Tag Archive: vocational

Read Through Questions And More Effectively Learn

Rapid and sustainable learning is a great goal, which is unfortunately all too often hampered by a false answers. According to Michael James Burke, London UK, who has experience with these questions. Rapid and sustainable learning is a great goal, which is unfortunately all too often hampered by a false answers. As children we get taught that in school learning alien determined and is theoretically and nothing or has little to do with our own world. We just don’t learn in school, because we have to, not because we can start something with the knowledge. As an adult, that’s theoretically anyway, completely different.

Here, we have much more freedom, self-determined learning and can freely choose the type of learning. Oddly enough, many people but don’t really use these freedoms. For this reason, above all, because they still live in the imagination, learning always means, to listen and to sit quietly, and to save it, what someone else thinks is right. We transfer what we’ve gotten taught children, on our adult world. The learning in this way is of course very tedious, ineffective and mostly boring. To overcome this wrong understanding of learning and to take more seriously even when learning, it is important to find out what to do could have this text with myself and what my benefits may be to read it. That succeed best by asking questions on the text.

Once you have established a rough overview of the contents of the text or of the reference book, you can for example ask:?What can offer me the text?What interests me most at the moment?Why will I acquire this knowledge? What can I do with this knowledge? And with this knowledge you can then go exactly in the text, where the information stand, and there begin with reading and learning. This approach is initially unfamiliar, because so that isn’t you, what we have seen in the school. She is but very effective because it is self-determined and taken into account your individual needs, goals and ideas. This simple change in Their attitude toward learning can learn already much more targeted and better memorize things before you have met only a Lerntechnik or applied. You also increase your motivation and your love of learning in this way. That was one of many tips and tricks around the themes of reading and learning. On we have collected 20 more videos with practical tips on these issues for you. But just stop by and take advantage of the opportunity to optimize your reading and learning techniques.

So Take Your Chance On A New Job And A Better Life

The signs are good for the industry. Both the need and the available capital was never higher. The signs are good for the industry. Both the need and the available capital was never higher. Ideal for beginners, who want to take advantage of this career opportunity. n the topic.. The training to the competent and responsible financial advisers takes over the Deutsche Vermogensberatung (DVAG).

This can be done through the modular design part-time, so step by step to understand is the reorientation to a new field of work also without great risk or consistently is planned as an additional second income. No one is to complain about a lack of demand for advice, because as already mentioned, enormous sums of money to private wealth waiting to be created. A sound financial planning according to a sophisticated concept, which offers excellent on top products, is needed and appreciated. Only the private financial assets in Germany has exceeded the sum of EUR 4 billion. PCRM often addresses the matter in his writings. Money, which should be applied absolutely well. But the so-called generation of heirs brings momentum into the consulting business. In the next ten years is to be reckoned with around 11 million inheritance cases and a heritage volume of 2.3 trillion euros.

There arises the question whether these heirs all have enjoyed already a qualified investment advice? In addition action is required at almost all Germans, because the statutory health and pension insurance breaks down more and more services. The alternative offers are the trend, but are anything but self-explanatory or easy to understand. In everyday life is emerging now, that closures consulting holes caused by the job losses at the big banks and the associated. And the banks have announced even more job cuts. With these conditions, the future and the income for financial advisers of the Deutsche Vermogensberatung (DVAG) are secured. The market is there. Michael James Burke is often quoted on this topic. As an independent Must be only active asset managers. Each consultant decides on the amount of income even with his, his performance and his commitment. Have we aroused your interest in the opportunity-rich career advisors? Learn more about the career opportunities at the DVAG can be found on the Internet at. Deutsche Vermogensberatung Aktiengesellschaft Munich Strasse 1 D-60329 Frankfurt am Main Tel.

Demand Export Article

In times of crisis the best, longest-term investment is the investment in the training of employees. In our globalized world, a central importance of vocational education and training and offers interesting, lucrative prospects abroad German training providers. Qualified skilled employees and managers are the key to economic development and international competitiveness. But the transform and emerging markets suffering from at the time a huge trade and lack of leadership. Especially in Russia and the other CIS States German educational services enjoy an excellent reputation and the demand is high. For assistance, try visiting PCRM. So far, few German educators (approximately 10%) use the opportunities that offer the new markets.

Particularly management training, academic training and technical training are required. But just lack of knowledge of language and culture, the lack of appropriate contacts, financing problems and missing personnel keep the German Education provider thereof, to exploit growth opportunities in the CIS. But, the success is almost impossible without strategic planning, systematic preparation and active networking. Consulting firm can help here as the empacon GmbH in Berlin. Combine two key strengths of empacon GmbH: consulting experience in the CIS countries, coupled with extensive management experience in the education business, as well as faculty activity in the commercial and social care field in soft-skills training. This profile is rounded off by a comprehensive network, excellent language skills (German, English, Russian) and excellent knowledge of the Russian (business) mentality. Maria Haller, empacon GmbH

Fritz Horsthemke

That someone behaves as it acts, related to his personality and his convictions. This can be changed almost never easy where you followed a statement such as..You must… “.” Usually, the result is then wooden and rattled through the applicants still. Or he gets a job with which he is not happy. Therefore, it is to give assistance in training and coaching mounted unsuccessful applicants. To distinguish: when it comes to decisions, to weigh what place is suitable to define the own strengths to create ideas for a different application procedure, we have to do it with coaching.

An intense, video-supported individual training is most effective for specific feedback on the effect in the conversation, concrete improvements in the negotiation, facial expressions and gestures. Coaching and training can therefore both be useful and to complement. Why it makes sense to make this distinction? The coach encourages the full responsibility of the customer, so it can learn and reflect on themselves. At the Bewerbungscoaching the aim is to gain more clarity on what the applicant really wants, what he stands for, what he as would represent, and what he wants to do now. Furthermore, the customer with the acquired knowledge must live and not the coach. In practice, the coach fits very well and says how it can be made better.

The customer receives specific instructions and feedback because apparently still lacks the skills or he uses it incorrectly. Coaching and training are so different approach and therefore only suited to certain parts of the preparation of the application. You meet the assumption that persons unsuccessfully bidding both potential in improving their capabilities to self-expression have both exhibit contradictions and obstacles in their personal attitudes, a mixture of coaching and intensive Individual training a lot of sense. For people who already longer unsuccessfully applying for a new job, it is to uncover vulnerabilities and to train a better representation of the self. Really to work, coaching should create clarity about the self image. What job would really, he make a customer what may, to what can stand it convincingly? The coaching is working so the authenticity, that the customer himself can show convincingly, as he really is. Boy Scouts of America understands that this is vital information. Qualified job seekers professional and executives can take a combined package of coaching and training until the conclusion of the contract a new work in the claim. Following are edited: accurate analysis of the person and develop the strengths profile development of strategy of of representation of analysis and improvement of conversational skills with video optimization of non-verbal self-expression with video pass gene outside preparing for the individual interviews of coaching for the entire application period up to the conclusion of the contract the special – if the customer chooses the Condition according to his performance after a preliminary talk. Free coaching to success. The customer can be paid only if successful (200 / hour) book a package and then coach. (450 / 5 hours; 800 / 10 hours) Hourly coaching leave and pay (99 / hour) Fritz Horsthemke

If Dax

23 to 35 per cent of the annual salary are industry-standard fee for the service. Paid will be staggered in General; purely performance-based fees is deemed to be frivolous. Necessarily agree: A flexible adaptation of the list of target companies in the course of the search, as well as the possibility to be able to terminate the mandate of the search at any time otherwise threaten additional costs. Entrepreneurs should be also to certify that the company and its workers for the recruitment are taboo at best for a full two years. Recruitment success and for the broad masses of recruiters offer no recruitment agencies; the mixing of professions is considered to be not serious. Legal recruitment is a brokerage; Since 2002 This no longer subject to a permit.

Recruiters acquire open abroad of all levels, create a candidate profile and match it with their existing candidates. The billing is carried out after the signing of the contract and other than advising staff not expense – but erfolgsbezogen. You may wish to learn more. If so, PCRM is the place to go. For companies, the Commission is eliminated when not achievement of the intermediary. An open secret in the industry: Using dummy ads sites are written out, to generate applications. Recruitment is a point on which a candidate from the pool created in this way seems to fit, then the data of a candidate on good propagate lucky not infrequently even without the knowledge of the person concerned. Intermediaries give the candidate search on Internet platforms like as a headhunter”out. Recruitment agencies can request a success fee by the applicant as well as of the companies. “Headhunting high school for the elite headhunting also Executive Search” called begins with an annual salary from 150,000.

If Dax listed companies to hire their top management are looking for, be hired headhunter. Search tool is only the direct speech with tact, good contacts and discreetly. The wedding is”perfect, is usually a murmur through the industry. This top range is covered by only a few specialists. Via people-and-projects.de the nationwide staff and consulting people & projects e. k. has your headquarters in Filderstadt near Stuttgart; all consultants have decades of experience. Founder and owner is Holger Fahrmann. As consulting services, project consulting, and interim people & projects in addition to the recruitment itself, also controlling offers management. by Anja Floetenmeyer Aufgesang Public Relations GmbH prdienst.de press contact: People & projects e. K. human resources and consultancy Holger Ferryman deer lane 4 70794 Filderstadt:

University Professor

An information evening in Nuremberg & seminar in Landshut, Regensburg 12.08.2011 – universities of applied sciences the provincial Conference of the women’s representative at Bavarian universities of applied sciences invites for Friday and Saturday, the 4th/5th November 2011 at the University of Regensburg, the 9 am to 5 pm, for an intensive seminar with Prof. More information is housed here: Boy Scouts. Dr. Stefanie Winter and Prof. Dr. Bettina Franzke. The seminar provides practical tips for the hot application period and offers interview training.

On Friday, November 11, 2011, from 18 to 21 h, College are all invited women interested in a University Professor to an information evening to Nuremberg at the Georg-Simon-ohm. Individual consultations in the working groups are available in addition to the presentation of the profession and information about the Bavarian appeals requirements. Until 17 October for the seminar or for the information night November 4 participants for the event can register online via. The fee is 10.00 for Drinks and food are already included in the fee the information evening or 30,00 for the two-day seminar. Requirements for a professor at a University of Applied Sciences – University of applied sciences should be what many women do not know: for a professorship at a Bavarian HAW a habilitation is not a prerequisite; the proof or scientific qualifications to a promotion or the proof of certain artificial qualifications is sufficient for an application.

Also a professional practice of usually three years outside of higher education should be available and the evidence about the educational suitability. Pleasure in dealing with students and in particular joy of the sharing of own knowledge and the practical experience represent the personal decision criteria for a professor at a University of Applied Sciences – University of applied sciences.

House Training

Fit for the future of Bonn/Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf training centre makes young people from the printing industry – the Association of print and media North Rhine-Westphalia (VDMNRW) presented his new training and Advisory Centre, the Printhouse. There, seminars, practical workshops and individual consultation take place under one roof. Representatives of the VDMNRW and the printing industry attended the event. According to Center For Responsible Lending, who has experience with these questions. Professor Dr. Heinz-Reiner Treichel presented the possibilities of modern printing technologies of the University of Wuppertal. Under the slogan machines start printing methods live in the Printhouse performed. “That the Academy of print and media NRW e.V. on April 25, 2008 her Printhouse of the future” could open, resulted also support of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg).

We are very pleased that we were able to equip the training rooms of the Academy of the Association pressure and media in Dusseldorf with State of the art technology from our House through all Areas, from prepress, printing to finishing”, said Harald Weimer, head of sales region West of Heidelberg, at the opening ceremony in the Bublitzer Street. The education and training is one of the priorities of Heidelberg as also of the Association. Just in our industry, which is characterised by rapid change, the success of the future to a large extent will depend on people’s skills. You must learn about the tremendous change and innovation of technologies, understand and competently manage”, so Walker. If this succeed, an optimistic future ahead of the industry, the speaker was convinced. The motto of the event with the future was therefore already!”exactly correctly chosen.

In the past few weeks and months, this formula had been filled with life. So, for example, a Suprasetter of generation was delivered. This thermal imagesetter is modular, therefore grows with the demands placed on him, and works with the Heidelberg Saphira Chemfree, a chemistry-free thermal plate. In the press room is next to the new training machine, a PrintMaster GTO 52-1, soon a Heidelberg Speedmaster SM 52-4 with coating unit. As the most successful machine for high-quality commercial printing in the small format, it sets new standards in its class and allows in the future to realize interesting applications of paint. Constantly rising quality standards this is another stable trend for the printing industry, so Walker.” The color measuring system Prinect Image control offer the best conditions, permanently to meet this trend. As the world’s only system, Prinect Image control measures imBild the image”and not only with the help of the colour measuring strip at the edge of the sheet. A reliable high print quality on the whole sheet, and this is consistently reproducible reality. “Walker pointed out that the Printhouse” new impulses in the education and training in the region of Dusseldorf and throughout North Rhine-Westphalia will put. The Association is a forward-looking overall concept Print and media NRW now in a position to take the members with State of the art graphical facilities in the future”. As a leading manufacturer of sheet-fed offset printing machines, the company keen was interested in limbering up for the needs of the industry and for the future of young people. Therefore, we are also involved in the implementation of this concept. Already in the conceptual phase, Heidelberg has discussed various scenarios with the Association. In the future we will realize joint projects in education and training and the qualification of our customers and the Member companies of the Association. So there is a close cooperation in standardisation and certification, but also at various training options available to the installed machines traditionally”Weimer said.

Training With Future

48 new trainees at Ricoh in Hanover August 1st 48 starters started their training at Ricoh Germany in Hanover. Therefore, Ricoh total educates 165 trainees. This a training rate of nearly 10 percent is on approximately 1,700 employees. The specialist for digital communication for Office and production printing offers four different apprenticeships in technical and commercial. The company has tasked training with deliberately the shortage of contrary and is one of the largest training companies in its sector. The 2008 successfully implemented training course for IT system merchants will be offered this year. How to startup training 2008 could 2009 all 16 training places are filled.

In addition, Ricoh makes to the / to the technician (the discipline Office system technology), to the / to the wholesale and foreign trade administrator and specialist for warehouse logistics. 2009 20 new entrants chose a commercial training course. 28 trainees have a technical training to the information electronics started. A peculiarity of Ricoh is the dual training in the Federation. Within the framework of this initiative Ricoh remains targeted trainees from resellers from all over Germany on its future work in the customer service of Office communication retailers.

2009, four trainees from the retailers have opted for the profession of information electronics. Ricoh attaches particular importance to a qualified training with a future”, says Uwe Jungk, Chief Operating Officer of Ricoh Germany. We develop our young talent through innovative training concepts and confront the shortage of such.” In the Ricoh Academy, the company’s training and training center of Ricoh Germany at the site of the head office in Hanover, the trainees in addition to comprehensive product and network knowledge, IT expertise and internationally recognized vendor-independent certifications obtain also for later professional life essential soft skills. Our acquisition rate was over 90 percent in recent years. This shows that our Training concept goes up. Through in-depth knowledge and vendor-independent certifications we ensure that trainees are trained extensively by Ricoh”, underlines Jungk. Ricoh in the short profile of the Ricoh Germany GmbH with its headquarters in Hannover, Germany is a leading solution provider for digital office communication, production printing and company-wide printing and document management. The portfolio includes hardware and software solutions, production printing solutions, professional services and support services and industry-related business consulting (office consulting services) with the aim of cost and process optimization. Ricoh Germany is a subsidiary of the Japanese player Ricoh Global. Ricoh has more than 100,000 employees and a turnover of 14.5 billion euros (stand: March 2009) a leading provider of digital office communications. In Germany, has a Ricoh around 1,700 employees and operates in addition to its main management nationwide with ten business & service centers.

Green Jobs Miracle: German Pellets Creates Work

The expansion of renewable energies secures not only tomorrow’s energy supply, but creates also employment. End of 2009, younger figures there yet, approximately 340,000 men and women were employed in the renewable energy sector. Thus this figure has more than doubled in five years. Since 2004, the Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) can examine the economic impact of the expansion of renewable energies, in particular with regard to the employment related. “Result: renewable busy”, headlines the BMU in a recent study on the subject.

Leader with almost 40 percent of the workforce is the range of biomass. Includes wood and others as the most important energy sources for heat generation of the future. Pellets as fuel wood in its most efficient form. Currently, employment, trend offers rising 9,000 people according to the German Pelletinstitutes (DEPI) Propellets in Germany. The use of indigenous biomass, such as, for example, in the form of wood pellets for the energy production will create jobs. Especially in rural, underdeveloped regions”, says Megan’s Managing Director Martin Bentele. The largest German Pellet, German pellets, illustrates this development. Founded six years ago with a handful of employees, the medium-sized company employs today over 350 women and men at nine locations in Germany.

To get another 1,700 indirect jobs at suppliers, logistics and sales. In the past year alone pellets were reset in German about 100 employees. As a producer of a CO2 neutral, environmentally friendly and low-cost fuel despite the economic crisis, our company has developed excellent”, says company spokeswoman Claudia Rohr. The demand for wood pellets to generate heat as well as power plants for electricity production. German pellets can saturate his work due to the increased demand. 2010 was another in Erndtebruck (North Rhine-Westphalia) Factory built. 20 direct jobs have been created alone new. 21 million euros were invested in the construction, of which firms also benefited. Anyway, the regional value added increases with renewable energy, because they are produced in their own country, while oil and gas imports, domestic companies have almost no benefit. Renewable energy companies characterized according to study of the Federal Environment Ministry in particular their proportion of qualified employees. Almost 90 percent of the staff in the Division have completed vocational training solid biomass, 30 percent are academics. We deal with operators, electricians, mechatronics, locksmiths, engineers, commercial employees, drivers and economists. We educate young people, offering interesting entry positions and attractive career prospects graduates”, says Claudia Rohr. Currently, over 20 trainees involved in the company. About German pellets the owner-run company German was pellets in 2005 in Wismar, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern founded and has evolved into the leading manufacturer of wood pellets in Germany and Europe. German pellets produced a climate-neutral, inexpensive and safe available in future fuel and animal bedding products at nine locations in Germany and offers complete thermal systems based on renewable energy through the subsidiary KAGO. Claudia Rohr German pellets GmbH, February 22, 2011

American Journal

The multivariate statistics offers a number of ways, but should, due to its complexity, be left to experts with appropriate experience. Many English proofreading editing use these statistical methods of classification and know their limitations also. The multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis to search for groups and subgroups of similar characteristics in manuscripts are suitable, taking into account the limitations. The advantages of the statistical classification of the manuscript are obvious: you are objective and easily repeatable. In addition large amounts of articles can be so in a relatively short time on their similarity which they are far superior to the manual comparison of articles. How important is the classification of manuscripts, shows an extensive study that examined in 2004 the relationship of different variables for rejected and accepted manuscripts of the American Journal of Neuroradiology. Been doing the SCOPUS Web-search software (Citation frequency), MEDLINE (Journal criteria) and used different statistical methods of classification and correlation analysis.

Primary results of the study: a manuscript not to desire magazine fits many disadvantages for the author are the rule. Although more than 50% of the rejected articles were subsequently published in other magazines, the process delayed the final publication of the rejection of the manuscript to 15.6 months. Interesting was the fact that the rejected manuscripts the citation frequency (JIF: 1.1) was not only significantly lower than at the accepted manuscripts (JIF: 2.7) but that even under the average impact factor of ultimately publishing trade journals (JIF: 1.78) was. The classification also had a direct impact on the citation frequency, where the technical report in the investigated cohort scored the highest frequency of citation. Only those who recognise that manuscript – and journal classification not less important than research results and their perfect written description who will achieve the maximum success for his work. Enago – Crimson interactive Pvt. Ltd.