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The High Average Age CAP

7 was utilizadaa edition, printed in 1997, and destines it the study of Old History to Contemporary. The volume was revised by Maria Tereza Galluzi and the iconographic research was made by Maria Alice Bragana. UD IV, of the CAP. 26 to the CAP. 42, will be in charge treating the subject? ' ' The Medieval&#039 Society; ' for such, is used 38 pages of a total of 408 pages, approximately 9.3% of all book, to enclose since ' ' The High Average Age: the Bizantino&#039 Empire; ' (CAP. 26) to ' ' Pre-Columbian peoples: indians brasileiros' ' (CAP.

42). Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of PCRM on most websites. The boarding that we intend to make will be contained in the CAP. 31 – ' ' The Feudal&#039 System; ' , that it is initiated with an exposition on the meaning of average age, through the term removed of the Latin: ' ' mdium aevum' ' , that it means Age Average. This period would be a transistion, that prepared the beddings of the old world for the modern world. It creates a relation of equality between the average age and the feudal system, when affirming that both had been phenomena of the Europe Occidental person; that the eastern Empires Arab, Bizantino and Persa and too much peoples they had not known such form of life organization. It attributes to the regimen of servitude the social and economic relations of the system, where, due to low productivity, all production would be destined to the consumption, not having exchange and neither commerce. A society without mobility, where the power politician was centered in Mr. feudal and decentralized in relation the King. Structure and conjuncture (p 97) the installation of the feudal system would have been an union of structural and conjunctural factors happened of the germanic world ally to the crisis of the Roman world, from sec. II, such as: of the crisis Roman, the unit of almost insufficient agricultural production; decomposition of the escravismo, giving origin the colonists and customers, who worked the land as half or in exchange for services given the Mr.; crisis of the power politician; the full brothers produced for consumption, exchanges, when they had, they were made with products, not with money; society divided in free and enslaved warriors, men; system politician based on individualism of the tribes, without state; comitatus, armed flock to fight, passed elements to the feudal system, as the relations of reciprocity between commanders and commanded and the necessity of strenghtened places to survive due to the constant attacks of peoples ' ' brbaros' ' deriving of the most diverse regions of the world, becoming the unsafe life total.

Brazilian City

It ploughs F Saint is a Sanctuary that was raised in homage to the Ibiapina Priest, and it he is situated well in the verge with Solnea, where this religious one passed the last years of its life. The Sanctuary counts on a chapel, house of the miracles, small museum with instruments used for the sisters in houses of charity created by the priest, pictures, domestic utensils of the time, currencies, etc, house of the missionaries and marry where religious one liveed that. The technological empecilhos politicians, delays and economic failures detached by the historian Acio Villar de Aquino hindered the Paraba to enter the scene of Brazilian industrialization in century XIX. It can, to glimpse, therefore, that the industrial sector was sufficiently insufficient and insignificant for the economy of the State, it little presented more than two hundred establishments, that majoriamente was micron-workshops or units manufacter of half-artisan character, using of five the nineteen workers on average for each unit. During this period some segments of the industrial sector for the number of establishments had been distinguished, example of the five leather plants, the five of fabrics, beyond the eight industries of improvement of cotton with great prominence for textile production. It is in this context, that the industry of Tibiry, located in the city of Rita Saint, whose foundation was given in the years of 1891 of century XIX.

This city functioned with three hundred and eighty and sewing presses and a picture of six hundred and fifty workers. No longer city of Mamanguape the Textile Plant of River Tinto, established in the year of 1924, pertaining one to the family Lundgren de Pernambuco, was of great transport, equipped with seven hundred and sixty sewing presses and thirteen a thousand spindles. In consequence of this, the lesser plants if located in other cities, taking, for example, Campina Great Sand, that used, on average, fifty laborers for establishment.

Next East

It destroyed the old dolos the return of the Caaba and became to consecrate it Section, the only God. When Maom died in 632, almost all the tribes of Arabia if had associated ummah as federate or as Muslim converted. According to Vernet, Maom follows some diplomatical stages of negotiations with diverse tribes, sovereigns of the Arab world to the time, also Heraclitus de Bizncio and negus of the Abissnia, what according to cronistas he meant a national feeling in the Arab world in question. He describes the Muslim defeat in the first one has attacked the Bizncio and the reception of this notice in Medina and as a moment the victory in 624, recouping the relic de a Cruz where, according to tradition, Jesus had died, what it resulted in the Arab conquest of the Next East. Based in the fact of the coraixitas to support the tribes of Bakr and these to have attacked of hazraj, allies of the Muslen, Maom it considered breached the agreement of Hudaybiyya and marched on Measures, destroying the dolos and conquering the city for the force, thus considering, its inhabitants its slaves, its enemies had run away and some others had been died. The most pursued they had been the poets who in its verses injuriam Maom, and the journalists of the time. Thus all the coraixitas had recognized the prophet as sent of God. The author approaches the attacks al-Talif, the Hunayn battle and conversion spontaneous of the peoples of these cities, exactly without conquering them. With the triumph of the following conquests, it hears the recognition of the diverse tribes on the mission of Maom. The author makes an analogy on the commentators of the alcoran and makes some comparisons with the registrations of evangelho, still tells the question of the monofisismo (cristolgica position of that Christ had only one nature) and of the arianismo (cristolgica vision supported by the followers of Arius, bishop of Alexandria in the first times of the primitive church), coming close itself to the nestorianismo (cristolgica doctrine proposal for Nestrio, patriarch of Constantinopla), and presenting begins it doutrinal of the adocianismo (theological vision of the primitive Christianity, that he professes that God was born human).

Sacred Congregation

It lived during a good part of its life in French marginal community of the river Tapajs, came to falecer in the year of 1923. Unusual histories that the people counts. ' ' Before everything, therefore, exorto that if it uses the practical one of, suplications, conjuncts and intercessions, action of favour, for all homens' ' (1 Tm. 2,1). For the catlicismo, all are saints those that had been converted and safe by Jesus Christ, or still had played an admirable workmanship according to rules catholics. In Churches as the recognized Catholic, Orthodox and Anglicana, people for virtues special they can officially receive the heading from Saint.

This heading denotes that beyond great character the person is in the favour of God (in the sky), but the lack of this formal recognition does not mean necessarily that the individual is not a saint. In many Protestant Churches, where it does not have any process of canonization, the word is many times used more generically to assign any person who is Christian. The process of official recognition of a saint is called, in the Church Catholic, of canonization. This only can have place after its death a time that, according to principles of the Roman Catolicismo, exactly more the saint person alive it can fall in mortal sin until the last moment. In conclusion, the sanctity is a universal vocation only of the Man and consists of ' ' fullness of the Christian life and in perfection of caridade' '. Separately the examination of the eventual martyrdom and of the virtues becomes, that the servant of God must have practised in heroic degree (faith, hope and charity; prudence, moderation, justice, ortaleza and others) and the examination of the attributed miracles it. Concluded these works everything is sent Rome for the Sacred Congregation of the Cause Dos Santos.


The great part of these institutions is an improvisation. The directors and the owners of this class of production means do not know the work of the philosophy. They do not have idea that it is the philosophy, nor as is applied. They are so reflection destitutes, that they have never perceived that the philosophers have made the majors I contribute in history. In the physics area, mathematics, poetry, Literature, sociology, astronomy, ethics and policy. And other so many areas of the knowledge. Then when in any public or deprived school they contract an educational one of social sciences, they place this personage to dictate the subject of ” filosofa”.

Nothing else stupid and in opposition to any educative system laid the foundations good. This demonstrates to the years light ignorance that owns Colombia like state. Then as it would say ours town, the ministers of education of our mother country: they know more of maternity of hens. As much the education ministers as the directors and owners of the educative establishments, do not have an idea clear, evident and different that it is the education. The first error is to place to educational of social sciences to teach something that does not know, that has never contemplated, that it does not appreciate.

The second error is that it leaves to the educational ones of philosophy without use. ” the fault of universities you publish and private in Colombia” it is that the philosopher does not leave with another emphasis, therefore is at a disadvantage. Example: philosopher with emphasis in labor and commercial legislation. Philosopher with emphasis in abstract and applied reasoning.