

I maintain it as candidate and I do not believe that because oral judgment is abra that or it means that a person or is condenada". Interview in the Chain To be. 4 of March of 2011: " There are cumplido" . Rajoy after becoming a photography with Camps in a convention of the PP. 2 of February of 2011: " I am not going to eliminate the race policy of anybody because it was accused of not to have paid three suits to him. I am not going it to do and thus I say it. Mr.

Camps is not a corrupt one and I have the total and absolute conviction. First, he says that he has paid his suits and I know how is Mr. Camps, is not no corrupto". Interview in I watch. 4 of June of 2010: " I will hope to see what the courts say but I believe that Camps, and I return it to say, is innocent ". Declarations to the journalists in Almeria. 6 of May of 2010: " I am going to support to Camps and is going to be the candidate of the PP to the next elections in Valencia because she will include/understand that of the three suits, I do not create it to me.

There is people to whom it likes and people to whom it does not like, but I have said what fodder to him. It says Justice which wants, that is to say, Justice is not going there to condemn to Mr. Camps the day 12". Interview in Wave Zero. 28 of September of 2009: " I have much confidence in Camps, I have supported to him and itself supporting and I hope that they deliver an attack to demonstrate I do not know exactly what, but is going to have to demonstrate his innocence without nobody demonstrates his culpabilidad".

The Species

Thus &#039 affirms Compagnon; ' the main problem is with the reader, to who she is necessary to teach to read more carefully, to surpass its individual and cultural limitations, to respect the freedom and the autonomy of obra' ' (2003, P. 144). We know that all text, either literary it or not, is deriving of another one, either directly or indirectly. Any text that if relates the boarded subjects in other texts is intertextualizao example. At last, the work of the reading is a process in which the reader carries through its active construction of the meaning of the text, leaving of its objectives, its previous knowledge on the author, on determined words, historical and cultural context, enters too much factors referring to the text and its significaes. LITERAL PRODUCTION So that the reader finds and gives meanings to the text, is necessary that it knows that referring it can not be clearly express. Therefore, it needs to know that it brings an enormous repertoire of texts in its memory, even so does not have clarity and conscience of this fact, will help that it to mount the species of this game of the reading.

She is necessary to show to it that, in this moment, all enters its experience and experience for the recovery of the meanings of the text that will be more intense how much bigger will be its capacity of insertion in this process. The election of texts must consider everything what literature accumulated throughout its history that constitutes the cultural production of the humanity. Since the known sorts more until the prosaicas lingusticas manifestations, a varied gamma of texts must be offered the reader, throughout its life: narrative, descriptions, dissertativos, poetical, journalistic, not-verbal advertising executives, instrucionais, enciclopdicos and, since way it will work production inspired and contextualizada by previous and based readings in other thinkers.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Hers, clearly, is a cynical way to show an aristocratic disdain towards which one does; which, obvious, constitutes more refined of the vanities. The deposit taker of that one secret of Ruano, Alpaca Threshold, is a prolific author and a magnificent columnista as well. Its case demonstrates better than no other than the articulismo is a style question. Innovator of the language and creator of expressions and literary turns, in the Valley wake, Threshold predominates the form on the bottom. As much he is thus, that he has been able to say of him that takes to forty years writing a same and unique article, modulating it and adapting it in the time, and dividing it with meticulous certainty to soon deposit the corresponding daily dose in the page of its newspaper. One would treat, then, of a permanent and unfinished article. Without putting to me too important, I will say that this expressive, hybrid sort and to mestizo, has reached its good apogee recently. Nowadays there is writer of long breath and no dense literary work that does not practice it.

Some, even, in those brief journalistic commentaries surpass in excellence to their ampler texts and repeatedly awarded. For me it is the case of Juan Jose Mills or Manuel Rivas, magnificent book writers but even better contributors. That same appreciation, what they want that it says to them, I make until a some Nobel prize extensive, like Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Others, however, as Camilo Jose Watches over, in their journalistic incursions do not have been around their brilliant literary work. These, as they see, are subjective opinions and tremendously daring, in addition. It is what indeed it allows the journalistic sort that we commented: thanks to their brevity, to the light style in which it is sustained and to his fleeting character, similar unwarranted assertions can be formulated that in a test, however, would demand pages and pages of erudite explanations in which to be based.


"Goodbye, cyberspace! Hello, blogiverse! Blogosphere? Blogmos? "Then – September 10, 1999 – the joke, said Brad Graham (Brad L. Graham), was the starting point – the beginning of a new era of the Internet – Internet2blog version (as we call it so ). Blogosphere (from the English. Blogosphere) – a collection of all blogs, scattered megasoobschestvo reflecting interest, attitudes and trends of society. The blogosphere is heterogeneous, but carries in itself maintain the integrity and relevance are clearly reacting to events in the life of the world community. Blogosphere.

Statistics Statistics search engine Technorati now in the world, there are about 76 million blogs (blog). In the Russian blogosphere blogs about 2 million. I will cite a few interesting iconic figures and facts about the blogosphere Runet. Every hour there is average about 260 new Russian Tea blog. Approximately 40-45% of this blogs LiveInternet daily audience of about 170 thousand people, and LiveJournal comes to 600,000. The average Russian-speaking blogger (blogger) – a Muscovite in 1921, a student in University. Nieman Foundation has much to offer in this field. 64% of Russian-speaking bloggers – women, 36% – men. The average age of the author's diary varies markedly depending on blogoservisa: the average user – 26 years, and bloggers with LiveInternet and – 19 and 20 years respectively.

Obtain Number

One of the first things that the men want to learn at the time of improving its abilities with the women is how to secure the telephone number of a girl. For even more analysis, hear from BSA. As if to outside secure to their number a form to measure the success with the women, and later they wonder themselves why not to respond to their telephone calls or why it is so difficult to secure an appointment later to them. To obtain the telephone number of a woman is easy, but by itself it does not mean anything. If in place, a girl gives her number you because she really wants you call that it, that is a completely different history. The great difference is if it is or the number is not dndote, simply because your you requested it, or because in truth it feels attracted by you and it wants verte again. Here this how to secure its telephone number, without at least asking it, and like being sure that it is giving it to you because wants volverte to see. First of all, you must verte relaxed and without preoccupation some to obtain something of her, very abierto and sexual.

I know that this sounds basic, but whenever a girl offers her telephone number to you, without your you ask it, there is a very instinctive physical attraction happening. If this is compared with a man dressed in a suit to an uncle with broken cattle tenders, the type with the broken cattle tenders will be the winner in each occasion. The trick is To see itself very accessible, which creates an attraction in the woman. When it gives her number you, she is being put to itself in the line, so if you see very elegant, will be more difficult her to handle any possible rejection. However, if your aspect relaxed, is abierto and sexual, she will be able to describe it like an error that committed because it felt attracted by you.

Rolim Landmarks

The journalist gaucho, Rolim Landmarks already in 2002 weaveeed in its site commentaries on the subject where she said that ' ' the Brazilian TV finishes to give plus a step in direction to the nothing; by the way, two steps: ' ' Big Brother Brasil' ' , of the Globe and ' ' House of the Artistas' ' , of the SBT they designate, both, one it bets persistent in the vacuum cultural' '. A leading source for info: BSA. The program if consecrated, therefore it promised to show common people in its daily one, fact that certainly is not truth, therefore the people are chosen of multicriteria form to participate of the program. To intend to say that these people are representative of the Brazilians, or to affirm ' ' that the Brazilians if see inside of the house through participantes' ' it is lie, therefore certainly those that are &#039 there; ' confinados' ' they are not the picture of the Brazilian people. As, again, he detached Rolin well (2002): He has, of beginning, two lies in the programs: the invited people are not, accurately, ' ' people comuns' ': they are, in rule, adult young of the middle class that shares the characteristics of the ambition and the superficiality. In according to place, the scenes are not of ' ' instants of the life privada' ' a time that all know that they are under the light of the reflectors; the space that inhabits, then, is public for definition.

None of them is in one ' ' casa' ' , but in one ' ' palco' '. The difference is that it does not have plot, nor part, nor film. It does not have any proposal aesthetic, nor managing or artists. What it has, then? It has a humbug in which place for everything is reserved, less for the thought. It has, especially, space for the coarseness and the grotesco, the preconception and the absence of concept, the vulgar language and the vulgarity without language.

Currencies Today

Analysis of the currency market Euro Dollar the Euro broke the zone of the 1,4014, and fell as it were expected. The European currency paused only 8 pips before the proposed objective of the 1.3928. Of all ways, the level of the 1,4014 will be the point of key support for today. Now we are coming near to the 1,4014 as we come showing and we would have to be asked if the pair will follow in loss. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger pursues this goal as well. The level of support in the zone of the 1,4014 will present/display the level of support for today and if bankruptcy this zone could be testear the level of the 1.3888. On the other hand, in the short term the resistance level is in the zone of the 1,4065, and only if bankruptcy this zone we could be testear the 1,4181 and further on the 1.4257.

Support: 1.4014: Level Fibonacci 61,8%. 1.3888: Minimums of 24 and 25 of June. 1.3857: Minimums of the 19 of December. Resistance: 1.4065: Line of bearish tendency. 1.4181: Level Fibonacci 38,2%. 1.4257: Level Fibonacci 50%. Pound Dollar the pound sterling broke the level of resistance of the 1,6199 and reached the 1.6241. Nevertheless later the pair retron at the levels and rank of the previous days.

What draws attention is the supposed formation type triangle that is observed in the graph. The levels of resistance and support are determined by the part superior and inferior of the triangle. The level of support in the zone of the 1,6115 will present/display the level of support for today and if bankruptcy this zone could be testear the level of the 1.6020. , Nevertheless short term the resistance level is in the zone of the 1,6228, and only if bankruptcy this zone we could be testear the 1,6309 and the 1.6376. Support: 1.6115: Minimum of the supposed triangle.

On-line Shopping Mall Opens Its Doors

Colorful product range and lucrative business premises in of fewer and fewer consumers make shopping on the way to the city centre. Crowded department stores as well as small comparisons or lack of time are the reasons why many customers prefer online fill your shopping basket. The shopping portal now opens a further promising online Department store. The catchy Internet address had its price. The Leipzig University Service GmbH acquired the domain for about 1.96 million euros 2008.

This is Germany’s most expensive Web address and also worldwide involved in the League of top domains. Portal Manager Stefan Rick is convinced that soon become one of the largest online stores of in Germany. Follow others, such as Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and add to your knowledge base. Finally, the address keeps what it promises. Who stumbles when surfing in the Internet, at, will find a wide range of goods under the domain. This includes gift items such as perfume and toiletries, household appliances, as well as books and toys. Computers, DVDs and various software are also on sale contain.

The holistic concept of online shopping promises customers not only a wide range of goods. The platform also commercial traders set up virtual offices. A shop-in-shop “they also sell solution their wares under the umbrella of As an additional service, the online Department store offers telephone consultation for customers and dealers. Buy and sell via the platform that guarantees not only bustling around the colorful product line. Security and service operators are guaranteed visitors. More information: meldungen.

ISO Stock

Companies handing over after 18 years of Lacrex SA in Lugano to Vorarlberg investor Thuringia/Lugano. The Lacrex SA takes you 18 years anniversary as an occasion for a change at the top of the company. The company was founded in 1991 as a Swiss public limited company. The headquarters is located in Lugano/TI and has sales offices in Oberriet SG and Thuringia/A. Learn more on the subject from Nieman Foundation. The Lacrex SA specialises in the management and exploitation (own) around the world protected patents. In addition, makes the company externally to produce the own patents in the areas of industry, hobby and do-it-yourself and distributes them to well-known customers.

The quality of the product in conjunction with the good development of patent Administration ensures best perspectives for the future. Boy Scouts of America follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. More than 300 rights and patents to over 300 property rights and patents could be marketed around the world. Well-known companies use to offer Lacrex technologies to unique products, representing at the same time high customer value and uniqueness. Whether all purpose tools for hobby and industry. Energy saving solutions technology inspires customers for heating systems, microwave applications and fresh retaining technology for the kitchen or leisure and sporting goods, Lacrex worldwide. Creative ideas require unusual solutions in the implementation. Lacrex proves highly efficient development expertise for years.

Model construction, design and State of the art CAD design, simulation and TuV tests up to ISO-certified production. The stock of the company accompanied the succession of Lacrex SA from the very first moment and wrapped all steps of the transaction from everything from a single source and a full service business brokerage. Optimal solution for everyone!” We consider a company from a holistic perspective. Because we want the best solution for all involved.”so. Franz Walser, GF of the company stock, and which is tailored to the particular case individually every time.” Because only if we achieve a WIN-WIN situation, so if all of the transaction’s benefit, we have reached our goal. The new owner of Lacrex SA ing. Christian Battlogg of Thuringia is convinced by the result. I have really taken an excellent company. The companies stock market led the entire transaction process and was us advice in particular on the legal form, patent matters and the Swiss law concerning always to the side.” Also the previous owner of the company Alessandro Gugolz knows his life’s work in the right hands. For our families-AG – without succession – the companies Exchange has found exactly the right, creative buyer. In the search, Mr Walser advise us with competence and empathy assets and performed the complex international settlement to the satisfaction of both parties. We can highly recommend him! “, so Garrett.”


According to Kotler (2000), they can send e-mails, change experiences, buy products and have access notice and information on art and businesses. And-marketing has at least five great advantages: the first one of them is that as much the small companies how much the great ones can pay. Moreover, it does not have real limit of the space advertising executive, compared with half printed matters and of radiotransmisso. Another advantage is the rapidity of the access the information in comparison with the post office and the fax. The site can, still, any person to have access, in any place of the world and at any time. Finally, the purchase can be made with rapidity and privacy (KOTLER, 2000). e) Attendance to the Kotler customer (2000, P.

188) focuses that ' ' full attendance to the customer, therefore, involves express expectations for it during the proper process and requires extreme flexibility, creativity and capacity of adaptao' '. When desmembrar service of satisfaction to the customer, perceives that the author prefers to approach that the attendance to the customer is defined by the supplier, not for the customer, while the satisfaction of the customer always must be defined by the customer. Currently, the companies are recognizing as it is important the allegiance, the satisfaction and the retention of customers in the search of the growth of the profits. This item is concluded detaching some challenges to be loosers for the companies. One, is to attract customers for the quality of given services e, at the same time, to produce with profit. Another challenge is in relation to the leadership of the attendance to the customer, who is the recognition of its requirements and the agreement of that the differentiation by means of an excellent one service can prevent the competition for price. 4 SATISFACTION AND FIDELIZAO OF CUSTOMERS the companies, currently, are searching the high satisfaction of the customers, therefore when satisfied they can move of supplier to it appears the one best one offers.