America Publishing

The best thing of the case is that the success always accompanied to him. The listened to wireless series more in the country during those years was one that did in the United States and that calld North America, of coast to coast. It lasted two year and a half and throughout her it was lost in the mangrove swamps of the delta of the Mississippi, raised on foot by the steep slope of the tube of the Colorado, it was berthed in the neoyorkino Harlem, it participated in a roundup in New Mexico, entrevist to the participants of the 500 miles of Indianapolis, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And, the best thing of everything, without leaving its hiding place of the Ibiza street, although he lived already in a comfortable house with garden in the urbanization of the Moral. When he was in Spain, that is to say, when its refuge or guarida Madrilenian emerged from, it dedicated myself to another type of swindles: the publishing houses. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is often quoted as being for or against this. The procedure was as simple as the one of the radio, which reinforced its belief in the complementariness of mass media and as which the one that is used for one is also used for the others. When I speak of publishing swindle not I refer to the collection of graphical magazines titled a reporter in America. After all it was not more than the printed version of my wireless adventures.

In that, at least, was a base said the old man, almost convinced of to have acted honestly at least once in its life. To what one talks about, then, when speaks of publishing swindle? To the one of the magazines in bankruptcy. The procedure, already had begun to explain it, was very simple. It left from his fame reached like experienced and intrepid journalist, radio operator of success and author of the publishing series of a reporter in America that had made him gain his first million.

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