
The Jibreel

Within its main features that your partner has to contend, are a feeling of greatness – he is good, she is the best-, an exaggerated egocentrism my things, my interests, not renounce anything-, as well as a total lack of empathy in their relations. They are not able to put on the side of the other. They are struggling to respond to the emotional demands of others, of course your partner less. Yes soon feel that your partner like that don’t listen, that does not take into account your needs, that his dialogue is better than yours, and that surrounds you with its surprisingly seductive labia. In addition to not being able to give with the point of your dissatisfaction. Surely you’re linking you with a person very narcissistic. Shown impenetrable with its feelings and is not capable of a certain emotional commitment.

His commitment and intimacy, terror lead him to throw overboard the good moments. Charm shown in society, at times becomes a detachment isolated from intimacy. Assault and separated by the passivity and hostility. Although they yearn for a couple, feel drowned in the relationship. As its name suggests Narcissus, in the famous fable is in love with his own reflection, therefore, the narcissistic feels very fond of himself, but in the background, refuses to experiment with your own internal vacuum. The narcissistic represents characters: the lover, the Jibreel, the expert, the more delicate and fine, but also in the intimate, the most destructive and devastating, when it proposes. Against any criticism he jumps because does not reflect you what you expect. And then, he lashes out with blind fury against the couple, punishing her in all possible ways, given your inability to comprehend and understand the other. Persons who establish relationships of narcissistic love feel that you deserve everything, know everything, understood everything, valued everything according to its scale, there is no entry for nothing, rather than for him.

Contextual Advertising

Lure customers in crisis is very problematic: the incomes of consumers are falling, competition is growing. People who order products before at home or visiting cafes and restaurants prefer to eat at home, cooking food yourself from inexpensive ingredients. So now it becomes particularly relevant advertising campaigns due to changes in market conditions, including in the field of food delivery and catering (HoReCa). Portal, offers the development of advertising campaign and its implementation with contextual ads ("Begun – Contextual ads – a way to find potential customers who are looking for exactly your product, satisfies the tastes and preferences of consumers.

More than 50,000 companies across Russia have been using contextual ads to attract potential customers and the consequent increase in sales. The need for develop and implement an advertising campaign appears in the following cases: 1. Expansion into new markets. Search for any new categories of your company's customers. 2. Offer new products.

Presentation of any product that your customers are not accustomed to seeing in the range of your company. 3. Changing market conditions (significant). The emergence of new competitive products, the decline of effective customer demand, increased impact of competitors, etc. 4. Correction image. Possible change of brand or other characteristics of your company. In addition, the present actual development of advertising campaigns to attract dealers and intermediaries (including franchisees, see interview with Merab Elashvili) to expand the scope of your company for sales. What is contextual advertising? In short, contextual advertising – a form of advertising, which potential customers are finding themselves Ads (as text messages, and banners) with information about goods and services of your company.

More Beautiful Goals

In anticipation of the upcoming World Cup brand CLEAR vita ABE launch the campaign “More beautiful goals,” which will be held from 10 May to 31 July 2010 * year throughout the Russian Federation (hereinafter – action). Conditions for participation in the Campaign To take part in the nationwide action “Most beautiful goals!” you need a period from May 10 through June 29, 2010 to purchase one or two packages CLEARvita ABE men ** of 200 or 400 milliliters, with special promotional sticker on the package. After filling out the questionnaire with personal Registration data and a unique bar code on the site you automatically become a member of Equity and be able to get a guaranteed prize – a soccer ball *** and access to download the movie “100 Best Goals world football “, as well as become an applicant to receive one of the main prizes: a TV set and satellite television, most importantly, one of the 40 tables in the sports bar for the final World Cup! Guaranteed prize – a real soccer ball *** You can get if you register two unique bar code. When you register a barcode you can get access to free downloads movie “100 best goals of world football “from the site. Drawing of the main prizes is held every week ****. Buy shampoo CLEAR vita ABE men ** with a special sticker on the package and a chance to win a lot of pleasant and valuable prizes! * In drawing part of the application, sent in the period from 10 May 2010 to June 29, 2010, inclusive. ** For Men *** The first 25 000 people have registered two barcode. **** In accordance with the schedule of draws, set the rules Shares..

Armed Forces

The Start Was in one day as these, sunny and pretty, where I signed up the troops of Brazilian defense, were an honor to serve there and to show capacity to remain, because at the beginning, the treinos are very difficult, tie most for the chemical preparation, my force of only made me to will to be and to fight for a place in the corporation. It ties the day where I received my first suit, a T.A.50, until then, I already had broken three times right leg and two to the left, one right arm and two the left. Therefore I had time to all analyze the project of the suit and to obtain an authorization for modifies it, by means of posterior analyzes of the technician of the base. It was there, that I started to work in the projects and construction of the suits used in the base. It was a very difficult start, after I I did not have no course, that could help me, was everything in the pure acquired knowledge, making the maintenance of the suits and repairs in the workshop of the quarter, place where I absorbed much knowledge and skill to work with this type of service. Later, I was to work in set the companies who made all the suits of the Armed Forces, where I could develop some proper projects, with I assist of technician more experienced, then I dominated the technology of the robotics, mecatrnica, development of programs and systems. Thanks to my development inside of the companies, and creation of some models of suits, then I was promoted the handle, and later the sergeant, arriving until 1 lieutenant, to put, I lost you vary promotions, due the fight constant so that certain people could be in the troop, I I was lowered for handle, patent that I kept per six years.

Notary Public

In the U.S. (and possibly also in other countries), the latter usually certified by a notary signature certification. Signature of Notary Public shall be certified by the Apostille. Signing authority for the submission of the founder may be witnessed as a conclusion about this law firm, and with recent evidence of suitable public authority which granted the authority to sign. While waiting for issuance of a certificate of approval, a company which is under establishment can be registered as such in the commercial register of the Chamber of Commerce. For such registration, the following information: company name (with added notes 'ie', pointing to the fact that the company is under establishment); certificate of registration of the founder, a brief description activities undertaken by the company, the number of people working for the company, to locate and address of the office, personal information such as name, address and nationality of directors, a letter from the notary who assigned registration agency company stating that the company is under establishment, the personal data of all persons (or any) other than directors who are given the authority to represent the company.

To agency partnership, any person of the entity may enter into a contract on behalf of ZKOO, located at the stage of establishment, which had been registered as such. After incorporation, the board of executing Directors may approve all legal actions carried out on behalf of the company prior to its establishment. After this statement the company is linked retroactive effect. Prior to this approval, any person to act on behalf of the company is personally liable for those actions. Following the adoption of such personal liability ceases to exist. ZKOO, which is under establishment, can not include in the legal face.


Many faced with this situation: a man has filed a letter of resignation on their own, put expired two weeks, and then begins to interfere with the bosses. Documents, they say, do not get until you do so-and-so, or until a successor be conveyed all the cases. Employee in a panic – and a new place is waiting, and seemed to really have everything to finish, and then suddenly But no "suddenly" can not be! Here you can not even escape to law firms for advice and help, but just read the article 80 of the Customs Code, which clearly states: "Upon the expiry of notice an employee is entitled to stop work. On the last day of the employer must give the employee work record, other documents related to the work, upon written request of the employee and make him a final settlement. " No "special" conditions of dismissal the employee the employer has no right to invent, and should issue dismissal in accordance with the rules of hr administration and employee pay all his documents and money. Even if the employee is in arrears to the organization (for example, did not give the wealth of some report has not released official shelter, or something not finish at work), after a notice period the employer may not delay the employee.

In some cases, the employer has the right to seek enforcement officer certain substantive obligations (to pass values to leave the shelter, etc.) through the courts. Work-book required to be issued as amended her account of resignation. If an employee is absent from work on the day of dismissal (sick, vacation, etc.), the Administration on the same day should send him mail notification of the need to get a work book. Forwarding employment record mail delivery at a specified address is permitted only with the consent of the employee. In this very last day the employee may be relieved of his duties for the time necessary for the calculation and employment record, if it is for the objective reasons, he can not do this at the end of working hours.

For example, if the entire organization (including accounting, human resources, etc.) runs on a single graph, and finishing the working day, the employee can not simply issue all documents. Delay of the work book can be regarded as depriving the court employee's legitimate opportunity to work and the employer is at risk to pay for all time of enforced idleness dismissed (from the date dismissal to the date of execution of court decisions). The delay is the final settlement is an administrative offense, and if more than two months, then a professional offense. If an employee appeal to a court or prosecutor's office, the employer will not save even the most sophisticated in-house counsel. If the employer after the expiry warnings are not issued an appropriate order of dismissal the employee, the latter still may not come to work. Maksim Goryachev, ceo of law firm 'Guide'

Seduction Events

As already we had said the seductive search success in that it desires, we also know that we are born with dom to seduce the people, therefore is important to know techniques of seduction for a good purchase or sales. But as to learn these techniques? First we need to understand as the people think. All person has a particular and individual perception of that its return happens, this means that each person has its impression of the world to its way, of particular and independent form, however everybody follows a standard of thoughts to carry through comparisons of the information that receive with that they already know, that is, each person has in its mental map a memorized event that it backwards good sensations and other events that it backwards sensations not so good. Knowing of this we can affirm that when we interact with a person and in the perception of it in them we incase in souvenirs of good mental events well we are received by it in relation our ideas and can start to have to be able of full persuasion if we perceive the mental state of the person and its emotions in which it can be demonstrated by gestures, way to speak, to look at, to touch, to smile or to breathe, as well as are clearly can pass to be compared with contrary events with the good ones, thus in such a way will not have good reception of this person. Each event known in the memory of a person is stored in one place that we go to call ' ' room of arquivos' ' where in this ' ' room of arquivos' ' they are stored separate events for sensations, either these good or bad ones where we go to call this subdivision ' ' room of arquivos' ' of ' ' pastas' ' finally the good mental events will be called ' ' arquivo' ' the bad ones also. .

Mosigra Events

The company organizes every weekend games store – events where you can meet in a cafe in the city and to play different board games, as well as a psychological game. Admission is free, everyone is welcome. As Typically, a place for toy libraries are selected by more than interesting, so you should definitely visit them. In addition, these events always have the opportunity to purchase these or other table games at a discount. Operates a separate Mafklub for those who enjoy this wonderful game: you can play with the most sophisticated and well-trained and fully enjoy all the niceties of diplomacy. The company organizes every weekend games store – events where you can meet in a cafe in the city and to play different board games, as well as a psychological game. Admission is free, everyone is welcome. As a rule, the place for toy libraries are selected by more than interesting, so you should definitely visit them.

In addition, these events always have the opportunity to purchase these or other table games at a discount. Operates a separate Mafklub for those who love this wonderful game: you can play with the most sophisticated and well-trained and fully enjoy all the subtleties diplomatii.Kompaniya organizes every weekend games store – events at which you can gather in one of cafes and play different board games, as well as a psychological game. Admission is free, everyone is welcome. As a rule, the place for toy libraries are selected by more than interesting, so you should definitely visit them. In addition, these events always have the opportunity to purchase these or other table games at a discount. Operates a separate Mafklub for those who love this wonderful game: you can play with the most sophisticated and well-trained and fully enjoy all the subtleties diplomatii.Kompaniya organizes every weekend games store – events where you can meet in a cafe in the city and to play different board games, and also a psychological game. Admission is free, everyone is welcome.

As a rule, the place for toy libraries are selected by more than interesting, so you should definitely visit them. In addition, these events always have opportunity to purchase these or other table games at a discount. Operates a separate Mafklub for those who love this wonderful game: you can play with the most sophisticated and well-trained and fully enjoy all the niceties of diplomacy. See

Preventive Health Supplements

Health is the most precious thing we have is a priceless gift that must be protected in every way. And most importantly, it should be done wisely. You can not just hear from someone on something, go for drugs or herbs (y They also have side effects). Need to turn to professionals to reliable sources. It must be understood to understand the reason for our problems, make the right decision. From what built our body? From what we are made? From which to build our cells? What do they need to exist? Our body – a kind of mechanism, its existence needs nutrients: minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats (in spite of the fact that we all avoid them) carbohydrates. We eat, so it was all in our body, so he could work and we could live, to exist. Our food – how many nutrients in them? Look around, what is happening to our environment? In our food valuable components smaller and smaller.

We do not get enough nutrients from our food. We live surrounded by stress. A stress disrupt our nervous system and suppress our immune system. What do we do? The best thing that we can offer a science at this point – it's biologically active supplements (dietary supplements). Biologically active food supplements obtained by using high-tech processing of natural plant herbs.

They contain vitamin-mineral complex and phytochemicals. Each plant is going in a certain time of year, because it affects the nutrient composition of grass. Then, fresh plants and herbs are placed in special "Eco-transporters" and delivered to the factory. Unique technology kriodrobleniya (grinding of raw materials in low-temperature environment in an atmosphere of inert gas nitrogen) used in the production of biologically active additives, preserve useful properties of plant components, without killing the life-giving force of herbs.


I did not attach much importance, especially as the number of the stand was empty. But mentally, I asked myself: "What is it? .. Some Space technology? .. For what? .. "And he went on.

A few hours later I returned to the stand, where we have shown the equipment, and I was struck by how fresh air is shown by the unit gave out. I immediately remembered the Carpathians. In the mountains, I could not breathe in the full light, I often caught myself thinking, especially when it comes to the total tobacco bars and cafes, as that breathe in the mountains to breathe anywhere else … It's imprinted in my entire life. Stop! Thought: "The unit produces air equal to the mountain …" I wonder? .. Clean fresh air has been my "button"! ("Button" – that's what a person has a response), for example, my friend is sooo big "button" – Girls! .. One gets the impression that he thinks about them 24 hours a day …

My interest in the unit rose to heaven. A man who demonstrated the possibility of the device smeared my palm onions (not a pleasant smell), bring asked one arm to the instrument and the other to hide behind. Thirty seconds, no more smell of onions had disappeared, and his hand began to smell fresh, so the smell of laundry in from the cold. And the smell of a second hand one that was behind him, remained. I really ofigel … I "cleaned up" the second hand, bringing it to the instrument, and I realized – IT WORKS! I realized that this product is needed by the people, he solution! But it was not all ..