
Tourism Ecosettlements

'Four years later, there will be a garden city! " – So read poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky, written in 1929. The concept of the proposed LLC Plazna 'on a plan of the creators decide on the construction of new towns and ecosettlements in record period, which dramatically for the better are different from the time period, which is described by Vladimir Mayakovsky. Eco-settlement – an issue that interested in a variety of sectors of society. He is also interested in hard workers, and intelligentsia. This topic is relevant for those people who just need a shelter, and for those people who want to be healthy, and for those people who have kids.

It is possible that eventually involved in setting up ecosettlements become a kind of fashion trends, seeking modern 'land Sannikova' – a certain type of adventure tourism. This flow of social life can take the best of large-scale construction projects of the Soviet era, and the degree heated emotions will be comparable to the alloy on the rivers, skydiving, rock climbing and speleology. Would it be hiking, which is difficult for the human body and the risk or is it just becomes a way to play a winning combination for people who want to change their living conditions – time will tell. About that obstacles may arise before the first participants ecosettlements says general director 'Plazna' Vladimir Shumovskii. – Vladimir V., you say that it is possible to build eco-settlement even in the taiga. And I imagine this oil painting: Brigade enthusiasts traveling in trains and trains going to build a new Future … They sing with a guitar, some songs remembered from the same BAM.

World Wide Web

The current world around us a long time ago could become a huge number of separate social systems, securely separated by enormous distances in one informative and in a sense, money space. Because a full study of foreign language at the moment is not only a fashionable topic, but the real need for a huge number of people. For someone who loves to travel around the world, any language needed to communicate in a faraway country and receive the maximum amount of information. For someone who is professionally engaged in business, foreign language proficiency – is a great opportunity to improve understanding with business partners and reduce the cost of an interpreter. And in a situation, if you want to learn a foreign language, and yet on this will be free time, then the best solution – this study English language online, the teacher and student interact with each other in the current time using the World Wide Web. The advantage of this type of training immediately noticeable: courses actually carried out in conditions of real time, which must be found in his table only time corresponding to the specified time occupation. No need to free time on the path to your classes and vice versa. Also, stay in native of your home or office is much reduced degree of nervous tension.

And then the English or German online real master with the greatest ease. Moreover, the benefits of tutoring with using virtual technology is obvious: in a similar manner acceptable to visit the lessons that are held directly supports foreign language who are able to reside in any other power, for hundreds of thousands of miles away. Want to see that language learning through virtual technologies at the same time is much less simple lessons with a private tutor. And all because there is not need to spend big amount for the rental of classrooms, as well as travel expenses of the teacher. Citizens perfectly capable of owning a foreign language, facilitate, and in many other aspects, including when the translation from one language on the other.

Corporate documents and personal notes, contracts and much more knowledgeable interpreters will translate into a foreign language in the shortest period of time. If you become interested in English with native speaker, you should refer to the connoisseurs, who would allow such a nuance is fast and the most good. Will you learn a foreign language themselves or flee for help, and transfer to a specialist – in any If each of us is perfect, that the biggest value, and in my personal life and in business – is able to freely interact. And now it's available to everyone.

Buildings Structures

It does not have to fall aside and it must remain in the place to support the retorts of an earthquake. Reinforced beams and the joints also can help to prevent the deformity and collapse with buildings and structures during and after an earthquake. The Foundation the plates of foundation and the shock absorbers can be superposed so that the sliding movement and absorb the shock and the movement during an earthquake. These bases of plates must especially be designed so that they can help to limit the damages and to help to avoid the collapse of buildings and structures. Not to construct in soft ground the types of ground also can limit the damage brought about by an earthquake. Softer grounds contain a high amount of humidity and are more able to create more damage to the buildings and the structures that constructed on the more solid bases and their environs. To live in soft land, can amplify the movement of the earthquake.

This must to the fact that the energy passes through less dense material or substance, in this case, the ground. Proportion is the key Generally, never is advisable to construct buildings that are too high in comparison with their width. The width and the height of the building must be proportional unless special precautions are taken. The lack of Planning Some structures and buildings have been designed to fail in a planned form intentional. In the case of an earthquake, these faults have predicted this for protection of the nears space, where the occupants are probable that they are. These buildings and structures also are designed to diminish the amount of rubbish that can fall in the near buildings and their environs. The Buildings in the future the advances in the field of structural engineering are promising.

The advances in the field of structural engineering and the manufacture of construction equipments are becoming and are new construction equipments and superiors. The earthquake buildings on approval can be soon a reality. The investigation is being realised to the types of buildings and structures that would be able to resist earthquakes. Although we cannot control the natural disasters, at least we can do something to construct buildings safer than they protect the life of its occupants.

SUPERIOR EDUCATION: The Research As Pedagogical Tool

Micheline Rodrigues Olegini Cilene Maria Rasp Antunes Maciel superior education is today essential factor for the professional qualification, without a doubt he is one of them pillars for the development of any country. The present article whose the subject is ‘ ‘ Superior education: The research as tool pedaggica’ ‘ , it has for purpose to approach the questions that permeiam the educative research as practical and the importnica of the professional of the education to be qualified to use it. It is the tool of the reconstruction of practical the pedagogical one in order to condition our professional futures to usufruct of the cinetfica research for the one best one resulted in its lives professional and human being. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Superior education, research, tool, reconstruction. Micheline Rodrigues Olegini Cilene Maria Rasp Antunes Maciel Nowadays to higher education is essential will be professional qualification; undoubtedly it is very important part will be any country development. This article which the theme is ‘ ‘ Higher education: Research a pedagogic tool’ ‘ aims at boarding this frequent questions involving the professional practice of research that is both an educative and important tool that the must be uses prepared you. Practical It is the tool of pedagogic reconstruction in way that our future professionals may have the scientific research on to their side will be to better result in to their lifes, both professional and human Key words: Higher education, research, tool, reconstruction When we speak in superior education soon we imagine classrooms repletas of pupils and all with much expectation of what summer in the next years, anxious so that its professors withhold all knowledge and transmits them so that they leave apt professionals for the market work.

Research Research

Moreover, it was established relation enters the consigned prescription collected of the collection of the garbage tax and the volume, efficiency and effectiveness of the garbage collected in benefit of the contributors. c) Statistician: Method that implies use of numbers, percentages, statistical analyses, probabilities. Almost always associated to the quantitative research. In the case in analysis, the data colectados in the field, had been quantified in tables of separate form and in accordance with the nature of these data. It was essentially from this procedure that was obtained to quantify the customers of the EDM, townspeople, the colectada prescription and the pointers of retraction and treatment of the garbage.

It are of the methods above indicated for this work, the author stops to operacionalizar these methods used the techniques of documentary research directa and indirecta, that seguidamente they describe. 2.2. Techniques of Research Research are a set of shares, proposals to find the solution for a problem, that have for base rational and systematic procedures. The research is carried through when a problem is had and it does not have information to solve it. According to Lakatos and Marconi (2003: 155), research it is a formal procedure, with method of reflective thought, that requires a scientific treatment and if it constitutes in the way to arrive the reality or to discover partial truths. In accordance with the same authors, exist the following techniques of research: Of documentation directa e; Of documentation indirecta.

2.2.1. Technique of documentation directa the Technique of documentation directa – he consists of the data-collecting in the proper place where the fenmenos occur. These data can be gotten in two ways: Intensive comment directa and extensive comment directa, understanding each one of them another reality. Intensive I.Observao directa: Comment – technique of colecta of data to get information, using the directions for the attainment of determined aspects of the studied reality.

The Researchers

The ice that burns. This would be the first description of ' ' combinao' ' crystallized between methane molecules and molecules degua, found in deep regions of the oceans. The soconsiderados methane hydrates already, for the researchers, the main power plant for sculoXXI. However, the exploration of this power plant can provoke maiordesastre ecological of all the times due to release of the pelarpida gas methane dehydration of the same. The calls abissais regions oceanic detmcinqenta and five percent of all present carbon in the planet Land. From there idea comes them it: ) If the oceanic abissais regions are the depsitosnaturais of carbon, can use to advantage these gigantic and aindadisponveis spaces for ' ' aprisionarmos' ' the carbonic gas, the principalcausador of the effect greenhouse, indirect form.

b) We will use, for this end, the solar energy, afotossntese and the water to cultivate gigantic forests, biomassaabundante that would be enfardada in containers of armed concrete, plastic to ouqualquer another resistant material to the corrosion and, I assist with it of grandesembarcaes, would be carried to those submerged places and for action dagravidade. Containers or packs of the biomass will have to possess orifciospara entered of the water and balance of the chamber pressures and external to paraprevenir possible dosmesmos crushings of containers and to facilitate the submersion. c) The great advantage of if using biomass to paracapturar the carbonic gas are the fact of that the carbon will only be captured, leaving themselves exempt the oxygen. d) For each 12 (twelve) captured tons of carbon, saw biomass, they will be set free 32 (thirty and two) tons of paraatmosfera oxygen, and, very important, 44 (forty and four) tons of Co2, gscarbnico, main .causing gas of the effect greenhouse, would leave to exist naatmosfera that we breathe. e) They will be, to certain form, true depsitosgeolgicos, are about fossas geologic that to be come close to suffer to abalosssmicos or room from layers, would go to soterrar these containers, becoming-osainda safe more with regard to the environment.

Keys Society Great

Agents of the Violence in Brazil Wanderson Vitor Boareto Graduated History and Bachelor in law, After graduated History and Social Construction, Docncia of Superior Ensino and Enterprising Education. Summary Analyzing the Brazilian society and the generating agents of the great violence that is one of males of our modern times. To understand the increase of the violence a more critical vision of our system is necessary regent and of our economy that the social inaquality raises and with this it creates possibilities for the increase of crime. Words Keys Society, Violence, social Market of Work, School, Classrooms The Brazilian society lives the terror of the violence, Ganges esparramam to crime in all the urban ways great them and small cities. The growth of the use of drugs and the alcohol consumption for the adolescents is a preoccupying reality. However the social inaquality that also has its origin in me the income distribution is a factor that must be analyzed. The unemployment also is an important factor in this system that regrado for the consumption and the purchasing power, many are private of the power of purchase due to the unemployment or to the low wages that in the majority are paid to that they do not have professional qualification for the demand of the market. This market that each day is more demanding in relation the workmanship hand, is not said in qualification and yes of qualification, that is, the great companies and the commerce do not prepare its employees, them want the employee soon already.

She is clearly that it is a form of if saving, since the work market is competitive and exists a hand of exceeding workmanship. However, the families also pass for a moment delicate due many times the absence to work due to the material necessities of our days. These children and adolescents live played the luck, with this are white easy to walk to the world of the drugs and the crimes, since many children and adolescents are conscripts for the dealers to serve of aviozinho (people who they deliver the packages of drugs) or guard in the strategical points of the great slum quarters.

Michele Obama

A composer called Doctor Alceu Saliba, said in his composition Modern Woman: ‘ ‘ I cannot deny my feelings, modern woman does not want to become involved itself, hugs and kisses, madness’s, desires.” Mine gentlemen I strong shout in this text: where we are going? In a field of prostitution without return, women come back toward the romantismo, where vocs was goddesses, sight with perfection, the masculine inspiration for any objective, comes back comes back comes back comes back comes back toward the place of where they must not have left. I say with all certainty the man can be great, but alone it goes until a certain limit, the woman is its inspiration to make it to arrive where it to want, in the top. I will mainly give examples of some men of success who had arrived where are not alone for its abilities, but for the support of its women, that always serve of safe port, local of aconchego that it feels the peace and the courage to follow in front. Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, its woman: Marisa, not necessary to say the last name, leads clearly of the husband, but we know who is, therefore it is a giant behind a man, of a man who controlled a nation, but it directed who it was. Michele Obama, that one that is for backwards of the man most powerful of the planet, that controls a nation poderosssima, but who manages the feelings of this man? She is this admirable woman, not it I know, I say admirable therefore is worthy of this thought alone for the fact of who is to the side of it. The woman wants to equal the man. The worthy women, beings, beautiful, genetically and psychologically developed well, more than men, for whom they doubt, I ask, as it can not be. these creatures possess the control of its emotional one to the end of a relationship. Meanwhile, the men do not obtain to take care of of husbands, children, house and still work outside. The men they do not make two of these things without which they felt lost.

Practical Religious

Oliveira, Fbio Pear tree. Religare, to league or ‘ simply; ‘ religio’ ‘ Act of the submitted human beings to a bigger force. We know this force as an emptiness, necessity, support, charity and compassion. It is known of the existence of individuals that are submerged in this alienator blackout, grasped in its beliefs that mutilate the noble part that little is cultivated by the action of the belief, that quiet murmurs in our ears beautiful words that captive practise imposing it without the cognitivo questioning that we need to have to exert a rupture of the manipulation. Its attitudes are notables before the society, a good citizen who not if manifest, does not speak, does not act, do not think soon are part of this social political sistmica gear. Thus becoming plus that it prays, however, it makes preces, it burns incenses and it makes grasped macabros rituals in a dominant ideological belief of that soon ‘ ‘ God will look at for in ‘ ‘. I do not question the faith, it in its essence it is good, it makes with that let us have energies to tread ways, and soon for the resistance the fruit to the conquest. To think itself: ‘ ‘ People for who the daily life is very empty and monotonous if they become easily religious: that is understandable and excusable, but they do not have the right to demand religiosidade of those for who the empty life not transcorre and montona’ ‘.

Medeiros One

J.Nunez an example of literature in function of the man: A Possibility To recommence 2 Edition I am river that were dirty for the way and if it purificou running between the rocks and the falls, and sprout another crystalline time. Saulo Menezes Castro is not what the others think that goes to take off Of you the possibility to recommence, to prove that you are capable to be successful. I left my pride and my vanity of side Because love I you excessively to lose you thus. I pardon can you because already I lived the sufficient one to know that we are made of illusions. I learned with my errors, I suffered my failures, I I cried solitude nights. I pardon can you, I also already suffered repentances and he chewed me on the inside to the remorse. I understood that I am human, That the life if makes of victories and failures, That one day are not a life, when it is wanted to be successful, When expect a possibility to recommence.

I was not condemned to the entire life for an error, Also I cannot condemn you the entire life for its error; When I feel that you want to recommence, and that she learned the lesson Of that this world is made of illusion. I know that the pardon comes of the force of the love. Francisco Medeiros J.Nunez Saulo Menezes Castro poet of the integration with a nature, of science without calculations and the philosophy without teses and theories. Poet of the envolvement and the dance with atoms, poet of the fusing of the man I obtain exactly, of the individuality, of conscience to exist and of the integration with the universe. The man is only one small part, an only member of this infinite and universal body. Francisco Medeiros poet conservative of the good customs, the moral, the coerrncia with the life, the dignity, the Christian charity and the decency, qualities that still are revealed in the human being, exactly in this time of sexual freedom and accidental sex. This poet is victim of the inversion of values and the sexual and moral degenerations that are seen today as progress and evolution. He represents the ones that in the same society without revealing its opinion are inflexible. These virtues that if it sees in this poet, are in the truth fruit of a hard one discipline, are perfect behavior are not gratuitous, are a constatao of that this is optimum way for the humanity. The conservadorismo is opposes the conceitualizaes that it searchs to devaluate what it is established as certain to construct to concepts and truths that are favorable its weaknesses and degenerations.