

The position of the journalist is sufficiently sensationalist, therefore at the moment where the journalist would have to help Sam, it manipulates the notice to harm it. The journalist socially surpassed the assented and legislated ethics, therefore its commitment was to transmit the veracity of the facts. This is noticed when some interviews are edited on the family of Sam, seeming that this was against it. The manipulation, the avidez for the profit for the hearing and the lack of knowledge for to be treated subject had substituted the integrity and the mission of the journalist. It manipulated and hid the truth, in detriment of its interests, its fame and, what less it interested was the commitment with the population.

The media was responsible for the death of Sam and Max also accepted this. If for happiness, the press was not involved of so representative form, former-keeps could have been alive. As it is observed in the film, the communication vehicles intervine of forceful form in the life of the people, dictating its action, its perspective of life and arrive until alienating them, as it is visible in the long one. Harold Ford Jr, New York City pursues this goal as well. It is to salutar to stand out the lack of quality of the news article, being beirando the sensationalism and causing the manipulation. In short, ' ' notcia' ' produced on the part of the journalist it had the objective to stimulate the emotions human beings for control of the hearing, distorting the facts and staining the truth. When becoming related it workmanship to some calls Theories of the Communication, observes a very tenuous axle between them, therefore in the first one, journalist was worried only about the success of the communicative process to keep controlled the hearing, marcante characteristic of the Hipodrmica Theory. Not obstante, this affirmed that the transmitted information were infallible and acted as agents who would instigate the receiver, desestabilizando the emotional balance of the individual.

British Medical Journal

When Rivka A. gave to light to its son in a hospital of Jerusalem in 1972, it suffered of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia, a common complication of the pregnancy, is a picture marked by high arterial tension after the sixth month. Rivka also had other symptoms common like proteins in the urine and ankles swollen due to the accumulation of fluids. Preeclampsia can cause a list of problems, even the death, to the mother and the fetus. Rivka recovered of the ailment and continued enjoying good health during many years before developing cancer of breast in 1992. It did not seem initially that there a connection between these two problems different from health existed.

But thanks to a far-reaching Israeli project that realised a pursuit to millares of women like Rivka, that connection has settled down, with implications for all the women who suffer of preeclampsia. According to the study of Israel, the women with a file of preeclampsia can have a higher risk to develop cancer, especially stomach cancer, chest, ovary, lung and larynx. The findings that appeared in British Medical Journal, although preliminary, suggest could as much have a certain common environmental or genetic factor to preeclampsia as to the cancer. Previous studies have denied any association between preeclampsia and the cancer, according to the Dra. Paltiel Prays head of investigation of the School Braun de Public Salud and Medicine of the Community of the Hebrew University – Hadassah. " With these new findings, we must speculate that or he is something specific of the population, or perhaps has to do with the common diet, or congenital factors to preeclampsia and the cancer that are specific of poblacin" , it declared to ISRAEL21c. Preeclampsia affects around the ten percent of the pregnancies, and more often in the first pregnancy. It can be light or severe, in which case it can lead to eclampsia, in which the attacks or the coma can kill to the mother and the fetus.


In it I capitulate 1? THE NOTICE AND ITS THEORIES? I present a series of concepts looking for initially to understand what it is notice, from diverse authors, as Ciro Marcondes Son (2005), Maria of the France Favour Hunter (1998), among others. Still in this chapter, treatment of the concept of agenda-Setting and the quarrel on if it is a theory or Hypothesis and also argues the concepts of newsmaking, to gatekeeper and its practical application in the construction of the notice. In it I capitulate 2? The NOTICE IN the TV – OF the HYPOTHESES AND THEORIES To the PRACTICAL one OF the DAY-BY-DAY JOURNALISTIC one? I undertake a quarrel around the notice in the TV and regarding the functioning of the hypotheses and theories in the practical one of the day-by-day journalistic one, detaching aspects as the construction of the directions and meanings through the image standing out the degree of relevance of the image for the construction of the journalistic notice in the TV, presenting the form of production of the notice what it implies in arguing on what the periodicals if strengthen to show every day. In captulo3? THE TELEJORNAIS IN SCENE? I search to apply the concepts of notice, agenda-setting and newsmaking to my object of research. I present the two telejornais and boarding the profile and the possible publishing line of each one, presenting examples of news articles that in the aid to understand these concepts.

Finally, in chapter 4? Consideraes final? I all make a panorama of the work, recouping the questions central offices and articulating ideas and positionings that had come to tona from the analysis of the qualitative analysis. 1.A NOTICE AND ITS THEORIES the agenda-setting studies and newsmaking look for to point the criteria that guide the choice of the notice to be spread for the medias. Source: Harold Ford Jr. The hypotheses for some or theories for others, if concentrate in detaching aspects as intrinsic journalistic values and of noticiabilidade to the facts of the daily one. .


Substance inspired by the Old Book new Journalism of Gianni /S Letter to Pablo: Codex, 2003. It I capitulate Good day to the weapons of the Old book new journalism of Gianni Letter, treats on the commercialization of weapons, its indiscriminate sales, it I deal that it foments, beyond the lack of ethics and responsibility with the condition human being. This situation is express initially by means of a personage of a part staged in 1905, and that later it starts to present situations faced for millions of people in the real life and that still remains very current. The great corporations of the warlike market, exactly after the two great world-wide wars, today more than what never ' ' nutrem' ' the high market with weapons of being able of destruction. This is a potentially active market, excited for the implantation of the fear, the terror, and possible invasions, disagreements between neighboring and foreign nations. Over all they aim at the control of the oil and the water. However, all effort made for United Nations stops to prevent that countries of the Middle East, for example, have access the firearms, they had not been enough so that the same ones obtained to bring an addition of more than US$ 2 billion dollar in acquisition in armament made for the clandestine market.

All this movement alone proves that the industries of the war and the terror are each time more gaining force. Vender weapons means to gain money. Therefore the support of the governments in keeping this business. The numbers of intermediadores of weapons for these countries alone grow. The trader of weapons treats its product as commodity, that is, as a primary product that can be commercialized as well as the iron ore the rice the maize. Read more here: Center For Responsible Lending. He is what he affirms the English Barry Howson ' ' to vender weapons is the same that to vender any commodity' '.

Scholarship Mec

Study and practice English constitutes an indispensable part of who are in the age of preparing to enter the labour market. It is convenient to spend some period of time in the respective countries. It achieves greater fluency in the use of language while it comes in contact with other cultures. In recent months, Boy Scouts of America has been very successful. With this objective, the Ministry of education and science out more than 50,000 AIDS for young people between 18 and 30 years (MEC scholarships). Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Greg Williamson. REQUIREMENTS to apply for scholarship MEC 2009 having born between 1 January 1979 and 31 December 1991 have received in the 2007/08 academic year one of the following scholarships General call scholarship for university students.

General call scholarship for students of higher level training cycles. Grant of access to university studies. Mobility for studies outside your community scholarship (ERASMUS grants are not mobility) scholarship to carry out official masters. Make a minimum 3 week course in the destinations offered with a minimum of 15 hours per week. Complete the course between 1 June and 30 of November 2009.

Submit the request before March 30, 2009. In 2009 the number of MEC has been reduced to 25,000 aid of 1,700. Many are stakeholders and fewer scholarships available. Hurry up! Original author and source of the article.

Descriptive Geometry

Drawing Technician in the Architecture. Bertran Stacke SUMMARY The present study it has for objective the elaboration of an article, being this, on Drawing Technician in the Architecture. A little on the work of the architect and its paper as professional using the drawing technician. 1. INTRODUCTION The objective of the article is to show the importance that the Drawing Technician has in companies and its projects. To read more click here: Center for Responsible Business. After theoretical study, a study of field with a company was made who uses the drawing technician. (Source: Nieman Foundation). On the basis of all these information, the article were elaborated. 2.

THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL 2.1. DRAWING TECHNICIAN The drawing technician is a specialized branch of the drawing, characterized for its normalization and the appropriation that makes of the language of descriptive geometry. Such form of drawing is used as base for the projetual activity in you discipline as the architecture, design and engineering. In its more general context, the Drawing Technician engloba a set of necessary methodologies and procedures for the development and communication between projects, concepts and ideas and, in its more restricted context, mention the specifications to it techniques of products and systems. 2.1.1. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY Descriptive Geometry (also called mongeana geometry or method of monge) is a branch of the geometry that has as objective to represent objects of three dimensions in a bidimensional plan.

This method was developed by Gaspard Monge and had great impact in the technological development since its systematization. 2.1.2. ARCHITECTURE The art or the technique is mentioned to it to project and to build the environment inhabited for the human being. In this direction, the architecture destacadamente deals with the organization of the space and its elements: in last instance, the architecture would deal with any problem of agency, organization, aesthetic and order of components in any situation of space arrangement.

Managing Director Christoph Balogun

Opening of the fifth vegan grocery store in Germany on Friday and Saturday, the 13th and 14th December 2013 respectively from 09:00, the first vegan celebrates opening full-range supermarket chain in Europe together with the vegan Bistro Max Pett in Munich. It numerous tastings and charity actions take place on this day. The already fifth veganz branch is located in the southern downtown – directly in the trendy Glockenbachviertel. Surrounded by imposing buildings, hip veganz want Cafes and trendy hairdressers, Baldestrasse 21 / corner of meadow Road starting point for vegan, vegetarian, raw food, allergy sufferers, health-conscious and all those interested in the Bavarian capital are. The branch is headed by the 37-jahrigen Managing Director Christoph Balogun eating which vegan lives for 15 years and can have many years of experience in retail bio. To deepen your understanding Center For Responsible Lending is the source.

We would like to offer vegan for all. With our comprehensive range we can on the various needs and desires of consumers Enter. In addition, there will be products we found nowhere else in Europe”, as Boll food. 250 Sqm, veganz Kund_innen from December from Monday to Saturday can choose between 09:00 and 20:00 from 6,000 in herbal products. The vegan range refers to veganz by over 200 suppliers in 30 countries worldwide. All articles are free of animal ingredients and fair traded. The organic portion is about 80 percent.

Attention, respect, and responsibility for man, animals and the environment are part of corporate philosophy. There is a considerable selection of meat, sausage, fish, cheese alternatives and lots of herbal ice in large cooling racks. In addition, veganz has a number of herbal variations of milk, spreads, sweets and many more products of for daily use in the range. Vegan and cruelty free cosmetics, pet food, cleaning and Drpgerieartikel round off the range. Raw food products and gluten intolerances are considered by their own departments.

Scientology Church

One was for hundreds of medical specialists and surgeons in Costa Rica Number of path to happiness “-Vortragen, the short films were shown where. In Columbia, in the U.S. State of Missouri, distributed path to happiness “consultant of information pack with these messages to schools, youth groups, churches and television stations, to bring about a reduction in violent crimes perpetrated by gangs in the community. A school principal told that he has experienced a documented decrease in negative behaviors, blatant disrespect and aggression since the introduction of this programme in the last school year. For even more details, read what CBC says on the issue. A Director of an Association for neighbourhood improvement in the United States, announced that the statistics in his area of heavy crimes have fallen every quarter. Around the world there are programs with the way to happiness in the meantime”to improve the lives of all fellow human beings visually and to reduce the crime rate. ican Diabetes Association. In police stations in Johannesburg, Cape Town and other cities throughout South Africa you are way to happiness “short films broadcast in a programme to combat crime. Learn more on the subject from Greg Williamson. The short films on DVD to a single 2-hour movie are cool and together of the Scientology Church in the golden era productions Film Studio have been produced.

The DVD is available in 15 languages and can be borrowed by now in over 86,000 school, municipal, national and university libraries. It is available in any church of Scientology. The magazines and books are available in online stores such as Amazon. Educators, parents, community and Religionsvertreteter, police officers and many others use the way to happiness”to provide solutions for a better life. In Germany the way to happiness “regularly at events distributed.

More information: Contact information: press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V. public relations: UTA Ebrusheee the Edward Street 12, 80802 Munich TEL. 089-38607-0 FAX. 089-38607-109 WEB:

Roland Berger Study On The Future Of Print Media:

Publishers and printers must be innovative Munich/Dusseldorf–the market for printed media is long not dead despite all censure doesn’t. This is from a recent study by the Roland Berger consulting. \”Print media could grow despite the digital competition if they heed various success factors: even if the multimedia competition with TV and Internet is always harder, print media have unique strengths\”, so Roland Berger consultants Alexander Mogg. The publishers would have to but now strategically set the course for the next five to ten years. Learn more at: Boy Scouts of America. In the attractive segment of the premium readers, but also in other niches we see growth potential. The ability to occupy niches, to stay innovative, and to strengthen its own brand is crucial to the success of\”believes Mogg. Premium customers were more willing to pay for high-quality offers.

But also in terms of content, a printed newspaper offer benefits: A deliberate slowing down of the course of the day, as well as more space for Agenda-setting, classification, and opinion. In everyday editing, Roland Berger recommends to create synergies, exploiting the same content for print and Online Edition for both forms. That offline and online worlds each other can fertilize itself, occupies the interactive 3-D world of second life. The Publisher and printer owner Stefan Wirtz uses since early 2007 the virtual parallel world for business targets of his content publishing house and his company Prism print. Two months Wang explored the artificial environment and finally encountered book Iceland. It vision is operated by the British Publishing House and business premises are offered other publishers.

Already during the first visit, I met the owner of the island. After a lengthy conversation it was clear to me, here to present my Publisher\”, expresses Wirtz. Book Iceland is the right place for him also, because there twice a book fair with readings, discussions and live music is held in the year.

The Costs

Having almost everything in different colors, models, etc allows to sell more. Frequently Harold Ford Jr has said that publicly. That is proven. The main advantage is undoubtedly the price, if you have the best price to equal quality people you will buy. Lo malo esque have a great price usually involves losses. A technique that You can use is to have a price under up to get a good mass of customers.

Specialization? Think about it, usually people go to search on the network what you can’t find in your population is. You may find that PCRM can contribute to your knowledge. I.e. If you have a friend that is dedicated to the music you need an electric guitar and in your population there is no none has specialized in electric guitars is very likely that your friend go to Google to search for electric guitars. It is a good idea but should be taken precautions, there is little demand in theory. But for that you ride an online store, to open your doors to the world and achieve one sufficient demand. In terms of comfort, it is obviously much more comfortable to look at sentadito products at home that take the car, move around to the store, save long queues, etc to all of the advantages, a problem of online stores usually shipping costs.

Think advantages that can offset the costs of shipping. Some shop make gifts each certain amount, others tell you to buy that buy the postage to X in short, begin studying its advantages. Once you have clear advantage provides you can dump squarely in its Online store development. Doing things with a little bit of strategy usually give much better result which pulled out head to the pool to see what happens. I hope you will help! Original author and source of the article