Word Campaign

Heavenly: The new saarVV Christmas campaign Saarbrucken, 07.12.2010 – 210 city light posts in downtown Saarbrucken are occupied with both Christmas and shopping motives of the saarVV, five of them are covered with huge shopping bags from printed PVC tarpaulin. “On sympathetic illustrations, Santa flies himself with his saarVV bus-sled” or railway carriage “through the skies. That his outfit in from head to toe or from the CAP to the boots is green, has nothing to do with color blindness, but with intention: Green stands for environmental and ecological mobility. Because the passengers make an important contribution to climate protection, if you leave your car and use public transport to the Christmas shopping, Christmas party or the visit to the Christmas market. Avoid traffic jams and save the parking space search, comfortably ride buses and trains in the saarVV. In addition to this outdoor advertising is the message in the context of an integrated campaign additional media support: via ads and radio spots, in which Santa Claus comes to Word and of course gives a statement to its new look. Innovation character proves in this campaign also the cooperation of the saarVV with the DB Regio Sudwest. Because not only the saarVV – day tickets for rides in the Saarland are advertised as products, but also the Saarland – / Rhineland-Palatinate ticket of the railway, which is also offered in particular for trips across the border to Rhineland-Palatinate. Design and realization of the new saarVV campaign are marketing & design in Saarbrucken at the advertising agency of Hague. More information: or contact: Hague marketing & design GmbH Judith Petit project manager Abdo boiler primary breed 17, nee B8 66115 Saarbrucken 0681/99281-34

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