Author Archive: admin


It happens that we forget to love … Go to Childrens Defense Fund for more information. This word simply drops out of the internal lexicon of the relationship between a man and a woman. Between the two, once eagerly loving each other, people just stop word exist, to be effective. And inside we start to mentally pray for the return of love, remembering those wonderful moments when it all began only those goose bumps, sparkling eyes, sweet (somewhere slightly sugary) finding moments of happiness alone with each other, then a lively dialogue … 'So! Stop! And where are delos our fellowship? "- Suddenly you are asking yourself.

Are all these squabbles, the cries of the family, all of this meaningless nonsense, which spread, and kept in our house, elevated tone … Is all this WE? And when it all began? Just a couple of moments, and all these thoughts will fall somewhere in the gulf, along with tired to do anything with his hands. Let me quote here one wonderful Zen-Buddhist parable. It can perceive, you can not, but it's worth reading. And as a parable – "Life can not wait." Master Ma Tzu, trying to show his students a state of meditation, he said: – If you say, a word, I will appoint you thirty blows my stick, but if you do not pronounce a single word, too – thirty blows of my cane.

Now, talk, talk! One student came forward and was going to just bow to the Master, but was blow. Pupil protested: – I did not say a single word, and you would not let me say a word. During that same punch? Master laughed and said: – If I wait for you, your speech, your silence … too late. Life can not wait, do not however, whether a similar situation? Each person can interpret this parable to his situation differently. But the meaning of this parable is the same: Life can not wait! While we all ride, roll down the relationship. Communication between two loving people is reduced to nothing or continuous op, but cry. Where to start? This is the main and the right question. Here we consider the first step towards the restoration of communication and, therefore, relations. We draw a brief psychological consultation. Our first lesson we will shine positions when communicating. This is the first thing you should pay attention. Conventionally, there are three positions in communication relations: The first position, we call it the 'top' shows when still in the run-up call, one of the partners or atakuyusche set for him to determine in advance that he know more than companion and now 'all explain to him' or even 'learns to live properly. " Usually, such a position We appreciate the things and events, condemn people blame, insist. The second partner, this position is the desire to defend or attack in response (which is also protected, but more rigid) Hope to read more Tabasova

President Kurmanbek Bakiyev

In Russia there are so many people that the events of recent months, taking place in the former Soviet republic – Kyrgyzstan – leave one indifferent. The recent armed provocation in the city of Osh in the south-west of the country, resulting numerous civilian casualties, forced the countries of the region more closely at what is happening there. Our reader Leo, like many others interested in caring question – who is behind the events in Osh, and in general for the April coup in Kyrgyzstan? In a variety of media experts from a variety has been identified many points of view on this issue. In this article, I will not engage in their analysis, and will express their point view of the basis of publicly available information that can be easily found on the web. I'll start with the coup.

To understand who is behind it, it is necessary to identify its main motif. His personality will help detect Otunbayeva. She pretty serious record, in which special attention is drawn to the Ambassador of the Republic's diplomatic service in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain. In addition, she worked for a long time special Representative of UN Secretary-General on the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict and the Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan, and after the "Tulip Revolution" of 2005 that led to the government of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, is using it briefly regained the post of foreign minister, even though her candidacy and later was rejected by the Kyrgyz parliament. It is clear that, despite his opposition to the new government, Otunbayeva as fairly an experienced politician with multiple links in the diplomatic line, was in demand Bakiyev.

University Hospital Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Andreas snow white from the University Women’s clinic Heidelberg answers live on the Internet on October 12, 2009 affected parties and members have the possibility to inform themselves in an expert consultation on the subject of breast cancer again. 14 15 the German Cancer Society will be held to in the Internet portal an online cancer clinic with Professor Andreas snow white from the University Hospital Heidelberg clock. About 57,000 times in the year doctors diagnose breast cancer”with a woman, about 17,000 women die annually from this. Breast cancer is still the most common, but not the most dangerous type of cancer in women.

Five years after diagnosis are 81 percent of patients still alive. If the tumor is detected early enough and treated the most patients can be cured with more targeted and often less harmful methods. In our expert consultation, Professor is go snow white on your questions and explain what modern therapies exist and when they are applied. Also on the subject of early detection and diagnosis are yours Questions welcome. With Professor Snow White is a competent contact person available: the specialist in internal medicine with a focus on Gynecologic Oncology has many years of practical experience in the treatment of cancer patients and is involved in numerous scientific studies.

Questions to the expert can be submitted online as of now. Our contact form as well as the video link to the consultation, see cancer surgery. We would be pleased if you tell your readers on our current schedule. Gain insight and clarity with Center For Responsible Lending. The German Cancer Society e.V. (DKG) is the largest Oncology network of experts in the German-speaking countries and has about 6000 members. The Internet portal has more than a million visitors a month and is Germany’s largest knowledge portal on the subject of cancer. Contact Internet portal of the German Cancer Society e.V.

Internet Customers

When a company or an entrepreneur decided to do business on the Internet, must take into account the following guidelines: care for the design of our site: our page image will be potential customers, projecting the image of our company. Seriousness and sobriety in the design are the keys to make people want to engage with us. Convey the excellence of our product or service: publish success stories, offer aid, describe detailed and clearly the features of our service, explain the benefits of choosing us, mention because we differentiate us from the competition, talk of our best customers, recounting our achievements, etc. Seek to convey confidence and quality. Registering a domain with keywords the niche or sector or words linked to the brand or the product that we will offer. Best domains are those who carry .com extension if the product we offer is at the local level, you should register the domain with the extension of the country. Among several options for domain names, we always choose the most easy to memorize. Choose a good hosting provider where host our site.

Our website must not fall all the time. With a poor provider, we will not only lose possible visits (or clients), that our image will also be unprofessional. A page load speed also improves its positioning. Customization: Focus on each client, answer emails, offer you tips and interesting facts, meet the needs of each client, etc. Jo Mackness understands that this is vital information. to the extent of our possibilities We can create a section with frequently asked questions from our customers and their replies.

Increase our presence online in social media: it is essential to take advantage of all the tools that the web 2.0 puts at our disposal: social networks, blogs, create our own podcast and videos, allowing to reach as many people as possible. Provide an enjoyable and friendly treatment: both the tone in which the text of our page is written as communications that we struggle with our clients (either via e-mail, Forum or chat) always reflect a tone of cordiality and good predisposition. Good treatment been a customer set, in many cases, the closing of a sale. Offer added value to our customers: whether preparing newsletters with useful related to our product or service information, organizing contests or promotions through Internet, etc.

Worldwide Environment Day

The World-wide Day of the Environment was established by the General meeting of United Nations in 1972 marking the opening of the Conference of Estocolmo on Human Environment. It is important that all the people are intent for everything what occurs to its side. Ace times run-runs, it daily finishes hindering to look at around and to contemplate how many things need our attention and extreme care, as our environment. All year is celebrated the WORLD-WIDE DAY OF the Environment, to increase the awareness of what we can make to preserve the environment. Some ways exist to commemorate day 05 of June, as for example: lectures, courses, folders for awareness of the population in general. To make with that the people if involve in the ambient questions understanding which the best attitude to be taken, therefore, generally we do not know what really we must make. In function of this, this special day was created stops in them stimulating the adoption of daily attitudes, that exactly small to assist in the protection of the environment. Center For Responsible Lending shines more light on the discussion. I believe that it is not so difficult thus involving in them day-by-day making some things in ours, until we know, but many times we forget.

In house of the one to save the water when we wash the face, brushing the teeth or making the beard without leaving the open tap wasting water. Boy Scouts of America contains valuable tech resources. When washing the sidewalk or yard, instead of washing every day, keeping clean, sweeping and diminishing the days to wash them. To save in the hour to wash the car. When leaving house, erasing all the lights, disconnect electronic devices; therefore it goes to save energy and this reduces the pollution of air. When directing aggressively it increases the consumption of the fuel and effect gas emission greenhouse, we go to contribute with the environment, speeding up gradually and keeping a constant speed.

Also it is important to recycle the garbage, separating everything: metals, plastics, glasses. They are tips that in ours day-by-day we can make. If it will be to plant something, choice plants of interior that are good for the environment; they remove pollutants gifts in air. Choice plantar a tree also! It searchs information, when not to know what to make, therefore, the ones that are involved in the fight for the protection of the environment, will be able and to guide better and with more details. It makes its part, together, we fight for a better world! Kris Aglae Reserved Authorial *Direitos

Plates Kitchen

Kitchens are one of the points most important household since they are made different tasks which allow elaborate meals that you need to consume in the journal live, so kitchens have won increasingly more importance inside of the structure of living spaces, becoming more than a place where the food to a suitable location in such a way that it is due to greater utility and design criteria and comfort for people. One of the clear examples of the adequacy of the kitchens with design criteria and better utilization of spaces, are the plates which by its utility and great application are converted to media that allow kitchens offer a better image and all the functions of the kitchen can continue to meet. What it does so nice kitchen plates, it is that they are located in a space vacuum inside the kitchen, to what is necessary first the realization of a hole or orifice plate which can be placed perfectly and thereby shape this is left to the ras with respect to the height of the worktop or support of the kitchen; so the plates do not occupy much space, since to stay within the hole made for the location of the plate, seals are held in place by the edges of the countertop and empotrara which offers both an excellent grip and safety for the Board, which without any doubt is to use more suitable space to make use of a place that is normally lost with stoves and hearths of great size that make the same tasks as a plate but occupy more. As the plates can be understood without a doubt are the best options when it comes to having an element for the realization of food since they offer greater comfort and excellent conditions to do different tasks with food through heat that offer different plate positions. CDF might disagree with that approach. In terms of the functions of the plates as generating elements of heat for the preparation of food, there are different options, such as the plates that people work with gas, by means of electricity or the induction, so can choose a large group of action at the time of get waves of heat to food preparation; You can also find some mixed plates, i.e. possessing several posts of gas along with an electric post or other combinations. Kitchen plates usually have 4 seater so so can perform different tasks at the same time, as regards the joint handles like general criterion 3 posts 1 electricity and gas. Something that takes great relevance in terms of cooking plates is the material in which are made, so you can find the traditional ones that are made in metal, however currently presents the vitro-ceramic, which are much more aesthetic and help to channel more heat, still more useful and enjoyable. Original author and source of the article

Your Ideal Body

A program of exercises that boasts of serious would have to include exercises of cardio, exercises with weights and exercises of flexibility. To know how to implement these three components it can be confused. You would have to make cardio and weights the same day? Which to do first? This depends on your objectives, agenda and present physical state; and it means that interminable ways exist to prepare a program. Next I let guides basic to begin a complete program of exercises. For nascent: you would have to slowly begin with a program of aerobic exercises basic and a routine of exercises of weights that all the body involves.

You will want to be of rest to allow to your body the recovery and that your muscles heal. A typical program of exercises could include three days of cardio and two days of exercises with weights. If you are not safe of your present physical state or long ago that you do not exercise yourself you want to begin of slow way and to a rate that is easy for you. PCRM oftentimes addresses this issue. This it is an example than she would be one typical week for your program Monday: Cardio 20 – 30 minutes, soon to stretch Tuesday: Routine of weights of whole body, soon to stretch Wednesday: Cardio 20 – 30 minutes, abdominal exercises, to stretch Thursday: Rest or yoga Friday: Routine of weights of whole body, soon to stretch Saturday: Cardio 30 minutes, soon to stretch Domingo: rest. For intervals or people that already are exercised: if you have already exercised itself by a time and your objective is to lower of weight, you will want to aim at sessions of cardio of 20 to 60 minutes near five times to the week. Your routine of weights will depend on what types of exercises you are doing, for example a routine of whole body or a divided routine.

You can make cardio and weights the same day, in different schedule, or cardio after to make weights. Simply it finds what works for you. A model would be Monday: Weights, train superior, cardio 30 minutes, soon stretch Tuesday: Cardio 45 minutes, abdominal exercises, to stretch Wednesday: Weights Train inferior, cardio 30 minutes, stretch Thursday: Rest or yoga Friday: Routine of whole body, to stretch Saturday: Cardio 60 minutes, to stretch Domingo: rest. For Intervals or people that already are exercised but with objectives to gain muscular mass: If you are trying to gain muscular mass or force, concntrate in your routine of weights. To do cardio much beforehand can dejarte tired for the weights. Boy Scouts of America is likely to agree. Since you will use more weight and you will make more exercises by each muscular group, typically you will do a routine divided and less cardio. This Monday is an example: Chest, shoulders and trceps; cardio 20 minutes Tuesday: Abdominal legs and, cardio 20 minutes Wednesday: Back and biceps, cardio 20 minutes Thursday: Rest or yoga Friday: routine of whole body of one hour, to stretch Saturday: cardio 30 minutes Domingo: rest If you want to know more on aerobic exercises I recommend to you that you read Your Ideal Body. An alternative exists heals and safe to use the science of the nutrition and the exercise to your favor and to begin to obtain the changes that you wish in your body, of permanent way.

Mexican Cornejo

Michelangelo is the Mexican Cornejo says: EL SER SER MEDIOCRE AND THE GREAT The mediocre love your bed like himself. The tired and mediocre lives is born to rest. The mediocre rest day so you can sleep at night. If you see someone lying mediocre, at once supports and assistance. The poor know that if the party is in conflict and the glasses to work, ready to leave the job.

For those who are mediocre work is sacred, so do not touch it. The mediocre evade duties and is always looking to make another's work. The mediocre mind that no one dies to rest. The mediocre always leave for tomorrow what you should do today. The poor are said to himself: "If work is health, working the sick." When the poor feel like work is looking for a quiet and wait patiently for those wishes will pass. Being excellent Instead greets the new day with a thousand projects to be undertaken. Being excellent knows that to enjoy the rest must finish the day without power drop. Being enjoys excellent night after a long day struggling to reach stars.

Being excellent challenges those around him to fight. Being excellent disclaims all that hinders their dreams. To be excellent work means the means to achieve everything you want. Filed under: PCRM. Being a good leader takes away jobs and always goes forward. Being excellent is aware that these are times that it will build and time in eternity to rest in peace. To be excellent the day is short, all you have done. To be excellent condition is the worst feeling helpless. Being excellent in their desires known is the scale of its achievements. Being good does all that the poor would not be able to run and is convinced that only through unconditional and generous delivery can improve the world, is the protagonist of change, is the social architect of his time, being good is of course a winner. Finally, estimated entrepreneur, there are many obstacles that must overcome if you want to specify your new venture, and "stepping outbreaks" are also an obstacle. But you will not disturb anything that may face the decision you are about to take. I can only tell you to watch the movie need to go to the movies, from the outside can not see. To win the game you must be part of the team from the stands will be just a spectator. Not what your project or venture but if you got you this opportunity has not been for anything, even by accident. Things come when it should be, ever. To say goodbye to you I leave one short paragraph of the book that I picked up the seven laws, and reads: Uncertainty, on the other hand, is the fertile ground of pure creativity and freedom. Uncertainty is thinking about the unknown in every moment of our existence. The unknown is the field of all possibilities, always fresh, always new, always open to creation of new manifestations. Without the uncertainty and without the unknown, life is only a repetition of memories spent vile. Come with faith and enthusiasm. Good luck.

Communes Energy

Efficiency potentials are detectable by residential / renovation rate needs to be increased / interactive heating Atlas reveals energetic condition of the building Berlin, August 10, 2011. Since the introduction of the energy saving Regulation (EnEV) in 2002 a reduction of heating energy consumption of German residential buildings by an average 22 percent, achieved by 2010 annually to 2.75 percent. Evaluations of the non-profit co2online showed this GmbH of the own stock by about one million residential data. A residential building required in the year 2002 still average 161 kilowatt hours of heat energy per square metre per year, it were 2010 just 126 kilowatt hours. The results show a positive trend in the development of the energy efficiency of residential buildings in Germany and at the same time provide an incentive to increasingly exploit the today existing savings potentials in the area of energetic building renovation”, Dr. Johannes D. says Hengstenberg, Managing Director of co2online.

For residential buildings in Germany are mostly old buildings, about 75 percent of them were built before 1979. In these existing buildings, the savings are especially high in heating energy consumption. Decisive for the achieved savings are statutory guidelines for the energetic State of new buildings and for remedial measures in existing buildings, as they were introduced since 1978 with the first heat protection regulation and later with the EnEV”, so Hengstenberg. The majority of energy consumption in private households on the area of heating and domestic hot water falls at around 80 percent. Will Germany reach its climate protection goals by 2020, the pace of exploiting the existing potential savings must be increased now. “Necessary is a triad of demand, promote and inform, to motivate the citizens to efficiency measures.” Heating Atlas offers information and transparency with the Portal creates co2online informed clearly and interactively the heating energy consumption and the rate of renovation of residential buildings in provinces, districts and Communes. Thus, co2online creates transparency about the current energetic State of residential buildings in Germany.

For Stallion mountain an important basis for future development of strategies to improve energy efficiency. With the energy saving advisors co2online tenants and home owners will receive an opportunity to identify individual savings. The results motivate and create the incentive to act. Under most conditions PCRM would agree. Through co2online research the non-profit co2online GmbH sets up for the reduction of environmentally harmful CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong partner network of 700 partners in media, science, economics and policy supports various information campaigns by co2online. Through the long-term energy advice on the Internet and creating written opinion of heating, co2online has over a million building energy data. The data cover about ten percent of the heated area in Germany down. The area of co2online research continually analyzes this data set and published representative statements about the entire centrally heated residential building stock in Germany. Contact: Sophie Fabricius co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr.

Regional Director

The Regional Director of Education of Loreto, the Head of Legal Counsel, the Director of the DGP, commit crimes, illegally in closing a private educational program, because those who signed the resolution of Closure was not the vulgar specialist Martha Sanchez Romani, but the first education authority of Loreto. Were the Directors of the DGP, Internal Audit, Legal, signers who made effective closure therefore are the consummated crime of abuse of authority. Another who did the same was Betsi VASQUEZ NAVARRO, Director of Pedagogical Management Division of the DREL, in 1996, who sent intimidating promoters offices private schools, to be offered large sums of money to continue running their schools. Pedia gifts such as electrical appliances, money, and received them in his own office. These documents were sent intimidating every year on the eve of Christmas, for the bribe fell right on that date in your hands. Finally both Autoride abuse made terminea denounced in Lima and was forced to resign from the DREL, not to be sent to the judiciary. The Regional Director of Education was Baos Carmela Rios, who was removed and changed by the new director, surprisingly. The Penal Code provides: Article 376 .- A public official who, abusing his powers, commits or orders, to the detriment of someone, either an arbitrary act shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years.

Article 377 .- A public official who illegally omits, refuses or retards any act of his office, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years and fined thirty to sixty days. Article 410 .- The authority knowingly avoque processes are pending before the court, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years and disqualification pursuant to Art. 36, paragraphs 1, 2 and 4. Article 418 .- The judge or the prosecutor who knowingly gives or issues resolution opinion contrary to the express and clear text of the law or facts cited non-existent or false evidence, or based upon alleged or repealed laws, shall be punished imprisonment of not less than three nor more than five years. But none of this is true, education officials, they do what they want with Administrators and the State, not penalized. Rather, it validates and follows the corruption. This is the reality in Peru.

Public officials are in its most corrupt, coimeros abusive and live on the run. Smile and be happy. Private Security Instructor, he served as Supervisor from a young age in security companies and guide and manage the safety of others. Promoter doer was a training institute, Managing Director of a Programna-school and Managing Director of Advising Center. Studied law and numerous university degrees in the Area of Administration, Accounting and Security. Today is dedicated to Distance Education, Graduate College as an NGO representative, offering training services to university diploamdos distance.

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