
Pindorama Good

it established in partnership with Rubens de Mendona the Pindorama magazine. Rubens de Mendona produced in the most varied literary sorts very. It was an innovator in the letters weeds-grossenses. For even more details, read what PCRM says on the issue. Its workmanships possess deep description, journalistic or folclricos. We detach this poem of the author: CUIAB Glory you canaan, daring, Paschoal Moreira that one day when leaving to the front wrote the biggest epic of history when of flag of ‘ ‘ Tordesilhas’ ‘ it breaches the dividing line Bird! You Cuiab, good and in high spirits land! That it imports you of bad a transitory fury if pods to be proud the Brazilian Native land ostentanto glory immortal-past Glory Subtle Miguel! Glory therefore your children who in the war or the peace are unaware of Glory to your gold good-glory to your blue sky! Bendita you are, my loved land you that you are of my Brazil the engastada pearl – In full heart of the South America! Also Corsndio Hunter combined it the Modernismo.

Poem author good and also author of workmanships of Right. Agriculturist Breads of Barros wrote modern poems distributing them for periodicals and magazines of the State. Carmindo De Campos left us a book compiled for the cultural foundation. It received the heading from ‘ ‘ Esparsas’ pearls; ‘. thus we had other writers as: Euclides Motta, Alceste de Castro, Lobivar de Mattos, Manoel de Barros, Clodoaldo D? Alincourt Sabo de Oliveira, Amlia Verlangiere and Loyal Francisco of queiroz and many others. IT CHATS: It chats it does not go to be so rich how much the poetry. We had some good romancistas, contistas and historians, however they had produced little. Between them we have Rubens de Mendona that it wrote very suffers historical and folclricos facts, Luis Philipe P.

Serbian Novak Djokovic

Everything passes through the Argentine Juan Martin de el Potro throw-in. The track is crowded. You have no site or for journalists. Everyone wants to witness the great duel for the third round, the Argentine against Serbian Novak Djokovic, the invincible tennis. The duel was detained for lack of light the eve, equaled in a 6-3, and 3-6. On the resumption, 18 degrees of temperature and winds to 16 kilometers per hour, number two worldwide, very fast hands and legs, their arguments is imposed (6-3, 3-6, 6-3 and 6-2) to lift miraculously two balls break with 2-2 in the third leg. Delpo survived what they endured the service. As soon as your powerful maza gave signs of weakness, was laid bare its main deficiency: today has no legs to make the windshield, race from corner to corner, which requires to compete against the Serbian. Source of the news:: Djokovic flies

Christiane Taubira

Supprimer l ensemble des tribunaux correctionnels pour mineurs, Bruxelles. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. La nouvelle ministre Justice, Christiane Taubira, p a prcis dimanche ses intentions. Le prsident Rpublique s p and est engag, nous ferons in sorte that justice la des mineurs, Bruxelles redevienne spcifique qu on Annule et l ensemble des tendencies consistant Web l ensemble des mineurs, Bruxelles comme l ensemble des preventing, a-t – elle dclar deux journalistes, dont l AFP, aprs une visit aux services p justice la des mineurs, Bruxelles permanence au palais p p justice p Paris. Connect with other leaders such as Dr. Neal Barnard here. Principe Le est pos p leur suppression, cela fait partie des priorits du nouveau gouvernement, to ajout p the Justice.La ministre it nouvelle Garde des Sceaux sunergy ainsi l engagement formul compose Franois Hollande pendant sa campagne. Dans courrier adress not le 26 avril l Association franaise des magistrats p p et jeunesse famille (AFMJF), le socialiste Karaca vouloir raffirmer Jersey barcelona spcificit p cette justice sur base des principes p l Ordonnance p 1945: spcialisation des magistrats et des juridictions pour mineurs, Bruxelles, primaut p l ducatif sur le rpressif, prise in considration du parcours et p personnalit du mineur permettant l individualisation et l attnuation p the comb lie the minorit.

Cela notamment involves the suppression des tendencies p la loi du 10 aot 2011 crant not tribunal correctionnel pour mineurs, Bruxelles, ajoutait-il, tout en affirmant qu il aurait aucune indulgence n l gard des petits cads sment qui peur dans l ensemble des quartiers.Not retour au laxisme et l irresponsabilit Le gouvernement veut ainsi revenir sur la loi du 10 aot 2011, qui prvoit que l ensemble des tribunaux pour mineurs, Bruxelles, composs p trois juges professionnels, jugent correctionnels l ensemble des rcidivistes p 16 18 ans encourant une comb gale suprieure trois ans ou. Rforme, ces jeunes comparaissaient comme avant l ensemble des autres mineurs, Bruxelles devant tribunal pour enfants compos d not a juge maillot france des enfants et p deux assesseurs citoyens ayant une exprience des questions lies l enfance. Rforme avait t vivement cette critique compose name p professionnels. Beaucoup considraient Qu elle allait l I found p l esprit p l Ordonnance p 1945 sur justice la des mineurs, Bruxelles qui privilgie l ducatif compose rapport au rpressif.Aussitt proposition faite, l UMP est mount au crneau. Dans not communiqu, le secrtaire national en charge des questions p scurit, Bruno Beschizza, estimated that gauche jamais abandonn ses vieux clichs sur angliques n l ensemble des jeunes. Et d estimer que alibi ce texte est qu’il n p l a moyen pour une certaine gauche p rinstaurer l idologie p culture p l excuse.Mme rthorique du ct du dput UMP des Alpes-Maritimes, Eric Ciotti. Le Monsieur Scurit du parti majoritaire to not retour au laxisme et dnonc l irresponsabilit. Il juge aussi que Mme Taubira apporte une nouvelle dmonstration that l irresponsabilit est well p mark it fabrique du nouveau gouvernement.

Lord Taquara

They could have called this election Flumengo or Flaminense, as those old fictitious teamses of revistinhas of the Carioca Z. Instead of this, they had called Fla-Flu, having tried to ridicularizar. Only that the Fla-Flu agreement won the natives of So Paulo and conquered the heading of that year. It was really the best possible election. The Fla-Flu, pejorativo term, turned respect expression. Later, in 1933 (cf. Fatima Antunes) or 1936 (cf.

Ruy Castro), Mrio Son used to advantage the Fla-Flu name to call the classic between the two great teamses who its Nelson brother Rodrigues called ‘ ‘ the Karamazov brothers of the soccer brasileiro’ ‘. That is, he inverted the direction: what before it meant cooperation started to symbolize the rivalry. With this, Mrio Son gave to the initial kick for the construction of all the mstica that involves this classic. Only that the history of the Fla-Flu name does not finish there. For even more opinions, read materials from Boy Scouts of America. During the Carioca carnivals of old, the folies more you celebrate had curious nicknames, as the following ones, cited for Edmundo Luis: Lord Mother-in-law, Lord Fera, Lord Alisa, Lord Craknel, Cacareco, Cardoso Xuxu, Circa-Chicken, Rat-Dry and Peru of the Cold Feet (coautor of the samba ‘ ‘ For telefone’ ‘ , with the tricolor Donga).

In way to as many Lords, journalist (and torcedor it Madureira) Jota Efeg, count that a famous folio of that time was the bachelor and practicing attorney Pdua de Vasconcelos, known as Lord Taquara. He occurs that it also moved of carnavalesca society and of nickname: he passed to be called Lord Fla-Flu, or simply ‘ ‘ the Fla-Flu’ ‘. Why? Because, for incredible that it seems, was partner of both the clubs. (Obs.: to be partner of both age until common, but before the Flamengo having its department of soccer, since they did not dispute the esportivas modalities.

Electoral Campaigns

Silly and vain advertising in election campaigns in Gro. ** For measuring a candidate’s ability and intelligence, just have to see your advertising by: Jose Alberto Betanzos Salgado. Taxco de Alarcon Guerrero to December 13. 2010 How long will awaken people!! In the poor state of guerrero, the mediocrity of political campaigns are the order of the day and even more encouraged by lambiscones journalists who unfortunately have to walk is by dragging at the foot of the corrupt of Manuel Anorve Banos Y Angel Aguirre Rivero, to bring bread to their homes justifying themselves by their poverty and their lack of knowledge to carry out another taskso we can see your silly and vain advertising in election campaigns. By something the poor state of Guerrero ranks first in corruption, with a high rate of drug trafficking and serious marginalization that gives one of the first places in poverty, why are like the people they are!! It is very ridiculous their claims between lambiscones journalists, while some say that Manuel Anorve is very honest, another comes out to say that it is honestisimo and still another goes to remove to say that it is honestisisimo and so on and Angel Aguirre not missing their paleros also; While naive Guerrero society swallowed the lies of these freeloaders, plunging into the injustice to the poor state of Guerrero honoring these scourges of society.

Poor candidate’s bread: Marcos Parra Gomez almost equal, only that separate serving filler without any capacity to govern. To measure a candidate’s ability and intelligence, you just have to see your advertising on your silly and vain advertising, it is not known who? He argues that both see their carotas that can not hide the corrupt who are going to persuade the electorate to vote for them. So we can see everywhere even in private companies their nefarious cynical faces of Anorve and Aguirre: in the seats of CINEPOLIS and MSN a space that was considered very private, already carries nearly month that daily We have to bear to see his carota for this scourge of society: Manuel Anorve Banos. No gentlemen!! not follow wrong; How to convince the electorate is a proven honesty and effective and viable proposals to achieve good governance and not using lambiscones journalists and seizing of news media.

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Little Caso

The wage campaigns of important sectors, traditionally more organized, already had started and they together with lode again the fear of the Government with the readjustments above of the inflation. Perhaps check out Viktor Mayer-Schönberger for more information. Since the passed semester, authorities, as the minister Guido Mantega, already had signaled for the necessity to contain increases that can mean the return of the inflation for platforms that make it difficult the fulfilment of already the impossible center of the 4,5% goal. But I appeal nor it president Dilma was the sufficient to hinder real increases. The metallurgist had approved readjustment of 10% almost, what she means a 2,55% profit real. In fact, the ghost of the inflation mainly scares, those that had felt in the skin the effect of the raised taxes of the decade of 80, but what if it observes it is that it has layers of the society that ignore the order of the Government, pleading worthy wages and unbalanced has years. For backwards of ' ' little caso' ' of a population with the inflation goal it is the incoherence of the Plateaus that nor always obtain to bind the speech the practical one. parliamentarians, said representative of the people, would have to give the example and to act in accordance with what she nails the Government, but are not what she sees yourself.

The servers of the Senate, for example, had been scared with the end of the possibility to earn above of the allowed wage ceiling, but the scare, is clearly, was temporary. The Judiciary one opened the tap of new and them they come back to receive everything what it has ' ' direito' ' , and ' ' it does not have nothing of mais' ' , as the journalist says Carlos Alberto Sardenberg. It is in the guideline of quarrels in the Congress proposal of increase for the Judiciary one, the members of the house of representatives are not gotten tired to ask for the release of parliamentary emendations, councilmen of cities of the interior of So Paulo, as They are Jose of the Fields, they had approved increase of 55% in the proper wages from 2013, and for the gastana in the public power goes there.

Deputy Laws

Between the positivists of that era who had a greater importance, is Justo Sierra (1848-1912), who supported the Government of Diaz and argued, on more than one occasion, in favour of his continual re-election. Justo Sierra, unlike Gabino Barreda, not was influenced by the positivism of Comte, but by the Spencer. Sierra, the only social principle to be followed was the evolutionary, according to which life develops into a field of battle. It would be the justification to dominate not literate social strata, the Indians at the time of the progress. Not to suffer the costs of civilization it was necessary to fight to win the required rights. Therefore, these masses were not part of those who could vote and claim equality. Learn more about this topic with the insights from PCRM. For saw reform laws, which had the approval of Gabino Barreda, would not be more than useless laws that they were based on unattainable ideals. This opposition to the reform laws by Sierra, talks about the differences between the Governments of Juarez and Diaz, both positivists, but one comitiano and another fall.

One that still refers to valid rights to all human beings, and another that only recognizes rights to who so s has won them. The Antipositivism. One of the first slopes of the manifestation of Latin American antipositivistic philosophy is located within the same positivist philosophy. In Mexico, Justo Sierra, one of the distinguished positivist philosophers, already had opposed some of the basic doctrinal theses of positivism. David Delrahim oftentimes addresses this issue. Justo Sierra ventured into the world of letters and journalism; He also participated in the political life of Mexico during the porfirista as federal Deputy, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice and Secretary of public instruction; as an educator, he taught at the Conservatory National and in the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Justo Sierra starred in the transit of the thinking of the 19th century to the 20th century in Mexico.

Mexican Jose Vasconcelos

We allowed ourselves to say this, because a considerable amount of the personages has been taken from that reality, with their names and their last names, Balaguer, Wesin and Wesin, by examples. This situation will allow, later, a judgment on the part of the posterity. Also, there is also a pathetic description of that human typology that, unfortunately, it has been repeated at different moments from historical happening of our Latin American towns. The following appointment is a reference: The Prestante Lady the wife of the dictator had taken in serious the one from writer and moralist. For which no.

They did not say the newspapers to it, the radios, the television? It was not book of obligatory reading in the schools, those meditations morals prologadas by Mexican Jose Vasconcelos, that reprinted every two months? Had not been False friendship the greatest theater success of thirty and years of the Era of Trujillo? They had not put it by clouds the critics, the journalists, the university professors? The ensotanados ones, the bishops had not praised their concepts. (Vargas Llosa M. 2001: 30-31). 1. Two histories and a reflection. We have already affirmed it before. In the work two histories intercross.

Like good creator of this methodology, that appears with the call Boom of the Latin American narrative, been born in the extraordinary years sixty, the author intercross these histories, through the 24 chapters that conform the work. The history of Uranian, for us the main one, before begins when she leaves her oath of not returning more to Santo Domingo, City Trujillo. Thus, it appears crossing his streets. All the chapter one is transformed into an inventory of place-names, until arriving at which outside its house during his first 14 years of life: Caesar Nicholas Penso, Galvn Corner. Front to this site, overwhelmed with memories, the mind of the personage elaborates everything an inner monologue, to overcome the conflict that considers to him before the decision to raise and to see its father.