World United
Between the 2002 and 2008 JN it was four times finalista of the Emmy International, Caravan JN and the accident in the airport of Congonhas in July of 2007 had been some of the editions that had led to this prize. One of the chapters most emotive is Good bye of Great Personalities. In six Bonner pages it counts the trajectory of the journalistic covering made for the Pope Joo Pablo II that it starts in October of 1996 and after having received aid from Brazilian nuns to obtain to carry through its news article, it locks up, to the living creature in the Vatican, with good bye of the esteem Pope more than the world already had. The tenth second chapter in the sample as the journalist profession can be challenging. Histories on the Pantry that had made William Bonner to repeat innumerable times the phrase: ' ' Where he is voc' ' , the covering of the elections presidencies of the United States and the coincidences that left the reporters and the transmissions with a determination climate are examples of challenges faced for the reporters of the periodical.
Great Events and the Objective of the JN. In this chapter they appear some critical common, done for the viewers, placed for the writer in relation to the programming of the National Periodical at times of Pantry of the World and Elections, for example. The aspect of that the viewing wait that the National Periodical is a species of daily of certain event also is shown, making with that let us see the positive side of if giving to greater importance and covering to the events that involve other places beyond Brazil. To present the periodical, to the living creature, of another place of the world left of being newness at least since 1992? during the Conference of United Nations on the Environment and the Development.