
PKV Tariff Change In Unisex Tariffs

Why PKV customers when changing the tariff the new unisex tariffs once avoid if PKV tariff change and unisex tariffs: off 21.12.2012 the private health insurer may sell only the new PKV unisex tariff. All previous, gender will be closed independently calculated a tariff change for new customers. At the same time complemented the PKV tariff change right in the relevant legislation (section 204VVG) to a unisex passage. “Below the exact wording of the corresponding supplement: a change from a tariff where the premiums, regardless of gender is calculated, is excluded in a plan where this is not the case,” This means the car insured persons who perform a PKV tariff change in one of the new unisex tariffs, not one of the still valid regardless of gender calculated PKV plans to return to. By the very unsafe calculation basis the new PKV unisex tariffs, therefore a price change in one of these tariffs is not recommended. PKV customers is therefore recommended, PKV tariff changing first to recommend the current regardless of gender calculated health insurance rates. After an establishment of new unisex tariffs, as well as an analysis of the corresponding contribution histories within these tariffs, PKV tariff switching in a unisex tariffs for car insurance in the now current bi sex rates is still possible. CAR insurance, should be therefore definitely not in one of the new car unisex plans push their private health insurance.

A PKV tariff change can lead to a significant reduction in contribution within the existing private health insurance. By the very substantial tax cuts of in recent years, many car insurance have reached their breaking point. A PKV tariff change the posts of just longtime private Krankenversicherter part can be greatly reduced. This is possible in many cases or a reduction in the quality of the services of private health insurance. Already saved in the current PKV fare age provisions are fully the new car tariff of the Health insurer expected.

SCN Complexes

A subclass who must be cited is of the 2-cloroetil-metanossulfonatos. (2-cloroetil-sulfonil)? metil metanossulfonato (clomesona), although to present lesser activity cytotoxic that of the Bussulfan and the same types, one has revealed more selective in relation to the DNA, when compared with nitrossurias (Tong and Lundlum, 1980) .3.6. Antineoplsicos complexes of coordination of platinOs formed by composites of coordination with platinum, as the cisplatina (cis-DDP, commercially Platinil or Platinol) and the carboplatina (CBDCA, Paraplatin), alquilam the DNA (Najjar, 1992). The platinum complex suffers reaction from substitution of ligantes in the organism. For this, it must have in its structure a called group deserter, who must present moderate labilidade, being the chloride (CL) more widely used. Complexes with ligantes strong coordinate, as IN the 2 and SCN are inactive. An exception to this last generalization is the complexes contends ligantes double-toothed dicarboxilatos, that show activity and, due to its lesser reactivity, causes little collateral effect (Hahn and Weinberg, 2002).

Already complex with very lbeis ligantes, as the nitrate (IN the 3-), is very toxic and they do not show antitumoral activity. The ligantes that remain in the sphere of coordination of platinum, that is, those that they are not substituted in the organism must be relatively inert groups, as the amino ones. These double-toothed ligantes can be mono or. The double-toothed ones form preferential, with platinum, rings that are energetically favorable, as of five or six members. These ligantes follow the platinum atom until its target in the interior of the cell, and thus they shape the citotoxidez and the antitumoral effect of the complexes (Hahn and Weinberg, 2002). The carboplatina basically the same presents aspect of activity of the cisplatina, however with reduced collateral effect. Unhappyly, although better to be tolerated, the not active carboplatina in resistant cells to the cisplatina (Oliveira and Alves, 2002). Beyond the monometallic complexes, one another sufficiently promising platinum composite classroom is that one where the complexes present two on units of platinum for a diamina of changeable length of carbonic chain.

Vasily Grossman

We refer to an epic novel. Coral extraordinary story, with characters entering and leaving a frightening scene and a landscape. r Diabetes is currently assessing future choices. Characters that just to survive in those circumstances, give a good measure of their heroism. The Battle of Stalingrad in particular, and the Second World War in general, give rise to the narrative of the lives of people trapped in hell: on the one hand the German army and the Nazis and Stalin on the other hand, and communism. The extension of the novel and the large number of characters with Russian names, causing the need for extra effort of concentration in history not to be missed, but at no time is lost intensity or emotion. The defense of a ruined house in the middle of a completely torn Stalingrad, and the maintenance of a power plant destroyed by the bombardments, a birth in the basement of a bomb shelter in the midst of people injured and dying, the political career of a fanatic catapulted and ousted by the same circumstances: war, the renunciation of the most basic principles not to lose the position and status acquired, the soldier and his mother, and death among them swarming Everything, absolutely everything under the great eye ideology of communism, who sees everything and controls everything, which makes stifling existence, background adding the fury of the bombing and shortages of war. Needless to say, Grossman was one of the thousands of artists and thinkers who suffered relentless persecution of the communist regime, not satisfied with them silent, tried to erase all traces of their works. Miraculously, as indicated in the lapel of his own book, you can enjoy reading a work of this scope narrative. Life and Fate is another epic tale of heroism of the Russian people. Safe Creative # 0912035057747.


If the same set of products and finely chop the mix will be a different taste. Quite a different taste, if Products grate layers – potatoes, pickles, meat, onions, covering each layer with mayonnaise. Examples of variants of a dense salad Next comes creativity, you can add different vegetables such as green peas, or carrots (to choose from – a raw, tucked sour cream, cooked, braised in milk, fried with spices such as turmeric or curry or cooked in Korean), beets (boiled, pickled, raw, mayonnaise, baked with prunes and garlic), corn, cucumbers and tomatoes, greens (lettuce, dill, parsley, basil), olives, capers, cheese. Vegetables and herbs can add variety of different ways: one type or several at once. Filling Salad Filling may also be different: just mayonnaise, mayonnaise with sour cream, vegetable oil, beaten with a drop of vinegar and herbs, and oil and vinegar can also be different, as the set of dry grass. Zest for salads exotic, you can add fruit: pineapple, kiwi, apples, pears, peaches, bananas, oranges. Then, most importantly, feel, compatibility and the right amount, for example, proposed a basic set, cut into large, we can the last layer of potatoes, pineapple or kiwi fruit to decorate or fried banana.

An example of a dense salad with fish by the same algorithm can make salads with other sets. For example, the basic set-rice, fish (cooked, salted, smoked, marinated). Depending on the type of fish – as other products if the fish – boiled, then pickled cucumber, green onions, if smoked, salted or pickled, then – cucumber, onion primarinovanny slightly further to all kinds of fish – combine olives, tomatoes, corn, green peas, carrots (cooked, stewed in sour cream, or spices), herbs. For exotic – apples or pears or kiwi. Fill with garlic mayonnaise, or vegetable oil lemon juice and herbs. Algorithm 'lightweight' lettuce salads for light foundation will be different kinds of lettuce or cabbage and supplies of fresh vegetables, as other foods – green beans, corn, olives, capers, avocado and greens. As an exotic, kiwi, pineapple.

Filling can be prepared from alcoholic beverages (brandy, cognac, rum), mixed with cream, salt, pepper and herbs or vegetable oil, lemon juice (vinegar) and herbs. Sometimes there are added various additives, whipped with butter (boiled egg yolks, smoked fish, shrimp, crawfish, cheese, garlic, seeds and various herbs). Example of 'easy' A simple salad of lettuce light. Basic Kit – Chinese cabbage, green onions. In the course of the algorithm, you can make different versions, such as "green" version of green cucumber, olives, peas, dill, butter, fill with the lemon juice with basil, garnish with green grapes, capers, sprinkled with dried seaweed, or, for example, "colorful" version: a basic set add the tomatoes, radishes, yellow peppers, black olives, dill, butter, fill with lemon juice, beaten with boiled egg yolk, decorate purple basil. Do not forget that salad needs time, so they insisted. I hope that my algorithm will help you in creating their own, especially lettuce.

Catholic Church

In that line of clarity, the Pontiff, who in these years has criticized the secularismo that advances in the world added that, " in a certain sense, history has left in aid of the Church, since the different times from secularisation have contributed of essential way to their purification and its inner reform. " Secularisations, or of the expropriations of the goods of the Church or the cancellation of the privileges or similar things, they meant in each occasion time a deep liberation of the Church of the worldly thing: one undressed of its earth wealth and it returned to embrace totally its earthly poverty ". For the theological Pope, " released of its material or political weight " , the Church can be dedicated better and of truly Christian way to the entire world, " its call to the ministry of the God adoration and to the service of prjimo&quot can again live on freer way;. Also it assured that without worldly elements, the Church can realise better its social and charitable work, after assuring that the charity is not for Church one " activity of social attendance that can be left others, but is cannot be waived expression of its same esencia". According to the Pope, the Church must abrir itself to the world does not stop to obtain the adhesion of the men towards an institution that it looks for to be able, but to lead God to them. Sentence to the sexual abuses Benedicto XVI returned to denounce the cases of sexual abuses on the part of clergymen, who said have darkened to the Church he very described and them as facts " dolorosos". More of a thousand of sexual abuses against minors they have been denounced in Germany and according to one has verified in the last 30 years about 350 minors underwent abuses. According to data of the German church, the past year 181,000 people erased of the Catholic Church by this cause.

Before meeting with the catholic groups, Benedicto XVI celebrated a misa in an airport of Friburgo, where before about 100,000 faithfuls it assured that an agnostic is more near God than " routine faithfuls, those that only see in the Church boato, without its heart is hairdo by fe". The Pope Ratzinger assured that the Church in Germany will continue being a blessing for world-wide the catholic community, if she faithfully remains united to the successors of San Pedro (to the Pope, to he), if it takes care of the collaboration with the mission countries and it also lets itself infect in this by the joy in the faith of the churches jvenes" That call, according to Vatican observers, responds to the critics that from the Church German becomes to the Vatican and the figure of the Pope, which they blame of do-nothing policy in subjects like the one of the catholics divorced and returned to marry, to whom refuse the communion to them, the sacerdotal celibacy and the arrangement of women priests. These two acts culminated the visit of four days from Benedicto XVI to their native Germany, of noticeable ecumenical accent, in which it emphasized the figure of Martin Lutero and denounced that the true crisis of the Church in the western world is a faith crisis and that if it is not arrived at an authentic renovation from the same, " all structural reform will be ineficaz". Source of the news: Benedicto XVI asks to the Church that undresses of its earthly wealth and to be able politician


Time ago that the Argentine player has been without a median graph that represents it. Neither conceptually nor ideologically. Newspapers are today divided between Contentos and Enojados: some by receiving part of State cake and others for not having even their crumbs. Anyway: neither the one nor the other, is aimed at the reader. So far the k process a series of graphics media that have less sustenance than a brochure of supermarket have appeared, but they persist because that makes the game the Government. Long ago than the print media will not bother to follow a topic thoroughly. The investigative journalism is dead. Everything is confined to stickers, alcahueterias and play what someone vomits and that the press has been swallowed.

News can win the first flat and the next day be lost in a pair until disappearing completely page. And no one questioned so much informative disloyalty. Because the reader knows that what you say falls on deaf ears. There is a journal that was born with Peron and today a sector of peronism wants it to go to bed. Clarin is why nervous if they are attacking him with the same weapons, which once knew used to deal with those who did not share his journalistic line.

This publishing company is the same that defecates on the communal decisions of Mar del Plata on how to lay the lines of television cable. Cablevision, former multichannel, gives the Subscriber a service that a real taken hair results. Thank goodness that halted it an increase that was a true outrage in the pocket of the defenseless consumer. It is the same company that used all his influence to prevent the arrival of any other competitor.

Open Access Art Exhibition

Open call / open doors! Invitation to the current issue of mine hands needed 2.1?, registration is not necessary this time we start at 0:00 with the construction already midnight and the Gallery is open 24 X hours! On August 31 is season opening the Zurcher galleries and on September 1 long night of the museums. We open art, food, drinks, pomp also on the 31sten at 18: 00, with sound, urban and present the empty gallery for the first time. There you can with the works ever a nozzle to air-condition is, socialize, sound hear some drinking and plant lists can be delivered even. Is midnight September 1, start by “me hands needed 2.1?, _3. 2 1 _ let the construction begin!” Backflash: Super, the building was also the last MHN 2.0 in March, the buzz fantastique! There were approximately 70 participants and over 600 visitors came again! There was media coverage (20 min.) and we have received a lot of feedback. Equal to the most mentioned points were: extended opening hours; many would appreciate it if you could visit exhibition late in the evening and on Sunday. The lighting was not ideal.

We know that of course in the meantime was an upgrade but always still not the yellow of the egg is made then surprisingly lots of music in the exhibition wanted to hear, however, this is easily solved 🙂 In addition, we have noticed that apparently is not clear many, that “I need hands” is more than “just” an art exhibition. MHN is an open platform, a nonprofit project and at the same time a statement. Each new issue of MHN is in one word: an open-access peer-2-peer-work-in-progress-Crowdfunding action. I.e. Everyone can and should participate also! Our contribution includes work on the concept, communication/networking, inventory/material, advertising, administration, maintenance, hosting this effort not portable but logistically, financially and time for us, because he is also bigger.

Starting Point For Fair Way:

New training programme for school classes taught children self-respect and social Feldberg Altglashutten, July 15, 2011: most are in the 21st century is not easy: many children and young people experience their childhood as difficult or even fear-filled. The result is that they show often early social behavior uncertainties, which may cause conflicts in the school in the form of aggression, bullying, and violence or but at home in the family. There are innovative concepts who promote the social relations of children and use their potential. “Children and adolescents have a low self-esteem or lack of social skills often. This needs the company of tomorrow strong children”explains Sabine Barczik, project manager. She has now launched the new project “fair way” given. This is a special, six-day training program for school classes of all schools up to the 9th grade, which is “Social learning” in the Center. In the House “Sonnenhang” in the Black Forest Children and young people acquire Spa Feldberg Altglashutten action-oriented, problem-solving skills, which allow them to himself and the other open, fair and constructive manner.

The project “fair way” she supported in this way here to sharpen the perception of their own, to question views and to address them consistently. It comes to give the child the necessary social skills, social conflicts and to solve it in a fair way without violence”, Sabine Barczik performs. This is “fair way” the impetus for a lifelong learning process. The project was developed in collaboration with experts. The Spa is vehicle + Reha GmbH.

More information to “fair way” find parents, teachers and schools under or can telephone under 0761 / 453 90-27 and be requested via E-mail at. About the House “Sonnenhang” in Feldberg Altglashutten House “Sonnenhang” in Feldberg Altglashutten, a Programmhaus is specially designed for School classes. It belongs to the Spa + Reha GmbH in Freiburg im Breisgau; a nonprofit subsidiary of the joint Welfare Association, National Association of Baden-Wurttemberg. Nationwide six mother-child clinics, a clinic for family rehabilitation, as well as a hospital for Psychosomatic Medicine and psychotherapy count to their Federation.

Viktoria Altenmittlau

VR Bank grants donations via Facebook 7,500 euro for regional clubs for four weeks 65 clubs from the business area of the VR Bank main Kinzig-Budingen EC on Facebook fought votes. The winners of the second VR VereinsVotings are now. The VR Bank had regional associations, which together achieve more in their funding program”take part, called upon to present on Facebook and then to go on hunting for votes. The clubs with the most votes received donations worth a total of 7,500 euros. That small clubs can move large, the animal protection Association demonstrated velvet paws Nidda.

As an association with the fewest members in the category of charitable institutions/organizations garnered the most votes the Velvet paws and now received the advertised donation worth 1,000 euros. Klaus Heilmann and Mark Langlitz Bank main Kinzig Budingen EC congratulated the Club personally, and handed over the symbolic cheque to Sylvia Wittmer and Janina Grauling. Two ended up ranked in this category the volunteer fire brigade of Barg, the Forderverein of Kita IMP Valley and the volunteer fire brigade of Ortenberg Bergheim on place three and four behind left. The category of cultural associations was highly competitive, here the music club Viktoria Altenmittlau had the nose in the head-to-head with the mixed choir of Barg at the end of the front. The men’s singing club harmony Bernbach was delighted with the third and the theatre company the mill spirits Hirzenhain about fourth place. Among the sports clubs, the KSG Ober-seemen prevailed. A good result achieved also the SG Hesseldorf hamlet new village with the second place. Three finished the SG Altenhasslau/Eid buttocks and the fourth place of the SV Bushido Erlensee.

KLJB Eichstatt Youth

16 MdL praise the political practice week of youth and KLJB from March 3 to 8 accompanied 16 young adults almost a week 16 Landtag of all the groups for their work and were particularly close insights into the politics. They participated with them in Committee, group and plenary sessions and experienced it firsthand how land policy. “” It was peak, super informative and great, even to get to know the personal pages of the members “, praises participant Christina Landtag Haak (22) by the KLJB Diocesan Board of Passau the project live” the youth of Bavaria and the Catholic Landjugendbewegung (KLJB). From 3 to 8 March accompanied 16 young adults almost a week 16 Landtag of all the groups for their work and were particularly close insights into the politics. They participated with them in Committee, group and plenary sessions and experienced it firsthand how land policy.

The 20-year old Nicole Fleischmann from Greding (youth, Diocesan Association Eichstatt) reported: Parliament live provides unique opportunity to see how politics practically works. Now, I also know that members basically have a 24-hour job. There is no such thing as a lunch break, worked in the”. “On the other side, the 16 members of Parliament much out of touch with young volunteers from youth and KLJB learned: I am impressed by the great interest the great openness and clear perspective on political issues by Franzi.” (MdL Annette Karl, SPD, about Franzi Bauer, KLJB Munich and Freising) to learn that the youth is very politically interested other than sometimes their reputation,. The Vroni was always interested in the subject of energy, has through her studies there insane idea and was very interested in all issues.” (MdL Tobias Reiss, CSU, about Vroni Hadley, KLJB Eichstatt) The chinesischer KLJB Diocesan President of Eichstatt, Vroni Hadley, pleased once again that she could introduce their interests: it was great that Tobias Reiss about the energy concept of KLJB Bavaria already knew and we go into the detail could continue to discuss these issues and to see what is in practice it.