ReSound Information Campaign Paths

Authentic hearing aid wearers report their supply route ways to better hearing”under this title presents an information campaign to support German audiologist ReSound hearing aid manufacturers in the framework of this year’s EUHA Congress (19-21 October in the Congress Center Nurnberg). Three interview movies, in which hearing aid wearers report about their personal path to better listen and about her everyday life with modern hearing aids are available in the Centre of the product-neutral information package. In addition, a brochure offers people with hearing loss basic orientation and assistance in the search for a suitable solution. ReSound provides interview films and brochure German listening acoustic stores for their customers. How to develop hearing problems, and how does it affect our lives? What’s going on in those affected before they actually admit their own difficulties in listening? As they experience the first steps a Hearing aid supply and how everyday life with modern technical hearing aids? The campaign offers diverse and realistic answers to these questions and more ways to better hearing”the ReSound hearing aid manufacturer. In three interview films, which can be used at the hearing-acoustics dealer, give the Cafe operator Silke Muller, lawyer/notary and passionate Hunter Heinz Theiselmann, as well as the guitarist Manfred Manni”Schmidt insights into their personal path to a lifetime of modern hearing aids.

An accompanying brochure is aimed in particular at people who perceive themselves evidence of a post-crisis listening comprehension and important orientation help. In the development of our information campaign, we have dispensed with deliberately product advertising and glamorous hearing aid testimonials”, as Harald Kerschek, Managing Director marketing and sales of the GN hearing GmbH. we introduce authentic people, the Centre in the Lives are towards the own hearing aid easily never fell, which today no longer want to waive your technical hearing aids. We think that the reports of our interview partners can provide hearing reduced people courage and confidence, encourage them to its own activity. And we hope that as many of our partners in the hearing-acoustics specialist of this information offer exercise.” See, you can the three interview movies that DVD as well as CD for PC and MAC available, hear also under / Interviews.aspx further press information and image material in our digital press box under. Editorial Note: as one of the world’s largest hearing aid manufacturer, ReSound is known as technologically leading companies. ReSound aims, to develop products and services and worldwide market, providing hearing care professionals improve the quality of life impaired persons. The ReSound group maintains offices in 21 countries and representatives in over 100 countries and employs presently more than 3,200 people. ReSound Germany is a trademark of GN hearing headquartered in Munster, Germany.

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