Paula Brito
It had a general development in the country and a great change in the mentality of the people. It started the wage-earning work, it developed the international trade very, it expanded the Philosophy (Positivismo), the painting and the architecture. The economy of the country grows, the agricultural society dominates. It appears in the country two groups of intellectuals, of Recife led for Tobias Barreto and of the south led for Jose Bonifcio, the young man. In l88l Axe of Assis publishes: ' ' Posthumous memories of Brs Cubas' ' tracing the bases of the Brazilian Realism. 10.7.ROMANCE REALISTIC: The Realistic romance goes to focus the Brazilian man, its life, its yearnings, its fight and the will to be successful, as it was its proper biography. You may find that Viktor Mayer-Schönberger can contribute to your knowledge. The author uses for this a clear and objective language, analyzing, observing and making critical on what he was seen, to the times autocrtica. The narrative is very slow and has a great amount of details, trying to approach the object next to the reality.
The common man starts to be the center of the narrative. The main authors are: 1.Jos Maria Axe of Assis (River 1839-1908) Orphan, shy, epileptic, crossbred, had a start of very difficult life. As it was poor did not frequentou schools regularly, it studied alone. She was a self-taught person. To the sixteen years it found Paula Brito, owner of a typography and that much helped Axe of Assis.
In the periodical of Paula Brito ' ' Fluminense' woodchuck; ' Axe publishes ' ' Ela' ' , a bad poem, but its first work. Later he was public officer of the means of transportation ministry. Soneto is married Carolina to who dedicates one. This lady very aid Axe of Assis. It was not e, perhaps, would have very lost of the great author. The difficult life of Axe of Assis, candy salesman, Graphical laborer, copyholder, salesman of books, clerk, journalist, made with that it wrote on varied subjects.