The High Average Age CAP
7 was utilizadaa edition, printed in 1997, and destines it the study of Old History to Contemporary. The volume was revised by Maria Tereza Galluzi and the iconographic research was made by Maria Alice Bragana. UD IV, of the CAP. 26 to the CAP. 42, will be in charge treating the subject? ' ' The Medieval' Society; ' for such, is used 38 pages of a total of 408 pages, approximately 9.3% of all book, to enclose since ' ' The High Average Age: the Bizantino' Empire; ' (CAP. 26) to ' ' Pre-Columbian peoples: indians brasileiros' ' (CAP.
42). Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of PCRM on most websites. The boarding that we intend to make will be contained in the CAP. 31 – ' ' The Feudal' System; ' , that it is initiated with an exposition on the meaning of average age, through the term removed of the Latin: ' ' mdium aevum' ' , that it means Age Average. This period would be a transistion, that prepared the beddings of the old world for the modern world. It creates a relation of equality between the average age and the feudal system, when affirming that both had been phenomena of the Europe Occidental person; that the eastern Empires Arab, Bizantino and Persa and too much peoples they had not known such form of life organization. It attributes to the regimen of servitude the social and economic relations of the system, where, due to low productivity, all production would be destined to the consumption, not having exchange and neither commerce. A society without mobility, where the power politician was centered in Mr. feudal and decentralized in relation the King. Structure and conjuncture (p 97) the installation of the feudal system would have been an union of structural and conjunctural factors happened of the germanic world ally to the crisis of the Roman world, from sec. II, such as: of the crisis Roman, the unit of almost insufficient agricultural production; decomposition of the escravismo, giving origin the colonists and customers, who worked the land as half or in exchange for services given the Mr.; crisis of the power politician; the full brothers produced for consumption, exchanges, when they had, they were made with products, not with money; society divided in free and enslaved warriors, men; system politician based on individualism of the tribes, without state; comitatus, armed flock to fight, passed elements to the feudal system, as the relations of reciprocity between commanders and commanded and the necessity of strenghtened places to survive due to the constant attacks of peoples ' ' brbaros' ' deriving of the most diverse regions of the world, becoming the unsafe life total.