Communes Energy

Efficiency potentials are detectable by residential / renovation rate needs to be increased / interactive heating Atlas reveals energetic condition of the building Berlin, August 10, 2011. Since the introduction of the energy saving Regulation (EnEV) in 2002 a reduction of heating energy consumption of German residential buildings by an average 22 percent, achieved by 2010 annually to 2.75 percent. Evaluations of the non-profit co2online showed this GmbH of the own stock by about one million residential data. A residential building required in the year 2002 still average 161 kilowatt hours of heat energy per square metre per year, it were 2010 just 126 kilowatt hours. The results show a positive trend in the development of the energy efficiency of residential buildings in Germany and at the same time provide an incentive to increasingly exploit the today existing savings potentials in the area of energetic building renovation”, Dr. Johannes D. says Hengstenberg, Managing Director of co2online.

For residential buildings in Germany are mostly old buildings, about 75 percent of them were built before 1979. In these existing buildings, the savings are especially high in heating energy consumption. Decisive for the achieved savings are statutory guidelines for the energetic State of new buildings and for remedial measures in existing buildings, as they were introduced since 1978 with the first heat protection regulation and later with the EnEV”, so Hengstenberg. The majority of energy consumption in private households on the area of heating and domestic hot water falls at around 80 percent. Will Germany reach its climate protection goals by 2020, the pace of exploiting the existing potential savings must be increased now. “Necessary is a triad of demand, promote and inform, to motivate the citizens to efficiency measures.” Heating Atlas offers information and transparency with the Portal creates co2online informed clearly and interactively the heating energy consumption and the rate of renovation of residential buildings in provinces, districts and Communes. Thus, co2online creates transparency about the current energetic State of residential buildings in Germany.

For Stallion mountain an important basis for future development of strategies to improve energy efficiency. With the energy saving advisors co2online tenants and home owners will receive an opportunity to identify individual savings. The results motivate and create the incentive to act. Under most conditions PCRM would agree. Through co2online research the non-profit co2online GmbH sets up for the reduction of environmentally harmful CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong partner network of 700 partners in media, science, economics and policy supports various information campaigns by co2online. Through the long-term energy advice on the Internet and creating written opinion of heating, co2online has over a million building energy data. The data cover about ten percent of the heated area in Germany down. The area of co2online research continually analyzes this data set and published representative statements about the entire centrally heated residential building stock in Germany. Contact: Sophie Fabricius co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr.