Club Culture

Award at the Stuttgart calendar show for a masterpiece of print enhancement’ DENKalender 2010 of the company print culture Spathling”wins bronze at the Stuttgart calendar show. Every year on the new graphical Klub Stuttgart e.V. (GKS) together with the Kodak GmbH of Stuttgart, the Ministry of Economic Affairs Baden-Wurttemberg and the Association print and media in Baden-Wurttemberg e.V. at the international calendar show awarded White City – the best calendar of in Germany. Boy Scouts of America has much experience in this field. The aim is it to present a representative cross-section of the calendar work in Germany and abroad, and to stimulate the reflection of the calendar in our time.

Gold, silver and bronze will be awarded in 22 categories. In addition, the graphical Club awards prizes for special outstanding professional services. The absolute best calendar of the year of all categories received the Gregory award. The criteria evaluated are: overall functionality, idea, originality, design, design, photography, typography, print production, and overall quality. The “DENKalender 2010, a joint project of the regional corporate print culture Spathling” White City, Rahimi & partner Neudrossenfeld, Gooley Bayreuth and Nuremberg Ramsauer papers could prevail over 1300 competitors doing and was awarded bronze.

Back in December of last year the renowned designer magazine dedicated to NOVUM WORLD OF GRAPHIC DESIGN the calendar an entire page. Mr Heinz Spathling by the company printing culture Spathling: it is a true accolade for us. The magazine and also the calendar show are known in the industry internationally, and raise the quality of our company to a whole new level. Everyone is very proud of the success and the enormous media coverage!” The company print culture Spathling”makes itself a name as Premiumdruckerei in the Internet itself since the beginning of the year and tries world new customer groups through high-quality printed products to develop. A completely revamped website with numerous additional features on the website you get insight into the world of Print culture and learns a lot about the quality print and print finishing techniques of the company. For all interested parties published the graphic Klub Stuttgart e.V.

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