Best practices to maximize the performance even complex reports are provided by users significantly faster novem business applications is presenting the optimization methods on the business intelligence event IBM Cognos Performance 2009 Hamburg, 03.11.2009 – the consulting company novem business applications is on the business intelligence event IBM Cognos Performance 2009 \”from 10 to 11 November in Mainz best practice to significantly improve of query times with the solution of Cognos 8 BI to introduce. New methodological approaches were designed by the BI specialists, providing significant performance improvements of for all Cognos 8 BI front-ends (Studios). Thus the information presented faster users, even if it involves extensive reports. Critical success factors are the unrestricted access to the database and modeling in the Cognos framework manager\”, outlines Jochen novem-consultant and Cognos expert, the optimization process KINDIG. The most important best The implementations of partitions and materialized views or tables include practice measures while on the one hand to the optimization of the interaction between the intelligence tool Cognos 8 and the corresponding relational data sources.
On the other hand the design of a 3-layer architecture in IBM Cognos is 8 framework manager with the default Board means of BI tools. This standardized SQL statements level, so that each user action meets an ideal index design of the database. Also is targeted at reducing the SQL prepare times, lets you achieve a reduction in the evaluation gap between a query sent directly to the database and the evaluation in the Cognos frontends to a minimum. The measures include the relocation of the dashboard load of the application server of the Cognos frontends to the underlying relational database. In addition, targeted adjustments of the Cognos 8 system, taking into account the professional requirements to obtain the maximum performance were made in best practice concept of novem. This applies for example, with regard to objectively measurable parameter settings for the or the Cognos 8 BI server, the adjustments in the system files, as well as the implementation and integration of so-called leading fields and their referencing in the Cognos 8 framework manager.