The Lion

" Since then, took a long time, and we gradually got used to that business itself is good or bad can not be that bad or good business people do. The ones who decided one day that work for themselves, to answer for themselves, have your business – far better than working 'on the uncle. " Better than watching as your idea of business benefits to others. Better than to know what you honestly earned hundreds of rubles will get the lion's share of your boss. The owner of firm at which you work.

Because – it's his business. And you will receive only the salary. Which is never enough. And increasingly, come to mind – and what, actually, I differ from his boss, from another person, having your own business? Business, bringing him to a stable and considerable income? He was bright and strong business idea? Yes, it is quite possible. But around us, tens, hundreds, thousands of ideas for business, thousands of opportunities to start a business Hundreds of options for not jumping into unknown business with a head, and gradually, learning and improving on the go. And we do not try to interfere with different options and ideas of business, selecting and adjusting the process trying to find something that will suit us best? Our character, our temperament, our knowledge and education. It turns out it's not that the idea for the business over, we simply have no place in business? Or is it a business There is no place in us? In other words, the argument that we love so much cause to yourself, they say, no good ideas for business and do not try to find them – this argument is correct is not.

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