Monthly Archive: October 2019


I must say that the different councils of submitted papers may be different, but good tone is if the graduate student behind at least five to seven full-text articles and 3-4 abstracts will be published at the conferences. How much you will need it is better to check with your supervisor and not to delay the formation of research portfolio on the back burner (and certainly not in the third year of teaching). The bulk of the publications of graduate students recruited by second year. This year should be the most productive in terms of publications in scientific journals and presentations at conferences. First scientific publications made up the core chapters and sections of the dissertation (by setting the total line of thought in them). Second in the discussion of theses items can be identified weaknesses in the arguments and take them into account in the text of the thesis. Well, in the third set aside for the last year learning to write research papers in any Do not.

Believe the word, you will not be until then. Especially because the experience of the second year is not the busiest in terms of candidate examinations, provided that the foreign language and a common philosophy course you passed "by hot pursuit "in the first year. In contrast to the abstract, the article has expanded the type and volume of the material is usually from 5 (9 thousand characters) to 10-12 (18-20 thousand characters) typewritten pages. Publish an article in the journal in Currently, no problem. On the Web can find a lot of periodic scientific journals with a circulation of not less than 1000 copies, as well as scientific conferences held once every 2-3 mesyatsa.Naprimer distance conference Modern problems of Arts and Sciences ( From my own experience, that when choosing a scientific journal it is important to note the presence of his isnn (serial number of periodicals) and the city is out of publication. Ideally, it should be the capital of our motherland – Moscow. When choosing the same conference do not forget that the book necessarily has to be assigned an isbn and barcode publication, or publication may not be accepted in the council.

Heron Journalist

– Yes, I have served in the Office, – replied the stranger – but only as unofficial detective. This is my identification. He handed Heron plastic rectangle, one side of which was embossed coat of arms of the Office and on the other photo and service information. Heron, thanks to his work, have often seen such certificate, and his glance was enough to get this man a fairly complete picture. – Hmm. Corvo Bork – hemmed journalist .- Your success at work is impressive. Get a second with a relatively small degree of work experience can not everyone – returning the card, he added. – I'm glad your powers of observation.

It gives me some hope. I did not warn you about his arrival in advance. I think that soon you'll understand why. Ready-to listen to you. Please .- Heron retreated deep into the hallway and opened the door, inviting the visitor to enter the apartment. In the hallway Bourque looked at the bell.

– You have a wonderful and The original call. His sound is soothing and relaxing. I'm no one has seen anything like it. 'The detective just have to be observant – mentally laughed and thought Heron .- But his flattering words suggest that he was also good psychologist. " In the detective, as in the work of the journalist, it is important to place the first minutes of man to himself. Depends on their full details. Heron nearly every day had to be taken interviews with various people.

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