Practical Religious
Oliveira, Fbio Pear tree. Religare, to league or ‘ simply; ‘ religio’ ‘ Act of the submitted human beings to a bigger force. We know this force as an emptiness, necessity, support, charity and compassion. It is known of the existence of individuals that are submerged in this alienator blackout, grasped in its beliefs that mutilate the noble part that little is cultivated by the action of the belief, that quiet murmurs in our ears beautiful words that captive practise imposing it without the cognitivo questioning that we need to have to exert a rupture of the manipulation. Its attitudes are notables before the society, a good citizen who not if manifest, does not speak, does not act, do not think soon are part of this social political sistmica gear. Thus becoming plus that it prays, however, it makes preces, it burns incenses and it makes grasped macabros rituals in a dominant ideological belief of that soon ‘ ‘ God will look at for in ‘ ‘. I do not question the faith, it in its essence it is good, it makes with that let us have energies to tread ways, and soon for the resistance the fruit to the conquest. To think itself: ‘ ‘ People for who the daily life is very empty and monotonous if they become easily religious: that is understandable and excusable, but they do not have the right to demand religiosidade of those for who the empty life not transcorre and montona’ ‘.