In these first/second decades of century XXI some evidences that can explain, in part are verified, the world-wide situation of permanent conflitualidade, possibly, to exacerbar of the diverse individualismos/egoism that, in turn, will not be other people’s to the effective politician-educative systems, in last the 30/40 years, established in some new material values and esquecimento, prejudiced, of that, secularly, they came being taught and transmitted. An education, with technician-scientific objectivos, justified for the necessity of know-making that it was not, equitable, folloied for the axiolgicos, ethical-moral objectivos of Know-being and Know-being. It was opted to an education for the technological change, a society of the knowledge, the information and the consumption, certainly, important, but very relatively empobrecida for the little insistence and relevance of the humanistic and classic domnios. The education and professional formation that today will be given to the children, adolescents and young, they will be responsible for what in the future it comes to happen, when these generations to occupy the diverse ones to be able of decision, because: ' ' The individualism culture is a source of concerns for the pertaining to school experience of the pupils, for its satisfaction with the same one and for the will to continue. It is, also, a concern in the long run, anticipating the type of adults where if they can become these isolated and individualistic students. They will be one part ' ' generation eu' ' future individualistic, materialistic, hedonista and autocentrada.' ' (HARGREAVES, EARL & RYAN, 2001:48) and if on the other hand, education for change, that if it desires and if it considers inadivel, will have to include family, as first and great agent socializador of child, because it is in the family that it goes to acquire the first habits, rules, values, behaviors and, desirable, one Know-to be and Know-to be, in the life; On the other hand, it is placed, however, the serious situation where the familiar institution comes diving, since it has some decades.