According to SABANAI, (here. 2002), in 1856 was established 1 school for deaf people in Brazil, the Imperial Institute of the deaf people and dumbs (today National Institute of Education of Deaf people – INES), by a deaf professor come of France, Ernest Huet, where was assisted by the Emperor and a Commission Overseer created for it and commanded by Marquis d? Abrantes. As the author, already in 1986, the Language of Signals was defended by professionals in Brazil. In century XX, he had a great significance in the creation of schools for deaf people in everybody. Also in Brazil some justinian codes had appeared: Institute Terezinha Saint for deaf girls (SP), the School Concord (Porto Alegre? RS), the School of Deaf people of Victory, the Center of hearing and Language Ludovico Pavoni? CEAL/LP? in Brasilia-DF. These significant successions of changes had promoted for intermediary of Law N 10,436, of 24 of April of 2002, that it identifies the Brazilian Language of Signals as a used language for the Brazilian Deaf Community.
later in Brasilia, in day 22 of December of 2005 was signed the Decree of the Law of POUNDS N 5,626 of 22/12/2005 for President Mr. Luis Incio Lula da Silva and the Minister of the Education Mr. Fernando Haddad. That it determines in its chapter III, article 4 that ‘ ‘ The formation of professors for the education of Pounds in the final series of basic education, in average education and the superior education must be carried through in superior level, in course of graduation of full licenciatura in Letters: Pounds or in Letters: Pounds/Portuguese Language as second lngua’ ‘. (BRAZIL, 2005). As for the Portuguese language, according to FERNANDES (1990), the great majority of the deaf people, already escolarizadas, in such a way continues demonstrating difficulties in the levels fonolgico and morfossinttico, as in the semantic and pragmatic levels.