question. Misconception 3: it is easier to get to the right doctor, personally agree with him on the admission and pay him the same. Long queues at clinics – this is one of the reasons that people began to refuse services to free medicine. It is believed that he had agreed with the doctor personally and promised to pay him, we can arrive at the reception at a convenient time and not to stand in line. When you use legal ways to pay services, the queues can also be avoided. In the majority of paid health clinics patients come in strictly designated time and get to a doctor without delay. The only inconvenience that may arise – for the right doctor can not always be free time, when you need a patient. Of course, signing up in advance, this problem will not arise.

At the same time, if the patient has a medical insurance policy, he only need to contact Manager of the insurance company and call the appropriate time to visit. The advantage of lca here is that the insurance company may send its client is not in the same clinic, and in any of those to whom it contract. Misconception 4: When buying a policy lca treatment will most expensive. When you pay over the counter patient pays only for those services which he rendered. In the case of lca – a lump sum payment may seem large, especially if the client will go to the clinic often. At the same time when emergencies – unexpected illness, injury, surgery – Payment in cash may well exceed the amount of the policy lca. Also, when Corporate Health Insurance lca will include discounts and the cost of health insurance policy will not be too high. The presence of human insurance policy lca has a major impact on the quality of provision medical services. The reason for this – a direct interest clinic staff: such patients bring them additional income in the extra-budgetary activities, clinics are able to update their medical databases and improve service. However, the clinic and are interested in providing quality services to work with the insurance company has been long, but its customers were regular patients of the medical institution.

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