
Environmental Crisis

It's 7 pm on a Wednesday, and suddenly the sky starts to turn white in the vicinity of the University of La Guajira in Maicao. Someone surprised me question what it is and before I answer I forward one of the neighbors: "this is not a passing cloud or fog. They are salt particles that come flying through the air. They come from a nearby mill. All houses in the neighborhood are being damaged because of salt. " Without that we had summoned for that purpose, we have set to talk about one of the many facets of environmental pollution.

For several decades, experts in environmental issues have been doing an insistent warning: the world is reaching its limits and, sooner or later, nature will invoice and then pay dearly for the impudence to abuse it has been so noble and generous and has given us everything that the species is needed to live. However, life is not all that be enough according to the religion of misers. Therefore, the planet has been plundered, beaten, victimized, battered … and the consequences are obvious. Today there is talk of the environmental crisis as a future event, but as a fact imminent, devastating and in some cases, irreversible. The question is no longer a distant tomorrow, ethereal hypothetical and probably never will. It is a phenomenon of our time whose evidence is manifest as part of normal everyday life.

For those who live in the hot TV is generous in showing the images of other regions and therefore we have witnessed the melting of glaciers that were considered eternal. The announcement was made in the past that the poles would melt has begun, and its consequences will be felt slowly in the coastal regions of the world. But that's not all. Global warming not only feels and the thermometers. The soil, oceans and the skin suffer from the excessive heat. And, as we announce the experts, the temperature will continue rising. What will the planet when the temperature reaches the maximum? What how we will survive the inhabitants of areas where temperatures without global warming, are 37 on average? And there's more: heavy rains in normally dry and semi-desert areas such as the Guajira. Downpours that come from time to time, without prior notice the gray sky, thunder and lightning. And the subsequent flooding in neighborhoods where poverty is usually permanent companion of the settlers. And further: banks deforested by human action, rivers that carry waste and chemical waste (also harmful and irrational actions of human beings) and finally the gruesome spectacle of our times: the rivers are dying of thirst and only give signs of life during the rainy season. And more much more: noise pollution, depletion of air, progressive destruction of the ozone layer … anyway. Near the cemetery, in Maicao, several indigenous Wayuu sell oil packaged in reusable bottles. The cost is smaller $ 1,000. Behind, in a shop selling the same merchants paisas bottle filled with purified water and the cost is $ 1,200. Good God! Today water is more expensive than fuel. It is a fact, not a story that the world is reaching its limits. Rutto Alejandro Martinez is a renowned writer and Italian-Colombian journalist who also teaches at several universities. He is the author of four books on ethics and leadership and is included in three anthologies of Colombian authors. Contact him at cel. 300 8055526 or email. Read his writings, a page where you will find writings, stories and beautiful pieces of Colombian literature.

Alfredo Armando Aguirre

Today the isolation and loneliness, feel more in megacities. Some might remember it from "small town, big hell" of Payro, or that Peyton Place (The Caldera of the devil). More those are possibilities latent in all human relationships. I'm finishing. I reiterate that most solutions glimpse the side of improving the quality of life of small towns, which by the side of the megalopolis. This is not to idealize or small towns, nor demonize the big cities, but one, emp.

Anyway I repeat, that the constraints to "shrink" megacities, are very difficult to remove and who feel harassed by the deteriorating quality of life for them, can begin to ponder the decision, always hard, partying to some of these small communities, where opportunities, we have tried to suggest in this development. (May 13, 1996) Note: Published in "La Reforma", General Pico, La Pampa Province, on 27, 28 and May 29, 1996, Nrs. 23 434, 23 435 and 23 436. "I KNOW ANOTHER COUNTRY …" (For the "reinvention" of Argentina) by Mr. Alfredo Armando Aguirre If I share with the readers of this page friend, the following considerations, it is because I know that there is another Argentina. A to Argentina is closer to our everyday practical lives, that what we radiate journalistic cliques, academics and politicians from the city of Buenos Aires, often becoming echoes of what radiates from the cliques of large cities on the planet. I thank whoever it was, which prompted me to physically visit the country for about forty years.

Eye Responders

An easy way to find ezines is to go to Google and add "+ ezines" to the keyword you're looking for. Thousands classifieds sites to advertise your car responders. Classifieds found in newspapers, magazines, websites, ezines, etc. Classifieds vary in terms of size and length, depending on where they are published. Online, most are 65 characters in length and up to 5 lines.

You can promote your auto responders in a top-ranked. What happens is that often your ad will show many ads. So, let's be clear, it is essential to be extremely visible and attractive. It's pretty hard to realize your ad in a sea of falling, so you better make sure your ad is distinguished from others and stick to the eye. Otherwise never be read.

Having a very good announcement is an important step. Your ad should make people feel like clicking. The choice of words can cause the crucial difference between a winner and a complete disaster. Then it will be very important for you to adequately monitor your ads, because otherwise it is waste of money and effort. First find electronic journals and lists that fit with your audience. You can find them through search engines and directories whose topics interest your market. Before announcing his car responders in an electronic journal should subscribe to find out if it really worth spending money on advertising in it. Do your homework before spending money. Read the magazine, look how many ads has made, and whether the items are useful.

Government Disability

What to look for in disability insurance. At a young age the least worry to your workforce. Many people assume that we live in a welfare state that will compensate for this form of discrimination. But here, the devil is in the detail. The Government services has been shortened in recent years more and more, and therefore no longer sufficient. Approximately 25% of employees are unable to work in the course of your professional life.

The number of unreported cases is likely higher. The case of incapacity for work occurs, most with State support can expect. Ideally the person concerned up to 30% can get his gross income, which is however enough under normal circumstances not to life. Disability insurance or disability insurance In the vernacular is often talk of a disability insurance, which doesn’t exist. Disability insurance or disability benefits are usually meant. Especially the disability insurance has enjoyed in the last Years of increasing popularity, as the population has become more sensitive the subject unable to work towards. What must be observed? If you are interested in disability insurance, there are a few points that must be followed prior to the conclusion of a relevant police there are insurance providers that explicitly exclude certain diseases. Here you should read fine print with a professional so that you are actually insured in the case.

With the insurance of inability to work, set also an expiration date of the policy. Since most people only after the 55th year of life are unable to work, should attach higher age of the process. Tip: Minimum until the age of 60. The contributions you pay monthly for your insurance, calculated as a part of the retirement you want, that you would receive in the event of occupational disability. The higher the desired bond, the higher the monthly premiums. Tip: Your pension should be about 75% of the Net salary amount. Ensure prior to the conclusion that no abstract reference “is listed in the contract. This States that you need to exert a new occupation in the event of work disability in the worst case and despite insurance of inability to work receive no pension. How much does disability insurance cost? The costs are mainly dependent on three factors: desired amount of pension age kind of employment this is cheaper, the sooner you secure a possible disability. Also, the type of employment plays an important role. Employment is a psychologically stressful or physically hard work, the contributions are correspondingly higher. As mentioned also the desired occupational disability pension is a cost factor. If you need a disability insurance or not, you need to decide.

Website Promotion

The task of positioning your website, should not fall into the belief that their mere existence is enough or hiring a PPC campaign this target. The real position of your website is achieved through promotion, like a person’s reputation is achieved by the number of people who know and talk about it. Your website needs to be promoted, and this is an activity that usually remains in the responsibility of the owner of the website and not who designed the website or providing accommodations, it is simply the promotion of a website is a service and different area. What should we do then to promote our website? The first thing is to know that we have hired, if you have a contract with a hosting company, and its Web site to another, then you can be sure that no one will support you with their promotion, at least not without charging for it. If you purchased both services with the same company, then chances are that I can support and not necessarily charging. When you perform a comprehensive recruitment, get the free support following their promotion and thus their position: Monitor your traffic statistics to identify strengths and weaknesses in the content of your website.

Indexing your website in major search engines and annual maintenance. Support for direct marketing and manual directory portals and business and industry. Creating location maps supplemented with useful information for search engines. Publication of these articles to provide additional knowledge and himself of the services available to you. However, we offer cost services where we can step up and do in a short period of time that could be done for free in a couple of years. However, you as the owner of a website, you can promote your own website, many means are available for this business without investing more than a little time and a bit of information. Directories and portals for business and industry, local, national and international levels. Functional classified ads to promote products and services.

Publication of articles on websites and blogs. Using social networks like Facebook, Twitter and others. Why should we pay interest to all these means to promote us and fight a positioning? Why every site just want to have the best positioning, each day there hundreds and thousands of sites that want the same. But are those who take advantage of better services, media or most of them, which invariably earn higher ranks and gain an advantage over time is more difficult to overcome. The promotion and positioning of your website is not about the mere existence of our website or completing a pay per click campaign or a marketing campaign via email, is a matter of time and action. Good positioning can avoid us having to recurrent investments in pay-per-click campaigns or electronic marketing, or enable us to reduce investment, or just get a better result to make the sum of our actions. Of course there are other factors to consider when talking about positioning, for this we invite you to read the article “” for technical reasons your website. Remember that the purpose of your website is to attract customers. We hope this information is helpful to the success of their Internet presence.

The Small

Clients like working with people who have a great personality. If you are kind, outgoing and not afraid to speak, score yourself 5 points! If you are the type of person who never met a stranger and talk to almost anyone, the score of five extra points to yourself 7. Here is a very tough! If you have more than dress size 9 / 10, then took off 25 points in his score. This may sound harsh and unfair, but remember that this is the small modeling industry and customers want a figure of this size or smaller. If you are a size 9 / 10 or less, score 10 points yourself. 8. If a customer calls wanting the model for no pay but great experience, could answer “yes” or “no”? If you answered “sa”, give yourself 10 bonus points for those wishing to model, no matter what the fee is.

To get your foot in the door, showing that they have experience in one of the best ways to start your career. The competition is so strong in the industry that, without this valuable experience of a client may very likey pass it through a different model. 9. If you have big hair and has cut or a cut in the last month, give yourself 10 points. If you have roots that grow outward and visible, take-off of 20 points! If your hair is clean and manageable without any strange “special effects”, give yourself 5 additional bonus points for good hair care and maintenance of the mainstream aspect so you can work with the greatest number of potential customers ! 10.

The Sessions

I live without nostalgia or hope … … .. For what all that I have is the moment … … "I must admit and confess that at first the sessions and the first international meeting I left a lot of learning or feelings, and still no" landing "the issues and the truth could not understand and why not speak, work, activities, etc. he was not getting the desired attention and time.

But as time passed and the semester and through the work, meetings, talks and contact with my professors, I was not only understanding the theory, if not more important, the relationship of their subjects in everyday life, which believe me, dear reader, has been really rewarding. Like when we discussed the theme of love, happiness, which by the way I 've noticed that are already taking courses in these subjects by other organizations, I had moments where I really was moved and download information on the courses we took as part of work in different institutions, I realized how good that these issues have been in my educational walk. This is reflected in the brotherly hugs we gave, photos, good wishes, good thoughts, good intentions that emerged there. Ah, a meeting face (I say I can not have order, since it is a bundle of feelings of how to explain), teams were working on an issue that led us to poetry, and I had to work a colleague and her maid came to us a memory from childhood when we were in elementary school of poetry that came in the textbooks by the way I see nostalgia already changed too much, and we always thought that the former days were better, but I can not stand the want to share this poem, so common but so forgotten …

Stewart Mathematics

"( Stewart: 1998, 16) The mathematics rather than a system of signs and rules must be understood as a cultural heritage in the sense of understanding the subject's development in terms of developing the symbolic function, logic, mathematics, between the subject's mind and logical symbolism. Importantly, students learn Math interacting in diversity, which leads to the abstraction of mathematical ideas from complexity, this means students face a new methodological perspective: research and resolution problem, these aspects that allow them to explore, discover, and create standards versus their own thought processes for the consolidation of logical structures of thought, that give them self of self-knowledge and enduring face reality. First we must remember that the learning of mathematics, like other disciplines, is most effective if the recipient is motivated. It is therefore necessary to introduce the student activities according to their stage of development and to awaken their curiosity and creativity. These activities should relate to everyday life experiences. The purpose of learning mathematics concerns the competence, defined as "the ability with which a subject has to be primarily about referents allow us to act with knowledge of mathematics to solve mathematical problems in different areas. " In the area of mathematics learning object is the competence of mathematical thinking.

The theoretical approach is systemic guidelines with emphasis on the development of thinking and solving problems. This means maintaining the systemic conception of mathematics, but the emphasis is made in the resolution of problems and the development of mathematical thinking. The historical commitment of mathematics aims to be clear about the historicity of this science.

Economic Journal

to improve is introduced on the return of mechanics the difficulties encountered on the machines must be tells me and the designer for years and,. I am in such meetings with, because otherwise, the mechanic would ruthlessly pressed against the wall. The designer has a much stronger position and is typically too eloquent. This is a shortcoming in many companies. The technicians have little opportunity to tell the designers about their experiences at the customers.” As the paragraph Economic Journal reported that Audi managers from all business sectors visit representative selected client families to experience their daily lives. Bizerba, a manufacturer of weighing equipment, engineers at the initial approach with customers. Here they learn how to the operator with the device and What difficulties arise. So it was on it, how important pictograms are if, for example, temporary employees in the retail POS systems work.

The customer in the first place? The scarcest resource in the enterprise is not the capital, but there are the executives who kundenfokussiert think and act. Isn’t that what sounds in fine-sounding rhetoric, elaborate annual reports and soft washed press releases, but rather considered that what is actually lived from Monday to Friday in the company from customer point of view include however. “As an example, consider a typical B2b presentation, so this is roughly as follows: I’ll explain you first of all, who we are and what we can do for you.” On the slides 1-20: the company, locations, history, sales development, management team, products, still more products, the associated services, the mission statement and so on and so forth. After 30 minutes, finally on the last page: the existing customer relationships in the form of a logo cemetery. So you learn then: the customer concludes. While he should be just in the sales in the first place. In the customer-focused communication, such presentations remain first in the case or they are restricted to five minutes and a maximum of three slides. Everything should revolve around the customer and the company. Target must be to find unique solutions that help customers be successful (yet).


As the saying goes, virtuality is a slice of reality. How can you disagree? We are rapidly mastering the internet-space. We begin with the registration of its first e-mail box. Then we have wandered aimlessly through the expanses of the Internet and read by vzapoy different information. Further, very often we get into the chat rooms or forums. Here begins our first online communication, here we get the first lessons virtual life.

Well, after that, more. Recently, a great popularity in the Internet environment have begun to use blogs. Oh, this blogosphere. Do you remember how to create your first blog? Or you do not have a blog? Different Free blogoservisov that allow the blog to find yourself a lot. What to choose? For example, you can start with the blogs on or find yourself a blog on, well, or start with the popular LiveJournal. The possibilities are just a mass.

But what write in my blog? And what's this all about? Treat the blog as a diary I can not because you write a diary for myself yet, and the blog is behaving in order to read it more. Blogging is an opportunity to express their thoughts, their life position to be heard and hear others. First, begin to comment on your posts, you comment on that, and then begins to resemble a communion fellowship of old and familiar friends. ICQ Starts exchange, mail-agents, Skype. So there are your first friends on the Internet. The blogosphere is addictive. There is a kind of excitement, I want to try other blogoservisy, get to know other people. You begin to create and learn at the same time. That study, the Internet, I think the greatest teacher. You can find answers almost on all the issues, gain new skills, gain real friends. Virtuality becomes an integral part of our lives. Good or OK? This question is nobody will give you an exact answer, an answer one chooses for himself …