Economic Dynamics
Summary: Inside of an organization one analyzes simple of any process, product and service, provides a harmful error in the economic evaluation. Although the absolute analysis, to be simplest, the same one becomes difficult in the understanding of the real nature of the process. Therefore we have that to have an analysis in diverse dimensions and to change the absolute conception for the relative one. The diverse economic systems are based on the beginning of the man power and means of production (tools, machines and raw material). However this vision limited not express to the current trend where we need to also evaluate the product and service commercialized in relation to the quality and price (cost-benefit), the relative qualification of the man power and aspects referring to the place and observed time has been them pillars of a new economy. The current models are static, where one is functioning, it does not mean that the same it will take care of in another place. The models must be dynamic, that is, to keep the balance we need to put into motion.
In this case from a point the positive paper of a model can confuse another 0 variable of negative form. It is there that the strategy enters to have constant changes to keep the economic stability. All economic system will have in mind Acumulo de Capital (Profit) or Growth of Market, never the two at the same time. Each one will be defined by the commander of the organization. The wealth of a nation is on the individual wealth of its markets, where she is on to the performance of its man power and relative quality of its products. economic Dynamic Word-key, cost-benefit, formation of prices and relative analysis. It lowers the complete article to continue reading.