Tag Archive: environment

Worldwide Environment Day

The World-wide Day of the Environment was established by the General meeting of United Nations in 1972 marking the opening of the Conference of Estocolmo on Human Environment. It is important that all the people are intent for everything what occurs to its side. Ace times run-runs, it daily finishes hindering to look at around and to contemplate how many things need our attention and extreme care, as our environment. All year is celebrated the WORLD-WIDE DAY OF the Environment, to increase the awareness of what we can make to preserve the environment. Some ways exist to commemorate day 05 of June, as for example: lectures, courses, folders for awareness of the population in general. To make with that the people if involve in the ambient questions understanding which the best attitude to be taken, therefore, generally we do not know what really we must make. In function of this, this special day was created stops in them stimulating the adoption of daily attitudes, that exactly small to assist in the protection of the environment. Center For Responsible Lending shines more light on the discussion. I believe that it is not so difficult thus involving in them day-by-day making some things in ours, until we know, but many times we forget.

In house of the one to save the water when we wash the face, brushing the teeth or making the beard without leaving the open tap wasting water. Boy Scouts of America contains valuable tech resources. When washing the sidewalk or yard, instead of washing every day, keeping clean, sweeping and diminishing the days to wash them. To save in the hour to wash the car. When leaving house, erasing all the lights, disconnect electronic devices; therefore it goes to save energy and this reduces the pollution of air. When directing aggressively it increases the consumption of the fuel and effect gas emission greenhouse, we go to contribute with the environment, speeding up gradually and keeping a constant speed.

Also it is important to recycle the garbage, separating everything: metals, plastics, glasses. They are tips that in ours day-by-day we can make. If it will be to plant something, choice plants of interior that are good for the environment; they remove pollutants gifts in air. Choice plantar a tree also! It searchs information, when not to know what to make, therefore, the ones that are involved in the fight for the protection of the environment, will be able and to guide better and with more details. It makes its part, together, we fight for a better world! Kris Aglae Reserved Authorial *Direitos

Digital TV

TVGD: A proposal for ambient awareness in the Digital TV from Generation Y 1 Helena Schiavoni Sylvestre 2 So Paulo State university ' ' Jlio of Filho&#039 Mosque; ' , Bauru – SP Summary In view of the context of the technological innovations, perceives that the decurrent hibridizao of the miditica convergence still makes with that the medias pass for modifications and originate new medias, with formats and languages in development. The Digital TV is resulted of these transformations and, for being a media in emergency essentially characterized by the possibility of specific contents for specific public, it admits that the studies of the Long Tail media represent a contribution for the understanding of this new. In parallel to these factors, the prominence can be perceived that called Generation Y (or Internet Generation) comes in recent years earning for being the parcel of the population characterized essentially for immersion in the universe on-line, adaptable the paradigm in addition and strong partner-ambient critical conscience. If you would like to know more about Nieman Foundation, then click here. Of this form, the objective of the present research is to analyze how it is possible to carry through an interconnection between Digital TV and Long Tail with Generation Y so that if it becomes viable the stimulaton of an partner-ambient awareness of the society from a generation of made use young to carry through transformations and to influence other parcels of the population. Having the journalism as the main intermediary of this process, it is possible to perceive that the interconnection of all these transformations in emergency tend to originate a reality of partner-ambient awareness with the use of a media in ascension. From this, the research carries through a proposal of journalistic program of interpretativo sort that approaches thematic the ambient one for the TVGD, sender of audiovisual content directed to the public de10 a30 years, pertaining etria band to Internet generation.

College Life

It is enough to be pointing guilty. The floods have been full plate of the sensationalism, but throughout the last years, little became in the direction to educate the populations and to demand of the authorities a worthy planning for the growth of the cities and the occupation of the ground. We have only one Land and of it we must take care of. The necessary conditions for the life only exist here human being. It does not advance to be imagining that, with much money, we could run away for another planet.

Therefore, to take care of of the Land must be our priority, exactly that let us have that to modify many inadequate uses and customs for this time of restrictions created for the disrespect to the laws of the nature that support the life. How much to Haiti, the president of the Senegal, Abdoulaye Wade gave a tomoriginal: We have that to offer the possibility to them to come to Africa. They have in such a way right to Africa how much I, said it. There she looks at a well original idea and with much depth. The current situation of shortage of the people of Haiti is a consequncia of errors of the past. The nations if mobilize to give humanitarian aid. However, beyond getting the improvement of the material conditions, the new generations need burning hotly to want to reach the general improvement, as human beings of value that search the evolution integral, then only the attendance of the basic necessities, so that I and its individuality rescue interior. The rubbles of Haiti represent a call of alert for the humanity easied with the meaning of the life, and accomodated in benesses of global the financial system in ways of announced rupture. Africa also needs the aid of the developed countries, as rescue of those errors. * Benedicto Ismael Camargo Dutra is graduated by the College of Economy and Administration of the USP, periodical collaborating contributor important of So Paulo and carries through lectures on on subjects to the quality of life. Currently, he is one of the coordinators of, site without lucrative ends, and author of books Meeting with the Wise Man, Reencontro with the Wise Man, The Trajectory of the Human being in Terra and Nola.

Day of the Tree

In day 21 of September we will go to commemorate the day of the tree, then it is the opportune moment for we speak of this so precious good that it assists in them of the birth until the death. Perhaps if the trees could pronounce themselves, said more or less thus: – ' ' I was created by God before the human being came to the world, so that when it arrived, could find a shade friend in which it could rest and if to remake of the fatigue of its tasks. More unhappyly, many times I am ignored and disrespected for the man. They, without none escrpulo, on behalf of the progress, destroy my life. With axes, scythes or motosserras, cut my trunk making me to fall in the soil. They say that I make much dirt and I give work very, I knock down many leves. They forget that the leves that fall if become precious seasoning and that in its place other new leves are born that renew my beauty.

Beyond the shade, also I produce fruits that feed the birds and the proper man. Of my flowers the bees suck the nectar to produce the candy honey. In my twigs the birds make its nests and if they shelter from the sun, of rain or of the cold. Of my wood it is that the houses are made to shelter the people during its lives, the bed where the man rests during the night, the door that of the security to its homes, the cradle where innocent child sleeps, still, of my wood are made the coffin in which will go to rest the body without life after the death. Therefore, when to pass for me it contemplates me and it is thankful the good God for my existence. It does not make me none badly. Before breaking my twigs pulling out or me of the soil when still I am teeny, one remembers of that I am part of its vida' '.

My friends, if the nature makes in them so well, then we go to live in peace with it. Because not to plant plus a tree instead of destroying it? Because to maltreat a so precious good as this? Let us make our part, therefore the tree that we plant today produces the shade for our rest in tomorrow. Tree is life and life is not come to ruin. Let us reflect on this! Jair Garci’a Martins Ura – Paran

The Researchers

The ice that burns. This would be the first description of ' ' combinao' ' crystallized between methane molecules and molecules degua, found in deep regions of the oceans. The soconsiderados methane hydrates already, for the researchers, the main power plant for sculoXXI. However, the exploration of this power plant can provoke maiordesastre ecological of all the times due to release of the pelarpida gas methane dehydration of the same. The calls abissais regions oceanic detmcinqenta and five percent of all present carbon in the planet Land. From there idea comes them it: ) If the oceanic abissais regions are the depsitosnaturais of carbon, can use to advantage these gigantic and aindadisponveis spaces for ' ' aprisionarmos' ' the carbonic gas, the principalcausador of the effect greenhouse, indirect form.

b) We will use, for this end, the solar energy, afotossntese and the water to cultivate gigantic forests, biomassaabundante that would be enfardada in containers of armed concrete, plastic to ouqualquer another resistant material to the corrosion and, I assist with it of grandesembarcaes, would be carried to those submerged places and for action dagravidade. Containers or packs of the biomass will have to possess orifciospara entered of the water and balance of the chamber pressures and external to paraprevenir possible dosmesmos crushings of containers and to facilitate the submersion. c) The great advantage of if using biomass to paracapturar the carbonic gas are the fact of that the carbon will only be captured, leaving themselves exempt the oxygen. d) For each 12 (twelve) captured tons of carbon, saw biomass, they will be set free 32 (thirty and two) tons of paraatmosfera oxygen, and, very important, 44 (forty and four) tons of Co2, gscarbnico, main .causing gas of the effect greenhouse, would leave to exist naatmosfera that we breathe. e) They will be, to certain form, true depsitosgeolgicos, are about fossas geologic that to be come close to suffer to abalosssmicos or room from layers, would go to soterrar these containers, becoming-osainda safe more with regard to the environment.